That 30 year old who modifies his car

>that 30 year old who modifies his car

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I don't get it

I don't get it either. Are you jealous of people who have the money to properly modify non-shit boxes?

This is a bad thread, and you should feel bad for making it.

>almost 30
>nothing has changed in the last decade
Why do I even wake up anymore.

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Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Could you imagine being such a failure in life at the old age of 30 and actually giving a shit about inconsequential shit like car mods? What about your family? Finances? Career?

Time to grow up, manchildren

That busrider that posts on Veeky Forums

Attached: c3CUo9o.jpg (600x600, 29K)

>being old enough to operate a PC
>masturbates to anime

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I bet he goes to the gym too lmao

Can you imagine being so dead inside that you can't enjoy a hobby?

Have you ever heard of something called a hobby? It's something people do in their spare time that makes them happy.
That's what cars are.

i'm 29 and single. it's not a bad thing to not pursue the wife/kids/career route.

This user gets it. If only my coworkers did.


what if he goes to gym too?
>no one recognized Veeky Forumsizen
Veeky Forums confirmed for fat fucks

Good goyim follow every societal pressure like catt... I mean normal people. Do you want to relate to a shittily drawn Veeky Forums meme goyim?

>Be 25
>Probably going to have a kid or two by the time I'm 30 at the rate I'm going at
>Going to be modifying and tracking a project car during my kid's childhood

Feels pretty good desu.

>be 27
>start wearing diapers because too many pozzloads

Attached: 11821780_863177840442242_641255162_a.jpg (150x150, 7K)

>mfw no plan for kids
>mfw gonna be modding either shitboxes or older cars and have a nice comfy DD

in all reality it'll probably be I buy some 60k lexus then baby it and use a shitbox as my daily, thats how my last few "nice" cars went

how am i supposed to afford car mods in my 20s?

>that 30 year old who can't afford to modify his car
Me irl in 8 years

it’s a play on a Veeky Forums meme, which was probably a meme from somewhere else

Only shitboxes need modifications. Good cars come good from the factory.

You wont, but it's good to dream.

>tfw 24, have 3 year old kid and more project vehicles and toys than I know what to do with


>mfw turning 30 next year

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>>no one recognized Veeky Forumsizen
>Veeky Forums confirmed for fat fucks
fuck off faggot I hate you fucking faggot posers with your "oh look I go to the gym and lift heavy weights and put them down, I'm the pinnacle of manliness". Pick up a real sport to go with your weightlifting ffs.


>using an anime imageboard
>not masturbating to anime

Attached: Nayu.jpg (1920x1080, 169K)

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>memefographic by a butthurt post-2010 newshit
Did you really think you could impress anyone with that?

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Anime is the humane way to fap. I do it for humanitarian reasons.

Pasty white snowmexican actually


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depends on the mods
>nice rims, decent stuff etc. are ok
but going full need for speed underground with your shitbox corolla while being thirty years old
thats a completely different thing

>Veeky Forums not anime
>originally founded for the sole purpose of discussing anime

Attached: 1521233733907.jpg (600x480, 87K)

>cant enjoy anime without masturbating to it

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This desu
t. Furfag

>post-2010 newshit
It's 2018 mate. No one is impressed by your oldfag status.

Fucking hell I can't stop laughing

Post body

i can

This is why American men over the age of 40 are committing suicide in record numbers. Their work culture has drained any sense of community, joy, or private purpose out of life. Go to work. Watch tv. Sleep. Repeat.

>white people breeding = jewish tricks

Unless you got a lot of help from daddy, you can't afford to mod cars well until you're about 30.

>try to offend 30-year-olds in a cesspool full of teenagers
>somehow still offend everyone
Well played, OP.

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Trust me you don't wanna see it if you're not gay. Refugee from /asp/ before the wrestling manchildren invasion.

Its the current year!!!

Nah dude. Mods don't have to be expensive.
Unless you're talking about fixing the damage that's done.

Getting a faster car is always the better option