/wtg/ - War Thunder General

Close Air Support edition

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Fuck naziboos



m18 is op?
yes no

Annoying little fuckers for sure

>M18 is a high BR because it's so fast
>Ru.251 is a low BR because it has no armor

>M18 can be hull broken
>Ru.251 cannot

You tell me, famlad.

>smack it with 76mm HE or HEAT-FS
>hull break)))))
Hellcats are never a problem if you have half a brain
and they make driving the PT-76 worth it

>fly down at a 45 degree or greater angle spamming cannons
>do shit all damage
>crash into the floor
Why is german CAS so fucking shitty?

Are any of the 7.7 heavies worth playing?

Maus's armor design is too outclassed, M103 is playable now, but it's model is still incorrect because the turret is still too wide.

in sim

>finally get a match set in the dark
>game looks nice
>am immediately one shot killed by a t-34-85
It's just not possible to ever have fun, is it?

very balans))))))))) good game)))))))
The best they had were a handful of 4.7 heavies and a pair of M4's with 76mm guns.

M103 and Conq are alright if you can suffer the reload not fitting 8.0's meta.
Maus is a sack of shit in anything that's not Arcade or that one closed in city map.
IS-3 is worthless unless you get full down-tier'd and HESH will eat you.
IS-4M is basically HESH immune but enjoy that 230mm pen and 27s reload.

When first added in yes. Now they are just the tank burgers spam at 5.0+ more an annoyance and boring to see teams made of 80% of but still capable of driven by anyone who understands playing a tank doesn't equal being invincible

So are they doing Tier VI planes too? Will they implement AA missiles?

What is with Nazi 6.7 jets? In days of playing 5.7 I saw them once. Are they that bad?

>So are they doing Tier VI planes too?
No, at least not yet.
>Will they implement AA missiles?
They're thinking about it, but they don't want to.

Salamander is literal shit, narwhal is excellent but hard to use.

>there's some anime girl legit named Uschi Hartmann

He162 is comically bad and the Me262A1/U4 is decent in the right hands

Why are the soviet t-light tanks so fun (60,70,80) they all have shit guns shit armor and stupidity slow for light tanks but I have great games and a lot of fun in them.

Faggots who thought that P-47 air start is a good idea need to be gassed.

I don't remember any plane being this cancer since like 2015.

How new.

>plane has amazing climb ability
>lets give it a free bomber start guys
fucking nigger burgerboos
hope kim nukes them

>that guy who brings three SPAA to the game
>you kill him every time he spawns

>Naval jets aren't worth playing as a starter jet,

Well too bad, thats exactly what I'm gunning for

Why are naziboo tears the best?

>The previous vehicle needs to be purchased
The previous vehicle needs to be purchased
>The previous vehicle needs to be purchased
The previous vehicle needs to be purchased
>The previous vehicle needs to be purchased
The previous vehicle needs to be purchased

its so fucked up

I haven't watched that one yet
the whole concept seems kinda dumb to me whats with the leg planes and shit
just kinda makes them look like amputees

Air RB tips for US plens

Literally best WW2 related anime ever made.

>doing scissors with a 109
>get behind him finally and am about to take him down
>teammate comes down from the heavens and kills him
i fucking hate american teams so fucking much

>get kraut and commie subhuman team vs burgers on poland
>move around the river to b point
>burgers rush a and c
>burgers put up no fight to hold them we take a and c back in about 2 minutes after they cap
>nothing happens most of the match only see 2 burger tank the whole match
>enemy team almost out of tickets
>look at scoreboard almost every burger has at least one death
>hear explosion from town
>look over at town and see multiple crashed fighter and even more fighter doing strafing runs with machine guns on our tanks.
>the burgers spent the whole match trying to cas spam with out doing anything of real value
>we win I only get 2 kills
>this waisted my golden eagle voucher mission thing. I dont even care I'm just glad cas spammers got fucked.

That would be Zipang

Play P-47.

I got the P47-N I can buy for 300k SL, should I?

>naziboo crying about cas

This shit happens in all teams. Kill system in this game is shit.

>entire luftwaffe dives on my F82
>set rads to 100%, mixture to 90%
>WEP away with 3200 HP propelling me
god i love this thing

Which ones?
Bell>Grumman>Northrop>North American>McDonnell>Republic>Lockheed>Brewster>Vought
Sorry corsairfags, but facts are facts.

i now know to never turn off vertical targeting

When So many do it to the point they dont even have forces on the ground it's not upsetting just funny



I just get clubbed on

>client stability improved))

So switch to a P-63 go clubbing.

Wait why?

I have it off because I figured its better to account for bullet drop yourself accordingly, is that not true?

even attempting to do so was fruitless and I couldn't hit shit


Panzer I C when?

>Penning T-34's from the side with an anti-tank machinegun while driving at 60km/h

>it's a nazi bomber shitter climbs to space in norway episode

Is there more of this if so how do I download it?

Gas all bomber shitters when?

If you actually want one in the game. Main
2 × 7.92 mm MG13 machine guns
If your just memeing then t-26 twin turret when?

>machine guns
tankettes were a mistake

but the panzer I C was equipped with a Mauser E.W. 141, which had 42mm of penetration at close range

T-26 just had regular machinegunes

Fun fact: The standard Panzer I could take out T-26s from ~200 meters away.

Fuck you tankettes are the best thing ever

Fighting nips in the p-51, should I just keep on baiting them into low speed fights?

Beating an enemy by out smarting them is the best way to do anything

So you can only get one of the two vehicles in this event assuming you didn't have them before right?

yes, you will get either one randomly. If you already have only one of them, you will get the other. If you have both, you get special decals and stuff

how much RP do i get for each of the unlock"tiers" on the leo? i want to get that KPZ 70 ASAP

>get shot at by rifle caliber rounds

Well that's kinda dumb.
Ah well, no reason not to get one.

>gepard/shilka M163 dont have gunsounds in epicthunder
and back to boris it is

the stuff _Point is working on in v3 of Epic Thunder sounds pretty good, I just hope he kicks it out soon, because after a year of using Boris's mod the vanilla stuff sounds horrifically bad

tfw I can put decals in/on my transmission
feels bad man

decided to screw around with the decorations to see what the game doesn't like. I has problems with this

None of these cunts will release their FMOD templates and I'm too lazy to reverse engineer one myself, but god damn if they don't use the worst fucking sounds.

>""""epic"""" soundmod
>everything peaks and is distorted horribly
>somethings are clearly ripped from youtube
>engines shifting up and down for no reason when idle
It's still better than stock sounds.

also fuck you gijian I want to have the fun to

>decide to play arcade for a change
>it's domination on Stalingrad
>enemy CANT Z.1007 flying around destroying ground targets
>half our team tunnel visions on what they think is an easy kill
>Z.1007 shoots down 4 fighters with its gunners
>finally starts going down
>Beaufort chases it and gets destroyed by a 250Kg bomb dropped right before the Z.1007 hits the ground
>predictably lose
Wew so this is why I don't play arcade. Nice play from the Z.1007 though

Gaijin went full fucking retard with these restrictions

remember, no fun allowed!

>some slav in a plane destroys the entire enemy team in tank sim

Mount iron cross on engine deck this somehow obstructs the front plate

at least it lets me hang up my accordion

>pay real money for virtual currency to purchase virtual items
>restricted from placing them on most of your virtual vehicle because Gaijin is too lazy to just prevent you from blocking the sight, instead everything is a no go.

bind commanders mg to delete




>people pay 500GE for this
>people pay real money for virtual fiat currency to purchase virtual foliage they can't even affix to 90% of their tank where it matters


>strafe shilka/zsu57 with f84
>they die
>shoot plane with f84
>left landinggear yellow

>new TRAX for the next patch soon


Should have placed them when they came out and had no restrictions)))


opinion discarded

>strafing stuff 3 times with a horten and setting things on fire is the same as one rocketstrike

is this the power of allied CAS autism?

the fuck is this shit?

should have spent that money on a rope and hung yourself

>call the IS-6 pay to win
>packet loss skyrockets out of the blue and gets so bad I get disconnected from the match

Beter than grinding through these russian shitboxes without premium RP rate



small family company))) just use both slots and flip the decal on the other side)))))))))
it wouldn't surprise me to learn that it's a deliberate bid to force people to get premium so that they still have decal slots left after making a decent set of jaws, because gaijin is full of money grubbing kikes

>the ABSOLUTE state of slav(e) monkey programming
REMINDER: There is no such thing as wallet warriors! They are what makes this game FREE to PLAY!
t. reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/6z2nuu/remember_that_so_called_wallet_warriors_make_the/

hol up
How the fuck does HESH work

>shell impacts armor
>squash head squishes
that's about all I know

>anton actually fucking replied to that post
simply eric
