Got Parried: Rudimentary Map
>General information on Moves, Stats, and Equipment
>Hairstyles in game
>Where the fuck is XYZ?
Got Parried: Rudimentary Map
>General information on Moves, Stats, and Equipment
>Hairstyles in game
>Where the fuck is XYZ?
Other urls found in this thread:
>"essence miner" belt drops from a female NPC
Does Shield even do anything? I legit never see anyone use that shit, but I'm a Kahlt so I'm curious.
Post the music you listen to while playing
I don't feel like it does something. You still suffer from knockbacks and damage reduction is miserable. Sometimes people just avoid fighting until it wears off.
I just wanted to make slow, hard hitting character with shitload amount of armor and HP. So I picked this ability for extra fat and it appears to be pretty much useless.
Obligatory show me your current outfits post
Is this the most Veeky Forums general?
Best mask in the game coming through
Yeah I know what you mean, I just use shockwave mostly to counteract other shockwave cheesers in ledge maps, but it also has nice utility to get people off your dick especially if you're low on stamina. And heal, but everyone uses heal. Still, thanks for the info so I don't have to bother with it.
I posted my heavy hitting all-kahlt deck last thread, might as well post it again. Some people were interested in it so I've been working on grinding my way up to a high enough combat trial level to make a school for it. Feel free to steal some ideas from it if you're interested, otherwise I feel pretty comfy tank-wise as long as I can maintain 70+ blunt defense. Always happy to find another player who appreciates the meaty punches and kicks.
Just be glad that at least getting super high defense actually makes a significance in this game, while still remaining normal mobility too. I can't bring myself to don the awful fashion of the Blanket for the extra 4 blunt defense, but I at least stay at 70+.
Does defense really make that much of a difference? Has there been any testing done?
I don't seem to notice much change going from 25 blunt defense up to 60, but maybe I'm just not paying close enough attention.
I'm actually considering dropping heal, personally. I just don't really need it.
I hate to spread cancer, but no one really comes to these threads anyways, right? Joking aside, this is the data Iron Pineapple and his cronies discovered through testing apparently:
Basically it makes a bit of difference with heavy attacks (falcon punch) but it makes a significant difference with light attacks (fast elbow). I also took a screenshot of it, pic related.
I don't really need abilities in general tbqh, heal is just nice for topping off between rounds for me generally. Whenever I go 2-0 if I have extra crystals and plenty of life I whip out my sword for fun usually.
Neat. Thanks for the info, user.
How viable are swords?
brehs, please tell me it gets easier to identify an opponent's moves the longer you play
I genuinely suck dick at it and I can't dodge worth a shit
Stole your pic, might use it someday. Here is mine, still lacks few moves with build-in parry and heavy attacks. The Blanket is my burden, for I haven't yet experienced the divine touch of fashion RNGesus.
I haven't played very long but I seem to have a decent time reading and countering players. The only times I get fucked over are when the entire deck is focused around quick jabs and then I have to play very defensively to find proper openings. Just be patient and keep a close eye on your opponents.
Anyone want to be Absolver friends?
I have to use it since the game decided i was to good for heal so it removed it. It makes shockwave punishable on block with a jab.
Pretty viable I would guess. They have a lot of sweeping attacks, lunges or long range attacks and unpredictable animations. I've also noticed people who actually wear high resistance armour seem to stack blunt damage because they don't expect people to pull out weapons
This, I shit myself whenever my opponent has a good sword deck since im all in on blunt
No problem. Only thing I hate about it is how significantly better the Blanket is than everything else in it's category. The absolver cloak. I use the ornate mantle piece instead, I lose out on like 4 blunt defense but from the chart that isn't a big deal it seems. At least I don't look like I'm wearing a goddamn snuggie. That said it also means pretty much anyone you run into who has no shame and wears it is probably a super tryhard.
Pic related. 70 blunt 40 cut defense.
have one of the starters in your lower comboes as a fast low sweep, you'll absolutely shit on jab spammers who haven't learned to mix up their comboes.
>Warriors soundtrack
Great boppin' music for a khalt hanging around a heavy set
It's surprisingly not often that someone pulls a knife on you in this game
I'll give it a shot user, thanks for the advice. I felt bad and like I absolutely had to have a quick jab loop to kind of counteract the people that had one but if low sweeps are what I gotta do to mess with 'em I'll probably just go back to my old deck.
Fashion is for fags.
But i can't bring myself to switch out this pregnancy test mask, even though it's a little inefficient for blunt.
No problem man, enjoy it. Like I said, plan on making it my school deck once I get to that point, been refining it as I play it all the way up to the required combat trials level. Feels pretty solid at this point though, not sure how much I'll need to change it, mostly just unsure about Upper Elbow. I think the only other option is a quick backwards elbow attack in that slot. I haven't tried landing it much if at all, not sure if I'm just gonna get jabbed out of it every time or if I can actually land it under any circumstances. The damage is so fucking huge though, I'll probably just keep it in the deck as a meme if nothing else. I specifically set up some ways in the current list to get to it as an alt attack, so it should hopefully be used more often now.
Only restriction is for the deck to have only Kahlt-style moves. Any recommendations/ideas anyone has, feel free to shoot them my way. Currently really loving the bounce knee into liver knee, kneeing the shit out of people is highly satisfying. Bounce knee is like light jumping kick except it's a bit slower and a bit less damage in return for doing rougly TWICE as much damage.
To the guy I accidentally Shockwaved off the doughnut map: thank you for the fun matches, please don't just Alt+F4 on me in the third round of our third game of the set.
I just imagine a prospect designing and carving out this mask, looking at it and saying "perfect!" then putting it on
makes me giggle
No worries. The first wave of players generally went through the meta phases quite fast at first no one had any fucking idea, then quick jabs were meta, then countered by low sweep, that then got countered by supermor, which then got countered by double-hits, and we're at a point now where you're seriously just better off building a deck that has every "tool" you can get rather than focusing on one kind of moveset.
Does this look decent? The top combo is what I swapped out and the rest of the deck has been my norm.
>tfw 100 ct levels since last mask drop
kinda like it this way, makes them more special
it's ok, though i would recommend maybe having something faster for your first top right, or having charged haymaker on your top right alt, as with your current setup it's be hard to break out of a block if you're forced into that stance.
And, Back-tripped kick or low spin heel are probably better than soto-uke, for the sake of giving you a good option to punish high jab spam.
I think I may have fought against you, or at least someone dressed just like you - are you MyTestsubject?
I wish there was clothes for the shoe slot that was just wrappings.
I pray for your well-being that your next drop isnt a dupe then
Not that guy, but just remember you don't have to fill every single slot in your deck, 2 move strings can often be very good (especially when looped back on itself, with the alt attack for escaping the loop). You should only use good moves you want, if you have some moves you think are just "filler", sometimes it's better to just remove them entirely. It can also help with setting up how you want to chain your stances together, too.
that build probably has fast mobility, right? how has fast mobility been working out for you? is it like fast rolling in dark souls 3 where you dodge a longer distance away, or anything like that?
im honestly curious, been playing with high defense normal mobility for the longest time on my kahlt, i'd love to go fast not just for the better meme fashion but honestly, to make the game more challenging. would be nice if there was actually some sort of reward for being squishier, though. i haven't heard anyone explain what fast mobility gets you well, yet.
it's not like i'v been unlucky with my mask drpos at ct level 61, just thought the jinn one fit the best with my oufit
Ay, Moon Pike Sword. Niceu.
>duplicate mask that you get from the rubble
not ay
>very close match
>win barely 3-2
>download moveset
>win 3-0
Ay, another shitty belt. Niceu. ;_;
So there's currently no way for us to fight a specific person right?
thats coming next patch?
They said they're gonna implement private 1v1 matches alongside 3v3s I think
Wulfie I know you're in here
muay gauntlet
Well, I'm looking forward to destroying the lot of you.
What war gloves have the highest cut ratio?
>die to a faggot using shockwave constantly
>knock him off with just pressure but always wind up being frozen in mid-air RIGHT AT THE EDGE and die a delayed death
>this keeps giving him points
>mad at myself
>mad at fucking shockwave faggotry
Fucking christ why are ledges even in this game
which decks are you planing for 3v3? its gotta have like big kick sweeps and stuff for crowd contrnoll right?
If we just had our own little sub-100 person community here where we all got gud enough to be fun to play against consistently, I'd be pretty happy with that, even if the game died completely otherwise. As I progress, as I practice and get better, the main thing that worries me is finding anyone who can still kick my ass as time goes on.
you dodge faster and farther away and most moves have mobility scaling on them as well so you get more damage the faster you are
Just faced someone who kicked my ass and I had to work like crazy to come back, we made it 2-2 before she quit on me. I think it was because I got her close to a 3-0 one set and then 3-1 her in the final set.
so absolver is a scam right
>requires pvp to grind pve?
>p2p connection because devs are jews
also there's healing? why?
why are all the characters fucking gay in this game
does no one fucking lift
where's my fist of the north star build
They were modeled after you
muscles would cause clipping issues
>requires pvp to grind pve?
sorry user you're in the wrong general, this is about absolver not skyrim.
the donut is seriously just horrendously designed, and shockwave is balanced everywhere outside of the two ledge maps.
However, reddit is being really fucking cancerous, and there are people who will defend ledge maps to the death.
Pic related. I was arguing with a complete fucking retard for the sake of not allowing this shit to become the norm on the subreddit. I don't want rdddit fucking with the dev's balance and design like they did with for honor
Havent even remotely thought about 3v3. Im hoping theres some kind of gimick to not just make it a big cluster fuck.
Id be happier with 2v2
Im also not particularly worried about this game "dying" or whatever the fuck you people always worry about
Add me on Steam, future friend
Upper elbow proved itself to me in this match, god DAMN that fucking damage for the finisher at the end. It has great range and isn't particularly obviously telegraphed, but the damage holy fucking shit. Jesus.
Thought kahlt-only moves deck was gonna be a meme but it keep impressing me, and I really am enjoying the playstyle. Like, you have to be somewhat more careful about your positioning and what starter moves you're using, but when you land combos they fucking feel that shit. Just feels so damn satisfying. Putting the knee attacks in after the leg breaker instead of as starter moves made a huge difference, really loving them now.
Been using it a lot since getting pic related and honestly it's been a blast
Stagger sword moves are even more meme than regular stagger moves, and the sweeps have some nice speed. I'm also pretty sure there are two moves fast enough to work as guaranteed parry punish that are stronger than side kick
What's your starters look like? I'm thinking of starting a Kahlt alt in a few days after getting my Forsaken and Windfall to max levels.
Already posted the deck here: From top to bottom: Leg breaker, Roll punch, Jackhammer punch (Kahlt's only doublehit, range is fucking insane so I have it able to do an infinite looping combo with a quick elbow, with back tripped kick to escape it into my main combo string with Roll Punch), and finally Roll Uppercut. Leg breaker and side kick are both disgustingly good, I'm on a 19/12 STR/DEX build btw.
>also there's healing? why?
its a heal thats absolute garbage unless you can rip your enemy to shreds
it's more to top yourself off between round of a match imo, or maybe in an emergency if you gotta hail mary some extra life so you don't insta-die to any trade. i actually love how they implemented it: everyone can get a bit of health back if they can wait long enough, it can be punished (entirely possible to keep on someone's dick and if they try to heal in your face you just smack 'em and they don't get any health back while still wasting 2 shards), and it rewards people who are skilled enough to successfully land hits while it's active, without getting hit in the process.
Compare that to dark souls 3 and it's like night and day.
Yeah, anbd with dark souls, dodge is often so good for resetting a fight that you can guarantee an estus in most situations. there really is a big difference, and i'd side with the heal mechanic in this game actually being more conducive to skillful play.
I don't have the game so you'll have to gift me it.
What. Why the fuck would you come in here asking for friends for a game you don't have?
exactly, as someone who's put quadruple digit hours into dark souls 3 invasions, i really have been loving this game a lot in how it rewards skillful play. some people have complained a lot in these threads since the game released about various kinds of spam, but let's face it: especially in a game like this with feinting and canceling and creating your own fighter, the people playing with purpose are always going to wind up beating the people who just predictably spam anything. i've beaten everyone from parry kings to sweep spammers to jab spammers to HA spammers in this game, and it has little to do with my deck. it has a lot more to do with spacing, timing, pattern recognition/psychological profiling, and mindgames/mixups. if you can just quickly figure out what kind of playstyle/deck your opponent has, and have some way to punish it, you're already half way there in most fights. it's always going to be the people who can remain unpredictable and constantly adapt their playstyle to the situation at hand that will be the best players in this game, guaranteed.
or to put it another way, using a bruce lee quote:
>I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
i don't fear the guy who throws out a thousand jabs or charging attacks or parries, i fear the guy who has practice those moves so many times that he knows precisely how to use them to land that parry almost every time, knows precisely when to jab a move for a punish, etc. i don't fear a guy throwing out parry after parry after parry like they're candy, i fear the guy who can read my moves and set up a situation where he can parry an attack he picks out every time.
finally got my first mask from pvp
it weighs god damn 2.2, but hey it's not half bad looking
a shame the game looks worse than ds3 god damn that's lazy
i actually really like the art style on max graphics, but to each his own.
>small team developer versus dark souls 3
Actually has Sloclap made anything other than this?
>most khalts don't know they have to be spammy with their defensive ability
c'mon guys let loose
Legit D/C, or ragequit? You decide.
Upper elbow too OP Sloclap pls nerf
You don't "have" to be, it's often best to be able to consistently absorb -> attack of choice or dodge, but if your reflexes are good and you absorb and notice the attack hasn't landed yet, doubleabsorbing is often incredibly effective. i wouldn't do more than 2 in a row though, that's just obnoxious and not even useful really. 2 can be great though, often against slow moves.
>guy uses literally nothing but a mix up between whirlwind, scissor kick and low spin heel (l i t e r a l l y)
>stop every single one of his silly down under combos with jumped like kick
>he wants a rematch
>dies once and starts running away
>its the huge square map
>one minute of chasing and four minutes of waiting he beckons me to kill him
What the literal fuck is wrong with the people I meet at 5am at my place? I'll have to start recording his retards
>join forsaken school to try it out
>everything is 50% fucking easier than Windfall
>fighting staggerfags as Windfall
>that drunken spinny move
>these spiral jumping kicks
>the spin-aerial sweep where they dip down low and hit you for a high
Why does that shit come out so fucking fast
when the fuck are they removing charged haymaker?