/bdog/ The MMORPG Black Desert

>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is an Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, zerg pvp, infinite grinding and a sudo-sandbox experience.

>Latest NA/EU Patch Notes

>Latest KR News
invenglobal.com/game/Black Desert

>Useful Links, Guides, Guilds & Info
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Many guests passes are available for those that wish to try the game for 7 days.

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New player here. What class would be better to main: A Maehwa or a Tamer?

I have both at 56 and like both. Maehwa is slightly shit at grinding but I might miss on accuracy so can't say really. Zapping around is super fun though.

Tamer is also fun and I like the style but I hear they are shit in mass PvP and I am very interested in Node Wars.


>having no taste at all
How do you mess up this badly?

Both are shit in mass PvP, Tamers are just better at grinding for the cost of mobility.


I watched a couple of videos of Maehwas and Tamers and it looked like the Maehwa was more useful and managed to kill multiple people at once.

I can't find any decent Tamer node war video that's recent and the ones I find is where the Tamer is doing fuck all.

I'm leaning Maehwa but Tamer is very tempting.

Tamers are top tier 1v1 pvp and in the upper echelon of pve grinders.
Plums are good for running away from pvp fights and pve grinding is suffering.

So what class to play if I don't want to be wiz/witch/dk?

I'd consider Sorc as I have one at 56 also but those shards floating around trigger me.