Screencap this please

Screencap this please.
Now that they maneuvered you to sell BitBay and causing you to think its shit, im gonna rebuy(after selling at near peak) and go for another moon landing XD...
I dont know the names of the guys telling everyone to GTFO of BitBay but you are truly blessed.
For those who sold, stay out of trading, you are not cut out for it.

I laugh everytime I see someone talking shit about BAY.

The technology is at least one year ahead of any other crypto out there. David is going to make me rich

I was going to say you're a faggot but the price is at 400 now and looking like it's going up.

I'm dumping all my shit the moment this stuff goes upwards of 10 cents

Woop walls coming up. Markets going to be pushed up :/

I was losing hope, just canceled my sell order.

what is this and where can i buy it

am i too late to the game?

You're just in time to go back to plebbit

im thinking about cashing out some of my pivx, and buying some bay. I already have 125k bay

Good idea?

you're too late, it's already overpriced and overbought. get some MILO instead, it's much more affordable and more chance to go up.

MILO is easy meme bucks.

You are making a smart and conservative choice ;^)

Sell your PIVx when it starts dumping. Or now, depending on how you profited. PIVx is going to dump no matter what, basically, and you'd be smart to sell while you're ahead

It just past rock bottom buy fast cause its going to the moon.

here is an example of a dirty jew

look at how he preys on newbies, shilling his dumb coin with no tech behind it. He has to target newbies because they dont understand blockchain tech yet... evil evil people here..

If you made a profit off of pivx its time to lose it, at least until next major dip(which it will have).
Bay is ripe for the taking right now.

This is probably good advice (for the moment, the dump has just ended), but don't take advice like this in general. Many anons did last night and ended up with severe anxiety when they saw that their investment halved in price in less than 24 hours.

I went all in on PIVX with my tiny 0.26btc, if I cash out now I have 1.5btc

should I really be putting all my eggs in 1 basket? I really believe in BAY, but what makes you think pivx will dump? I have my finger on the trigger here not sure where to shoot

Like i said, if you have no stomach dont play.
THAT, is good advice.
I guess if you do you already have BitBay.

It’s already climbing back up, FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK I should’ve bought some.

Is it too late??!

It might not but its too risky to keep it any longer. You can take your chances if you want.

Nice graphic. Too bad the client looks like (and performs like) it was built in 1997.

You are just in time. The more you wait the more you lose.
It has a new floor now so its gonna tip even higher now.

Every coin dumps. Every. Coin. Dumps. Even Ethereum, which has more market-share and infrastructure than 99% of coins combined, dumped.

Think about it: There's people out there with hundreds of thousands of coins knowing that if they sell at any given moment they could make tens of thousands of dollars. Those are the people who actually control the market of crypto, because they control the supply and the demand of the currency.

If you really believe in PIVx, the least you'd do is to pay off your investment while you can. If you want to be in on the ride, pay for your ticket while you can.

Didn’t devs release that client last night?

It’s a one day old beta...with more functionality than any crypto out there...give it a fucking chance haha

Stop, you just want cheap pivx but it's only going up.

Hey, nobody is forcing you to do anything.

They released a minor update (from 1.25 to 1.26) last night. The client has been around for 3 years and has looked like shit and performed like shit for 3 fucking years. It's over.

I like the old look it feels nostaglic and comfy. Rip Napster

true dat, craigslist is ugly as shit.

the functionality is all there. David can always put a fresh coat of paint on it

t. bagholder


ok Im about to pull the trigger, i think I will pull half out on pivx at least I will recoup all my investment and more..

what do you think is the long term future of pivx in your opinion? can it reach poloniex listing?

BAY and PIVX will both get on polo

i’d go 50/50 on both, but BAY has the most potential for gains right now.

No one knows any coins long-term future. Bro, the economy on crypto currencies is so fucking chaotic. But a long-term, pipe-dream investment should have holdings that are proportional to its chance of success.

Honestly, you know more about the coin than I do. I feel like it's never worth holding more than 10-20% for a long-shot goal, but I'm going to break that rule myself with BitBay

Im about to fill an order for 200k bay
watch me nigrosss

let’s see some proof


So there is about 45btc worth of BAY being bidded and like 6330btc worth being sold. Isn't that really bad?

R.I.P in peace Napster.
Shadilay BitBay

A lot of those sells are probably moon-tickets that are anticipating huuuuge gains. It's only a problem if a lot of those sales are at a really shitty level (like, sub-400 sats)

Ok that makes sense I didn't think of that thank you.

Honestly, all they have to change is the top banner and allign stuff better. Maybe put a shadow on around the box's and it'll be good

It's one guy working on this

Why is it just one guy doing it all?

That's what worries me. He's billing this as the next ebay but he can't build something like that alone.

Has anyone actually used this? It's a pipe dream, but potentially it could be the crypto ebay/amazon/alibaba.

because its a scam

His whole team ditched him, stole the invested money
I think that understates the difficulty of what he's doing

this shill is trying to lower price to get back in
>Robert Finch 757-319-667

Why did his whole team ditch him?

the stole the btc and ran to scam someone else

Because he is a scammer.

I know it's disgusting what the guys doing, but don't dox him.



I cashed out and bought back into PIVX. Bitbay is just too volatile and uncertain.

kek at all these pussies bailing out of the boat because they hit their first downwave. "WAHH OVERPRICED I GOT SHILLED HARD ITS JUST A MEMECOIN" lmao. aint these niggas ever heard of buying counter-cyclical? what kind of rich person buys when the price is high and then sells when the price is low? nice strategy you cucks.

Be GREEDY when everyone else is fearful, be FEARFUL when everyone else is greedy. this fucker is going to 50k sats i shit you not.

PLEASE tell me more about how this is a scam coz i'd LOVE to hear it lmfao. BitBay loyalist hit me up tho

I'm going to sell for whatever the price is at 5 am when I go to bed after watching some LoGH

boy all i'm hearing from you is "i enjoy letting other men fuck my wife", i make a living from fucking the wives of guys like you, and they PAY me for the privilege.
Buy and hold now and in 1 month you'll be able to afford six wives that won't cuck you

I'm on acid and I'm laughing way too hard at this.

i was talking about Ark bruh.

Listening to these bitgays is the fast road to the poor house. Bitgay is dead and buried.


shillwood mac here has been singing the same song for the last month

BitBay's market isn't even decentralized, it's moderated.

The moderators can remove your listing and ban you.

Seems real decentralized guise.