*cuts you off and then rolls down the window to yell at you*
pshhh nothing personnel kid
*cuts you off and then rolls down the window to yell at you*
*climb in bed while driver is away and take a hyooge dump in it*
nothing personnel scooter
What do we do about the brodozer plague Veeky Forums? They are the biggest douchebags on the road next to bmw drivers.
Laugh at them
When I was like 16-17 me and a couple buddies would drive around with a daisy bb gun and shoot out brotruck windows. Even at such a young age I realized they were massive douchebags who deserved to have their shit fucked up.
>t. /n/
>t. brodozer driver
Nothing makes me happier than going exactly the speed limit in my '97 accord with one of these fuckers tailgating me.
As a leaf, I respect this.
Nationalism is a deficiency we have yet to find a cure for.
>your country is a hollow shell of its former self, run by a dickless cuck faggot soyboy
Goddamn it feels bad man.
>take the turnpike
>going the speed limit, traffic is heavy
>lifted truck driver gets up behind me and tailgates my ass
>I can see an autistic man with a beard in an affliction hoodie flailing his arms around and keeps getting closer
>the second there's an opening in the next lane he speeds up and cuts the other guy off
Literally happened to me this morning.
My rear windshield wiper is rigged to a piss bottle and sprays the car behind me.
>He's too passive aggressive to slow down below the limit
that reminds me, I need to pay my ticket I got for OCing an air rifle, shit was like 120 fucking dollars jesus chris
>Nationalism is a deficiency we have yet to find a cure for.
nationalism is the vaccine for the sickness that is american influence. t. quebec
Ugh, where's the diversity in this pic?!
>Oh wait, spotted him. Can you?
>I need to pay my ticket I got for OCing an air rifle
>Being this cuckifornian
i literally said "t. quebec" in my post you illiterate yankee doodle fuck BLOOD ON THE SNOW SOON
if it were the california caliphate i'd have been gunned down by a sherriff's personal Stryker and it would have been a giant media circus used to ban guns even further, instead of just receiving a ticket smaller than one you get for speeding
>Even at such a young age I realized they were massive douchebags who deserved to have their shit fucked up
Even at age 6 i always had a principle of never damaging someone's property or belongings no matter how douchey or evil the person is because i always imagine how upset if someone did it to me out of revenge or because i said something rude to them. if you are damaging or destroying someone's property they had better caused you psychological/physical abuse or killed your dog or something.
>i always imagine how upset if someone did it to me
idk about anyone else but ive had a lot of my stuff destroyed or stolen for no reason and the more it happens the less bad i feel about doing things like breaking bottles off my balcony and letting the glass shards rain down below, or taking potshots at people across the street with my air rifle and shit
I'm sorry your mom gave you soy-based formula and let you suck on toys made of phthalates. You'll never understand what it means to be a man and impose your will on your enemies.
Those tires look expensive would be a shame if someone took their pocket knife to a sidewall hehe
It's fun to mess with these guys. The bigger the truck, the thinner the skin.
I hate these faggots. We need sensibile bro truck control and regulation. Too many of these small dicked assholes on the road
LOL YES because us civic drivers have large penesis LMAO UPBOAT FOR YOU :)
>not damaging other people's property in blind rage is unmanly
nigger detected
I should have taken a picture, but the other day I saw a huge lifted bro truck that had a window sticker that said "Pavement Princess" parked in the lot between Boot Barn and Pizza Ranch.
I wish I could have met the owner and applauded their honesty.
I daily a bro truck because I drive back and forth through poorly lit rural freeways infested with stupid nigger deer and dumb rednecks that cant drive, and want to be in the biggest, heaviest rolling protective cage possible. Plus muh V8
it's incredible how those trucks are a spot on detector for douchebags
it's like they know who they are and they want to be as visible as possible
i once had a lifted tundra trying to race me in my '14 accord. i won
Such a Jewish meme
Most people I know who have them only have one because their friends have one
I would probably take three hundred dollar bills out of my pocket,secure them to the sidewall of one of those tires with my pocket knife and walk off. Giving zero fucks all the way back to my rig if i came across this irl
Because I have 70 acres of farmland and woods to play in. U mad cityboi? Also nice for getting to work in a foot and a half of snow before anything's plowed.
I hope you get fucked by a train trying to go back to /pol/.
>he drive car me no like
>he pee pee is tiny
>heh.... hehheheh
>all these soyracers commenting about wanting to vandalize trucks when the owner is gone
Even in your fantasy scenarios, you act like pussies
Oh no, we did this shit while driving by them a lot of the time. Got chased down a couple times but the cucks couldn't catch up in their massive cuck mobiles. Decides to quit after a close call when a cop car drove by right after we did it. He must've seen the window still shattering but didn't realize it was us because we'd duck down in the back seat.