Why are italians so bad at fighting wars?
Italian and War
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Actualy Italy won WWI
>Why are *modern italians so bad at fighting wars?
Yeah but lose a lot battle
so post medieval italian win
The problem seems to be shitty leadership. That's not an answer to the question, but it does narrow it down.
>Lost a lot of battles
By that definition, Germans also suck at war. I don't see many "Germans suck ass at war" jokes.
Simple: national unity is not a thing and, in WW2 (face it, that's the only war people give a shit about), they weren't very motivated to fight the English. It might seem minor, but to fight against the nation that had been Italy's closest definition of a friend, this alongside what the propaganda until a short time ago painted as the reason for why Italy had been so divided and screwed by everyone else.
Not to mention that nowadays, funnily enough, the Italian army might be more prepared than Germany's.
most important is the final score
wtf happened there
they had a machine gun and a good spot
Defensive position with a mounted machine gun + no way to draw them out (artillery, tanks etc)
If modern italian are bad at war someone post ""italian"" medieval or Renaissance victory
>modern Italy
>winning anything except for the race to the bottom
wew lad
>German rapebabies
They are more italian than sicilian, desu
in the renaissance italians mostly did war each other
but the italian knights was very bad at fighting in fact they never win a medieval tournament
because the other knights had machineguns
>Medieval Northen Italians
>German rapebabies
Lolno. You should look further down for that. Ironically enough, you'd be technically slightly more right if we were talking about Lombardo-Veneto. But in those times? Not a chance.
The Italian Lira was the most stable currency in the world in the Sixties. Yes, more stable than the West German Mark.
Italy had the most advanced and largest artillery park by the end of WWI.
Italy invented the concept of aerial bombardment.
Italy nearly joined the nuclear club.
Italy gave manpower to your beloved German and Belgian industries after WW2.
/int/ thread.
Also, someone pull out the Battles of the Isonzo memes
sure italians developed only:
nuclear reactors
Imagine being one of these guys
You hold at 9 vs 5,000 for a week only to be informed that France lost to Germany in the north and that therefore you must let the Italian allies of Germany pass through anyway
All that for nothing
They used up all their juice when they were Rome
Meucci was never able to prove his bullshit worked and he was proven to have argued his case with documents that he backdated so they looked like he wrote them a long time before. Also there was a German guy who made a 1 way telephone way before him.
Also the answer basically boils down to two things:
1. musket era tier officer preparation and selection (aka mostly political nominees and aristocrats looking for a sinecure/"glorious" job)
2. biting off far more than they could chew (Italy had no place facing off against the likes of France/Germany/UK with their economy like a tenth as big)
idk desu it makes me sad
Because Italy is a meme. Germany is also a meme, but they had Prussia to beef up their military culture.
Italians are bad at war because Italians dont exist.
It is a very modern nation, made of the union of smaller countries that existed for many centuries in which each had their own dialect.
When Italy was divided in duchies and republics, they werent bad at war each fighting for their own interest.
Italy is a bad idea. Southern Italy wasnt that bad with the Kingdom of the two Sicilies and under Spain.
>Southern Italy wasnt that bad with the Kingdom of the two Sicilies and under Spain.
>The most backwards state in Europe at the time, essentially 90% latifunds owned by nobles that weren't going to do anything to change, ever.
I spotted the Neobonic guy.
>>Lost a lot of battles
>By that definition, Germans also suck at war. I don't see many "Germans suck ass at war" jokes.
But how have you missed them?
I thought this was an Italian Wars thread at first and was dissapointed
I am not a revisionist who thinks The Kingdom of the 2 Sicilies was Disneyland, but I do agree on the unification being a disaster for Southern Italy.
Stuff like this could only happen because Naples was a big European capital.
--His descendants furthered the family fortune across Europe—the "five arrows" of banking. Eldest son Amschel Mayer took over the Frankfurt bank and Salomon moved to Vienna. Nathan turned the London branch into one of Europe's most powerful banking institutions (N. M. Rothschild & Sons), Calmann (gentrified to "Carl") set up a branch in Naples and Jacob ("James") opened de Rothschild Frères, becoming a giant of finance in Paris--
The unification happens and suddenly you have millions of South Italians emmigrating to the north, to Argentina, Brasil and the USA.
The immigrant in brasil were majority venetian
And turning to old feudal-like structures, otherwise called "Mafia."
Yes, Piedmont isn't totally innocent in this regard (huur we need the old ruling class, even if it was reactionary to the nth degree, then treat the population like garbage duur), but you can't deny Southern Italy was a pretty fucking hard nut to crack open in terms of modernization either.
No meritocracy with promotions and cockiness.
C+F = No Savoia Cavalleria results found.
> Corporal Lolli, unable to draw, as his saber was frozen in its sheath, charged holding high a hand grenade; Trumpeter Carenzi, having to handle both trumpet and pistol, shot by mistake his own horse in the head
>Corporal Lolli
Now I get this stupid shit.
Jesus Christ this is almost as bad as the fursona who started ww1
You now realize Monty Python and the Holy Grail was, in fact, a WW2 documentary
does Italy have any hope of becoming >relevant again?
the X Flottiglia MAS were pretty based.
Actually Tesla designed the radio, but Marconi got around to pantenting it first, Tesla simply didn't give a shit and let him
Because they've realized that wars a spooks and instead concentrate on food and sex.
So this.... This is the power of the italian military?
>all that for nothing
Gifting on the French with some fodder with which to eternally banter the Italians is not "nothing".
Is that operation compass?
Italians barely had uniforms lol.