Philosophical reasons not to kill yourself:

Philosophical reasons not to kill yourself:
1. ???

For me, it's a personal "fuck you" to God.

For me, the only reason I keep living is that I am already alive and it would be pathetic to finish it. Just keeping the status-quo in a way.

But lets say if the plane I am on board starts trembling and heads for a crash, I would remain calm and take it easily.

Donald J. Trump and the possibility of history getting interesting again.

Nothing proves me that it will be better once I'm dead

1. Life is fundamentally good and has meaning
2. ???

Death is scary


Because life is amazing. Go outside and look around. Every little leaf of grass, to the flowers, to the trees is a living thing. A living thing!
Every other thing was invented by your fellow man from scratch. Men who sat there wondering how they could improve the world, and succeeded.

Because suicide is the pussy way out. You're giving up on life, why? Because you think the worlds got it out for you? You're 'depressed'? Because your life is oh so miserable?

The people fighting warlords in Africa on a daily basis aren't pussies. And they're lives are 10x worse than yours. The world doesn't have it out for you, you're just a self-loathing, self-pitying retard. Life is only miserable because you perceive it that way. If you think life is being unfair, which its not, then you use all the bullshit to better yourself

>Because suicide is the pussy way out
>implying you have the mental fortitude required to break your biological imperative and end your own life

most people who kill themselves are mentally unstable, I wouldn't call it fortitude.

There is none. Things will happen how they will. Free will is a human-made concept and most likely an illusion.

What's my motive not to kill myself?

Certainly not my will to live.

Being is more satisfying than not being.

Because suicide is the ultimate false illusion. The idea that you can end the suffering in life by ending it is the most stupid concept ever conceived by mankind. In fact, the only way to live your life is to not retreat into comfortable fictions like that, but to affirm suffering and embrace it. If you don't affirm suffering and death that is inevitable tied to life, you will never be free from your own comforting fantasies. You will forever remain stuck in a fake world, with no hope of escaping.

wow you seem pretty spooked user
that and very naive

t. someone who never suffered

>le people in Africa


>tfw you don't really decide if you will kill yourself or not

He's right that you need to affirm your suffering though, and trust me I'm not sheltered nu male

Food, drugs, music and sex

>mfw I just realized I could kill myself right now and nobody would know or care for at least 3 days

"Without the idea of suicide I would have surely killed myself." — Emil Cioran

I like doing things

Experience everything you can on your short time on earth. You're going to die anyway, might as well make the most out of this life doing what you want to do.

This. I couldn't commit suicide even if I wanted to die, shit's too frightening.

hm same

He's right, suffering as human as breathing or fucking. Very few people don't suffer in some form or another, and even fewer are bitter when they do suffer.

video games?

While the people in africa comparison is a meme, he is right in implying that happiness is all about perspective.

I bet an african warrior feels much happier and fulfilled than a depressed soccer mom on opiates.

Because you're gonna die anyways

Because why put in the effort when I'm going to die anyway. Until then I'll try to find whatever cool shit I can find.

You have a conscious god damn mind, enjoy it

Honestly, the major reason I cooked up in my head is that the world is an interesting place and I would like to be alive to observe as much of it as possible. That and I just irrationally enjoy humanity as a whole.


Technically speaking there is also no argument FOR killing yourself either.

>no Revolt

Everyone ITT kys

It requires taking action.

So you will kill yourself after election day?

Wanting to die is a different feeling from sad, depressed, etc. They're related, but separate. You can feel those feelings wanting to live. It's confusing because suicidal people associate those negative feelings with suicide and they make suicidal tendencies worse, but suicide is more associated with a loss of agency or an existential crisis. Suicide is when you have lost the motivation to deal with the struggle of life, not any objective level of hardship.

I can tell you've never felt suicidal before due to your characterization of suicide.

>tfw you realize suicide is as pointless as living

I truly want to fucking die, but I'd feel like an asshole if I killed myself... Well I woundnt feel anything but you get what I mean..

5 star post


What keeps me from suicide is the remote possibility that I might somehow get laid one day.

do u have money?

It's gonna happen anyway there's literally no rush.

Suicide is immoral. It's a violation of the value of one's consciousness. It's a complete disrespect of one's own humanity.

Of course I don't.

Sleep is a violation of one's consciousness.

I quite like living.

And I like talking to you lads as well

No, sleep is a practical necessity for consciousness. Consciousness needs sleep, but suicide is purely a product of the conscious will devaluing and destroying itself.

The toppling of the United States of America. Ahh, I can already see butthurt historians in the future. Might even be more salty than Rome-lovers.

That right there.

It's too easy a solution, I'm a positive fucker so it's hard for me to say die.

1) I consider suicide the pinnacle of weakness
2) Why leave today when there's always tomorrow

There is literally no logical or rational reason not to just die. It's the revelation that debunks the idea of perfect human society as being rational or scientific. Logic and reasons are tools, not ends. To think otherwise is literally inhuman. Without our instincts or inherent 'emotional' warrants our arguments lose purpose and meaning.
Like solving practice equations in maths rather than formulas that help you design a building. Purpose is in and of itself irrational.

Death is equivalent to a neutral state of being. If your expectations for the remainder of your life is to be happier than neutral you shouldn't kill yourself, otherwise you should.

I am a secular humanist

1. It's a life denying action
2. It's immoral-taking away your own pain and putting it on others who would regret your loss
3. not allowing yourself to grow theologically into your actualized self
4. You won't get to see the interesting progression in history that will take place during the time you're alive
5. you haven't seen most of the world, and so you're cutting yourself short of experiencing beauty
6. there are ways to escape suffering without ending your own life

Now that I've given you some reasons to stay alive, I implore you to give me a philosophical reason to die.

Is that Black Mirror? Looks like it's from Black Mirror.

I think human life is already just a big joke to some higher being/beings. To them edgy fucks who commit suicide are the funniest part of the human condition. Aka id rather suffer and be a minor joke than a fucking laughable cuntwad who whines and bitches so much that he decides "ugh everything is so DUMMM!!!!! :-( :-( :-("

The others, obviously.
But even in the situation where a person cannot be materially effectual then there is still the possible theistic cosmology of a finite community where thinking alone could be potent.

Because you'd make your mother sad.

It doesn't matter how much I could rationalise it to myself, I know it would cause tremendous paint to my friends and family. The thought of the emotional and mental anguish I would cause for those who would care enough for me to have it in the first place is more than enough to put me off it.

Yeah, I doubt that

Just because it's the weekend and you're living alone

yes it is

i just wanna see where this shit leads lol

Fuck off back to /leftypol/, RA.

Whenever I do something I regret I eat
I can't eat when I'm dead

But I am killing myself, everyday I am one step closer to death..

I can almost envy those suicidal. I am terrified of death. An eternal slumber. An eternal pit of darkness. How cruel a thing that we are made aware of our inevitable destruction into nothingness.

Because there would be no difference.

hi hello this is an 18+ only board

Quantum immortality
You literally cannot die no matter how much you want to

>le be urself of philosophy

Your body wants you to keep on living. That's the only reasonable answer.

Because I'm extremely curious.
2017 is going to be an interesting year, no matter who will win- Trump or Hillary.

Yes. The body is extremely hard to kill and has a life on it's own.

It is indeed possible to become "dead inside" during your life and lose that spark or your soul or whatever makes you human. And it's gone FOREVER. Guess what? You don't need that shit in order to procreate. Sure, your children will immediately sense for a lifeless, cold and dead person you are and they will become the same, but they too can procreate.

Actually it is far more likely that a person who didn't die inside kills himself than a living zombie. There are in fact entire generations where the parents at one point died inside and can't pass on what makes a human, human, because they don't have it and so you have entire generations of living zombies. Probably 80% are like that.

Life has known good, death is unknown

What I wanted to say is that the body can eat, sleep etc... and do everything to survive but it DOES NOT need a fully functioning person inside. It can do that automatically.

Why is it so hard to kill yourself? In order to do that decision you need a full human inside yourself. After he's gone it's not possible to do it. The body doesn't have the freedom to do it.

Does that sound creepy? I think yes. I think it is that why we have movies etc. where people demonstrate how to behave. After a body died inside he doesn't know how to behave. You might call that narcissism. It has no individuality anymore. It is a living, breathing automata.

There is no philosophical basis to anything, philosophy is a method not a body of facts.

Philosophy is not a method, it's a field.

>Because suicide is the pussy way out

>If you to it you're le pussy
>le starving pplz in Africa!!! if other lives are shittier than yours your is great!!!!!!!

Wow, 10/10, made me burst into tears of joy

If anything one would want to kill himself ven more after realizing most people are tards like you

Also what the fact is this "philosphically"/"realistically" distinction you're using?

It literally doesnt mean anything, it doesn't make you sound smarter, it makes you sound even dumber.

Because nihilism and absurdism are pathetic traps only the most inactive and unrooted of minds could fall for.

Nah don't say that. It's really easy to fall for nihilism in a society that doesn't stress spirituality.

>Philosophical reasons not to kill yourself

Depends on your philosophy.

Philosophically in the sense that you look at life as a grand scheme, and you try to find inherent meaning in it.

Realistically in the sense that life is just life, and shit happens. Retard

Spooked about what?

And no, im just generally happy to be alive. If you're saying thats naivety because later awful shit well happen, well guess what awful shit has already happened to me.
And I chose to not be a faggot and continue living and thriving

You don't even need spirituality even if that is one of the most popular alternatives.
It's really easy to avoid it by simply not holding down a feminized mindset.

Suicide is by definition giving up on life. My "Whys" for suicide were just the very first reasons I came up with.

You trying to negotiate different reasons for suicide doesn't have anything to do with his question or my response.

>I can tell you've never felt suicidal before due to your characterization of suicide.
I tried to kill myself with pills once but nice try


Because I'm afraid of what might come next.
I think therefore I am
I am therefore I can be
I can be therefore I might be again

My existence is evidence that my consciousness can be - thru some means- ripped from the void and into a physical form.
Basically I don't wanna become an anglerfish, or a boltzmann brain in some faraway chaotic mists of perpetual suffering.

Also if something persists after physical deterioration, there is no evolutionary pressure for it to be any pleasant. It is after the usfulness line.

I live in a universe where consciousness arises out of matter and effciency coincides with cruelty. Souls devour each other by the millions each seconds Mechanistic, not just.


>I think therefore I am
prove it

To think entails that you exist, boyo.

Can you explain this because I had a similar thought-process as this when I was high one time.

I don't kill myself because I consider myself humble and prefer to wait until my last day to see if there is, in fact, an answer or conclusion that proves me wrong and shows me that having been alive was actually "worth it".

If I am wrong, then how would I care if I'd be dead anyway.

Trump has a nice chance of winning, which means it is not certain that USA could fall, it won't if he beats Hillary.

>Implying there's a god

>I tried to kill myself with pills once but nice try
>with pills
you didn't actually want to die, did you? no-one who tries a pill overdose actually wants to die, because everyone knows it's the shittiest way to kill yourself. no-one ever dies from a pill overdose, they get their stomach pumped and people finally listen to their cries for help.
if you actually wanted to die you'd have jumped off a building or stuck a knife in your throat, so like you said, "nice try"

Is there a more pathetic field out there than philosophy?

>engage in philosophy
>kill yourself