What was the one single greatest mistake of the XX century? The Versailles Treaty not being much more harsher to Germany should be one of the biggest ones for sure.
What was the one single greatest mistake of the XX century...
>more harsher
84 years to top this.
jews funding the russian revolution
hitler and facism wouldve never even come to power
> jews funding the russian revolution
(((Germans))), actually.
That image gets me everytime. The autism required for something like this is immense
didnt they pretty much stop in 1917?
giving women a right to vote.
Fucking hell, I remember that thread where Veeky Forums did some background research on that image
my sides
You can't literally stick a fiver in Lenins hand and sit him on the train to Moscow without accepting blame.
The Germans knew what they were doing.
They let Lenin into Russia, what else do you need?
> The Versailles Treaty not being much more harsher to Germany should be one of the biggest ones for sure
The Versailles Treaty was far too harsh and is pretty much the direct cause for WW2.
nice bait but you can't fool me
What? It was Poland invasion into Germany that caused it.
>What was the one single greatest mistake of the XX century?
Moving the centre of gravity of Global Islam from the Turks to he Arabs after WWI.
The Ottoman Empire was on its way out anyway. A non-weak Turkey would have made the cold warm much trickier.
I think a high german State made of Austria, Bavaria and Swabia should have been created, basically, divide Germany in two permanently in a way that makes sense, the Catholic south and the rest.
Nope. Even started turning over territory east of the BL treaty line to the Reds instead of the Whites in 1918.
>The autism required for something like this is immense
I'm triggered by the fact that the archduke is shown as driving his own car and being alone, when he obviously had a driver and was together with his wife.
Who thinks a member of a royal would drive his own vehicle like that?
Any screenshots by any chance?
Allowing the USSR to exist.
Allowing it to occupy half of Europe after WWII.
it couldve arguably been softer too, not leading to a rise up in angst amongst the german people, although this wouldve almost certainly created tension in and amongst the french people one could say...
This, while giving them German-speaking border territories of the former Austrian Empire. While encouraging a Low German Nationalism in the north, meaning a Northern state with closer ties to Scandinavia and Baltic countries, and the Netherlands. Where as the southern state would gravitate more towards Italy and France.
Not agreeing to have Germany ship the Jews to the United States or some other country, thus no final solution, no need to tie up resources in exterminating Jews, and no Israel.
The Cold War, full stop.
>Created the paranoid/overstretched paradigm the West now finds itself in
>Created the West's corporate cocksucking
>Stalinism sets the standard of leftism
>Eastern Europe stagnates into a backwater
>Every action taken in the middle east is >JUST tier.
>Americans develope reflexive hatred of leftism
>Developed nations wipes their ass with the 3rd world
>le germans deserved it XD meme
Fuck outta here Anglo
Never understood why Germans got shafted at the end of WW1. Should have been the Bosnians that got shit on for starting everything.
>Blame Bosnians
>Not the numerous Great Powers that used the event as an excuse to go for all the land grabs they spent a generation dreaming about.
If the filthy Bosnian could have just squatted in a corner they wouldn't have had a reason to go to war, the Soviet Revolution might not have happened, Hitler never would have happened and the EU would probably not be a thing. One filthy slav had to ruin everything for everyone just because >muh bosnia
I never knew I could agree so much with a single post
He was a serb, not bosnian. There were more Serbs in Bosnia than Serbia.
Pls die