Is this guy a hack? I'm tired of him telling me I wouldn't notice something unless I watched his video

Is this guy a hack? I'm tired of him telling me I wouldn't notice something unless I watched his video

Attached: Land-Rover-owners-angry-at-Doug-DeMuro-2.png (603x600, 444K)

I fucked his wife

is she hot?

hes loaded.. of course shes hot.. women are gold diggin cunts.. lest theyre fat or ugly or both

I fucked Doug.

>complains about doug
>still watches his videos
wtf is wrong with normies?

Hurrrrr except nobody will ever use this feature haha

based Doug

Attached: 5D38BD24-F949-4E20-935C-374B878203DF.gif (360x202, 1.58M)

i quit watching his vids. schtick got annoying / boring. and the tongue out awkward shit is cringe af

It's the same video time after time. I watch it for the cars he gets his hands on, not for him. He's a shitty driver and knows nothing about what makes a car handle well. Hint: how much "body roll" it has has very little to do with anything, but he repeats it every video because he doesn't know any better. Antone whose idea of performance testing a car is punching it on a freeway entrance really shouldn't be reviewing cars.

prove it

doug is the john madden of cars

Doug demuro the type of guy to wear gloves when he sits down to pee

whats it like being a brainlet

he's the thinking mans reviewer unlike that meme fag rcr

doug is the only one to read the manual and point out cool shit, anyone can give a boring blow my blow and go do skids in a carpark ((road test))

Attached: dougbmwisboring.png (1920x1200, 3.23M)

wh*te people are terrible. nudes at 11

His videos are just really boring.

Spends like a half hour explaining how the button to turn on the wipers in some odd-ball Italian car js in a weird place.

Agreed, most of his videos feel like they're being artificially stretched and the dougscore is stupid. I used to love watching his videos when they were mostly around or under 10 minutes.

we all did
t. a black guy

Have you ever known something that you wouldn't have known about before watching his video?

I want a black guy to fuck my wife. Fuck, she's such a non-adulterous, virtuous cunt. Stupid bitch.

>Hi guys its me boring american mister bean and I'm going to spend the next 10 minutes laboriously explaining the operation of the window wipers on this mid 90's Jap box
>Next week were going to take a look at an obscure European vehicle that I couldn't be bothered to google the history of, so be sure to tune in so I can fail to understand the thinking that went into it and confuse myself trying to understand why they were ever popular

for reals why does he need 30 minutes? 10 minutes would have great content

If you were paying Prime Ebony Bulls (PEBs) to tame your asshole would you prefer they spend 30 minutes or only 10 thrusting their thick dark rods into your rectum???

I will take all the time I can get. Give it to me slow. Let them make me their bitch.

t. asswrecked BMW or Merc driver

Actually the one that really got me was the VW thing, 5 minutes research would have told him exactly why VW could legitimately have sold it as an offroad vehicle but he couldn't be fucked