>start car
>it starts
Start car
>pull gear stick
>change gear
>turn car off
>turbo spools
>press button
>radio preset changes
>blow tranny
>she cums
>press throttle
>increase in speed
>turn wheel
>two other wheels change direction
>actuate lever
>seat angulates
>Insert key
>turn over
>crawl out of the window
>press button to change from windshield air to feet air
>windshield air stops and foot air begins
based 90's Honda
>remote start car
>it starts
>Turn on hazards
>Car splits in two and goes both ways
>get into the car
>I'm inside of it
>push brake
>car stops
>open door
>door opens
>pee in gas tank
>tank is full of pee
>turn on lights
>people can now see me at night
>turn on fog lights
>lights fog
>turn down volume
>volume goes down
>begin car
>it car
Underrated post
>robert it go down
>it go down
>honk horn
>horn honks
>press start button on harley
>bendix actually engages instead of free spinning
>downshift to speed up
>upshift also to speed up
>turn on lights
>even half-blind idiots can see me in the day
>Own s13
>Cracked dash
>push start button into dash
>stop pushing start button in because it won't go any further
>remove hand from start button completely
>start button moves itself back into original position
>apply brakes
>car slows or stops at a rate entirely dependent on the pressure I apply to the pedal
It's like I AM the car...
>corner in mr2
>i dont become a beyblade and 1080 off the road into a tree
>downshift to speed up
>downshift to slow down
>activate wipers
>it wipes just at the right speed, matching the rain
>at speed
>pull emergency brake
>am now in an emergency