>tobi >2gd >aussies d2g has been ruled by anglos for its entire history
Kayden Gomez
Julian Sanders
dotards ?
Noah Clark
why you failed to mention the biggest chad day9?
Jace Watson
>2017 >tiny still isn't viable in competitive
dough turds?
Lucas Collins
i had game where we were losing pretty hard by like 20-25k but we had support techies our enemies couldn't push hg and they just started to tilt hard by throwing themselves at us and just dying, it was pretty interesting game
Xavier Sullivan
>get benched from your own team >lmao i am le mastermind everyone will want to play with me i can just leave and make my own team >heh, EE already tried to join but nothin personnel I only want the most attractive carry player post TI7 >what do you mean reso joined OG? >oh well i guess EE is still there >what do you mean EE joined fnatic? >h-heh i will just get pajkatt, he's a good player right? >surely we will not lose to peru
Is PPD the most overrated and cucked player in the history of dota?
Jose Davis
post ur aghs upgrade ideas
Brody Thompson
>dotards eternally cucked by starbulls
Oliver Walker
>top 3 TI finishes and a TI win
Name a single more successful player.
Brandon Bell
when did all the good players quit d2g?
Adam Sullivan
because he needs the following items to be decent blink, echo, aghs, if he dies 3 times until that he falls behind too hard to ever make a recovery
Easton Myers
suggest a hero to spam to 6k
Adrian Myers
James White
global_____ metamorphosis
Christian Stewart
plus ppd (and universe) have made WAY more than everyone else since other nations get DOUBLED TAXED and have to pay insanely high rates of EU / Chink taxation
Thomas Garcia
OD >his orb now pierces spell immunity boring, but it could be actually situationally good unlike the piece of shit upgrades he used to have/has
Asher Bell
Mana Void deals damage to how much mana you currently have, not missing
Mason Perez
feed me dotards
Cooper Jackson
that actually looks cute but the full image is probably some disgusting fetish shit looks like extreme fat desu
Daniel Cox
just check opendota 5+k bracket and pick heroes with at least 53% winrate
Dominic Richardson
toggle metamorphosis
Joseph Nguyen
no skill level is above tilt
Gavin Torres
Samuel Barnes
I dont want to find out because I'm afraid it's poop.
I hope it's not.
Carson Morris
>he missed the good era of dota
Logan Morales
Posting this again because it was near the end of last thread and I still want feedback.
What's your favorite custom game d2g? I need things to do, please help
Juan Brown
I think I just found my favourite character: Venomancer >can be support or mid-carry >can be a great pusher or even split pusher >can whittle down enemies in lane attrition >can do tremendous damage when cornered just before death with ultimate >can ward fucking everywhere and check around corners or up on hills cons: item-dependent, but I often build Veil of discord early, which gives decent survival-stats, offensive stats and is cheap to build gradually
Samuel Russell
10v10 can be f*n once in a while amazing how everyone is super fucking toxic there when its supposed to be fun dicking around game mode
Luke Howard
you have 5 seconds to name a tsundere but loveable player who isn't eternalenvy. go
Nicholas Price
@188871365 >ee >loveable not getting a you for this one lad
Gabriel Carter
basically before Dota 2
Grayson Long
>We need wards.
Evan Barnes
But why must Tiny get aghs that early? Unless you are hitting buildings or in a big teamfight it doesn't add anything but 15% toss damage and some farming power which he doesnt really need since avalanche and toss can kill waves or most camps.
Ethan Myers
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Can Icefrog Not Know How To Balance Doom Hahahaha Nigga Just Give His Ult 6.66% Debuff To All Target's Stats Like Nigga Just Cripple Those Motherfuckers Haha
Charles Williams
What's a good counterpick to squishy stealther-carries like Weaver or Riki? Zeus?
Jose Hall
sentry wards
Lincoln Jones
TB aghs >reflection now creates invulnerable copies of TB himself instead of heroes that deal exact the same dmg as main hero, they also benefit from metamorphosis no matter where TB is located >duration/cast range/cd/slow/duration stays the same
Ryan Parker
tiney deggies if u big balls
Angel Miller
basic map awareness ghost scepter/force staff tp out sentry wards just grouping up with your team spirit breaker is pretty decent bloodseeker techies
Jayden Bailey
best thing about reflection is copying enemies aura's and passives
Alexander Williams
just buttstuff
Liam Jenkins
>tfw you carry your team with techies
Aaron Hernandez
if you picked an actual hero that contributed to the game then your team would have won anyway
Kayden Young
half the fun of dota is making the other team miserable
Cameron Hernandez
yes, however, in such a game, there is no hero better suited for causing frustration and sadness to enemy communists
Nathan Smith
I just realized the forlatts meme is dead
Adam Hughes
>literally free aghs fingers of death on 10/12s cd >literally free global silences with big damage on 35s cd >literally free overgrowths on 10s cd >not an actual hero ??
Liam Torres
Why don't you play me?
Jaxon Young
Where are my pugna-pickers at
Joshua Price
>free global silence >its only 400 radius
What did he meme by this?
Caleb Roberts
Why do I have sub 50% winrate with Clock even though I deal the most damage on the team quite often?
Charles Powell
I thought NA players where dark in dota, but it's much worse in SF5.
>troll warlord grants 500 attack speed and removes attack speed cap troll with aghs is seen like enemy by allied heroes (so they can damage and can't heal him) and vice versa >dragon knight gives +1 armor and +1 hp regen per 100 unspent gold, also gets doubled by lvl 25 talent think dragon gold hoard >death prophet on death, DP turns into invulnerable ghost that can act like usual hero, but can't deal physical damage, any skill used prolongs her respawn time by 3 seconds, DP respawns on ghost last location >spectre spawns current level haunt illusions on enemies hit by spectral dagger >templar assassin TA is undetectable and gets her attack range doubled during meld >slardar last enemy affected by amplify damage gets his vision reduced to 300 and no longer shares vision with his allies, but can see slardar anywhere on the map
hire me icefraud
Charles Cooper
cancelito found a team?
I'm tired of
-shrines -bounty rines -regen not disrupted by creeps -no mana blink -showing tower attack range and basher timer, showing camp spawn
Dylan Moore
DK literally smaug
Austin Gutierrez
Luis Turner
Logan Long
>illidan on the team with literal swedecucks how the mighty have fallen
Juan Morgan
cancel stack picked brewmaster what a fucking shitshow, literally "Lose the game after minute 20:The Hero"
Michael Roberts
Who the fuck is casting the w33 game, he sounds so bored
Kevin Edwards
That's what anime will do to you
Aaron Rodriguez
brew is competent at least up until 30 minutes
Jordan Hill
Logan Smith
im an illidan fan only issue -- his hero pool is too small to make him a true t1 player but he's still a beast he needs a good leader to perform at his best cuz he can go too davai and make poor decisions sometimes l-l-lets go illush!
Anthony Turner
>177 cm >Tall
I barely breached the 180 cm barries but less than that is kill yourself tier
Alexander Gomez
n-no i don't know that feeling..
Austin Sullivan
Its a joke because hes a fucking manlet, so everything is tall for him
Christian Hughes
He's being sarcasting holy shit frogposters man
Jonathan Allen
I can't tell that because I haven't watched the actual video, sarcasm isn's translated to plain unflavored text that much
Jaxson Baker
nah he is like dendi, doesn't want to (or just can't) improve and stuck in 2012 dota you read too much jew propaganda on 4chin dumb frogposter unless you are shorter than 160 you are alright
Angel Ortiz
It's okay, most of /d2g/ doesn't know shit about dota esports besides arteezy and co. these days so I don't blame you for not knowing who these people are
Jace Sanders
every time i play templar assassin i feel like sucking her dick and lose because of sexual frustration
what does it mean
Caleb Butler
I'm 165 and was depressed about my height for a long time Over it now though but I'm considering finding a taller girl in the future so my children don't need to be midgets
Anthony Nelson
>Over it now though but I'm considering finding a taller girl in the future so my children don't need to be midgets you need to find a girl with strong maternal instincts so that she will be willing to feed you n shit good luck manletbro
Nicholas Phillips
Khezu has been spamming brew recently, so he'll make it work. Brew's level 25 (140 attack speed) might even let him transition into a carry with the right items (AC, abyssal, etc)
Xavier Morgan
TB -allows casting of sunder even when disabled
TA -Increases damage of refraction by 90 and grants 40% lifesteal in each attack
>Slardar -Adds an ability called "Coral Trails" -Cora Trails >Every stun that slardar does grants him a buff that creates unpathable corals behind him. Only allied units can walk through corals. If an enemy tries to pass through the corals using an ability, the coral will cast Slithereen Crush and disappears. Each buff also grants Slardar attack speed.
Duration : 4 Buff duration per stun : 2.2 Attack speed per stun : 15%
>Dark Seer -Wall of Replica now deal more damages and stuns while increasing illusion damage.
I'm actually excited to see how well PPD does. Its kind of awesome getting to see an experiment unfold before you: if you take a ti winning captain and almost time warp him into a patch that has overhauled DotA (map changes, shrines, talents...) , can he adjust? How quickly and to what extent? Will he be able to put this team on the map like he did EG? He's celebrated as a great drafter of his time but this was a hard year to sit out in dota. So much changed. Before 7.00, a lot of change was for feature parity with dota 1. Granted, there were significant changes along the way, but 7.00 set a new course in a lot of ways. So many more interactions with talent trees, so much more role fluidity with heroes and drafting. PPDs thinking handled previous versions of dota well--is this simply another adjustment or does top tier drafting require a different type of captain? That's why I love ppds return. It'll be fun to watch it unfold whether he soars or crashes and burns. The hur dur dur ccnc is trash, zai left for this, lulz misses the point somewhat. I want to see how things play out with the team going forward.
Jace Martin
well said buddy. im curious to see how well pajkatt fares in a team with a strict captain and how ccnc handles the pressure. this is a good sparring ground for future matches against the dreaded EU region
Anthony Walker
MK >unlocks all the locked items for Wukong's Command again
Logan Martin
Pugna is actually really good at the moment Hopefully the frog buffs her even more
Andrew Morales
that tb agh is legit counter to necrocuck
Leo Stewart
Name that Dotamon
Nolan Morris
its actually crazy how smart ppd is
like, its easy to disregard him as a not so great player cuz when we see him streaming he struggles and gets salty in those mid 6k games when other pros are blowing through 9k like its a joke
but the dude is really just in other people's minds
its hard to describe but the guy is really a captain, sometime that not every team truly has
Elijah Barnes
PPD is stuck in old meta like Alliance was before they disbanded (sticking to shit like gyro carry lmao) i mean ppd drafted cuck cuck and cuck a fucking dragon knight in 2017, that being said i think he can adapt but it will take some time but from what i've seen old TI winners seem to have too big ego to accept changes and try something new
Brayden Ross
Lincoln Flores
>i mean ppd drafted cuck cuck and cuck a fucking dragon knight in 2017 It worked for Super at TI, but CCNC is not the same type of player.
Luis Nelson
safelane doom
Josiah Baker
everyone in that picture is a massive shitter and they all already were back in the days of lgd.int, kiddo
Eli Perry
Why did they give cancelito trash like Puck?
he can only play ebin greedy carry like nevermore, he can't pull off clutch plays
Ryan Morgan
Not matter how you look at it, his new team is a YUGE downgrade from his TI winning team and now he has to rethink his and his entire team's playstyle to find the best way to win and that's easier when you had the best mid, best offlaner, a hugely stable carry and a pretty good roamer
Lucas Ramirez
What the fuck does that have to do with anything
Jayden Davis
why can women suck a cute guy's dick for living and i cant even lick a qt girls pussy and get paid. they even camwhore and pollute our dota 2 streams!