/gerg/ - Giant Extreme Robots General

Old Meme, but it still checks out Edition

New /gerg/ game, from the makers of Shadowrun Returns

Armored Core:

Mechwarrior Living Legends:

Living Legends Server Stats (Use this to check if anyone is playing):

The HAWKEN zombie marches on:

Heavy Gear Assault:

M.A.V. (Now with more Chromehound legal rights!)

MechWarrior Online:

Cram in completely unbalanced civil era tech here:

How to start MWO:

New Player's Guide to MWO (aka the Manual):

All the MWO Models:

Kong PodKast #25: Heavy Gear Stuff

MWO Mechlab:

MWO Heat Simulator:

Kanajashi's Video Tutorials:

Group Mumble Info:

Other urls found in this thread:


American Prime Time

>only 1 post
>last thread fell off page 10 with only 70 posts

I think its time to call it quits.

The most exciting thing to happen was Javelins for C-bills. Until the next event, of course.

The brown sea is bubbling, though. The T5 underhive is currently chock-full of TKing troll throwaway accounts. People bitching about MGs like they used to about lurms (but still do, just MGs get whined on more). The changes to the MM brought up new pissing about PSR.

The only reason people bitch about machine guns is because people use them to abuse the fucking retarded critical system.

Please stop making these threads. Thank you in advance.

Please keep bumping these threads. Thank you in advance.

It's about all MGs have ever been good for in MWO, though LB-X SHOULD be that good.

Shit like laservomit, Gauss, etc. should actually get reduced critpunch, rather than being (other than MGs) the most likely to gut a weapon system in one hit.

>implying it was better when mgs and flamers were pure trash that only memers took

The crit system is way better than it was because there's actually a difference between armor and structure now.



It's a pity the Maelstrom basically would collide with the Black Knight, the Dragon Fire is limited on variants (but a nice design), and only the Nightstar is left for Marauder-cousins.

Well, that and the Rakasha, but that's a weird piece of work. Basically would be the IS Timber Wolf chassis.


Bets on the next grab deal? IIRC it'll either be a Clan medium or light. I expect the Mercs Hellhound considering all the Mech4 love lately.


Black Lanner

It wouldn't be the IS Timber Yiff because it just doesn't have the tonnage and free crits, perhaps too little hardpoints as well. The Pig will have to invent variants in order to fill out their usual lineup.

At best, it would be a larger Catapult with more lasers and somewhat harder to destroy missile boxes.

Do you want to buy a Mechpack?


There's new grab deals you know.
You could at least update the grab deals in your op.
At the very least.

Oh, yay, another sale. It's not like I wanted an event or anything.

Last chance before the remove them from the game.

clanner scum



Can anyone suggest some dedicated clan LRM boat configs for polar highlands?

I was thinking a MDD-A with 4x LRM-10s with artemis, TAG, prime left torso for AMS. But i feel that 4x LRM-10s arent enough and ghost heat is problematic, but chain firing them will get them neutered by AMS.

ghostheat on lrms is pretty minimal

Not for a Jenner

due to the dumb way ghost heat wors, you get penalized the more launchers you have instead of the more missiles you have.

4x LRM-15s with ghost heat makes me go to 35%, 4x LRM-10s are about 30%.

Also laser AMS will generate a lot of heat quickly.

Slight correction, 4x LRM-10s will go to 26% heat but the lower stream time/cooldown makes it pretty heat inefficient.

At the moment ive come up with a EBJ with 3x LRM-20s, TAG, Laser AMS and a MDD with 4x LRM-10s, TAG, Laser AMS. All with Artemis.

So I have a Madcat Prime, and 9 mil chills. Should I just buy another cat when I earn more or buy a new mech? I'm new to this dead game.

If you aren't listening to synthwave while playing MWO you're fucking up.

There's almost no reason to buy multiple copies or variants of the same chassis of omnimech unless you want a different CT.

should i get a catapult C1 or C4 to use as mixed LRM + ERML heavy support mech?
the one with 2 energy has much better kwerks but i dont like the idea to go out only with 2 lasers
for now i have been running a 2 ALRM10 6 ML Tempest and i kinda want something of the same weight class but a bit more mobile and with better missile kwerks

Only get lots of missile hardpoints if you want to spam SRMs or MRMs. LRMs work better in fewer, larger launchers now that LRM5 stacking is over with.

>LRMs work better in fewer, larger launchers now that LRM5 stacking is over with.
what do you mean?
what have they done to LRM5s?
i havent played since a month before the new tech update..what have they changed?

If I recall they changed how boating works. I used to see LRM5 spam because you'd get better grouping that way, but now it's all about 15s and 20s. I have to assume that's the reason behind it.

yeah but if you break down the LRMs into smaller launchers you still get better cooldowns

If you can handle the heat sure, that's great, but obviously it isn't worth it anymore because I don't see it done anymore. And trust me, people typically don't do anything but optimal builds in this game.


i see..what do you think about this build?
i triedto keep it as simple as possible

XLs are usually bad in heavies, especially lurmboats, because you don't need the speed really and you need the durability for when you inevitably have to brawl. I run SFE and DHS and Endo, two LRM15s, ammo, and 4x MPLs. I do okay, but I am thinking of switching the MPLs to SnPPCs for better pinpoint damage against fast lights. I don't find that Artemis helps that much with LRMs because you're firing indirectly most of the time anyway.

>XL Engine bad in a Catapult

I ran the XL 300 for 5 years in the C1 until Light Fusion Engines came out. You're also an LRM Mech, not a brawler.

A few months ago PGI tweaked the LRM cooldown and heat. They make mention that you can boat many smaller launchers to get more missiles down range but the penalty is that you generate more heat per second vs. a single larger launcher.

There used to be a huge spread difference between all the LRM launchers but now LRM 20 and 15s have the same spread, and LRM 5 and 10s have the same spread.

Boating LRM-5s and 10s is still a thing if you have the hardpoints, but the artemis tax makes it less inefficient and the spread difference is not that large when you factor in the artemis/tag bonuses.

You won't get much more mobility. The best LRM boats are slow because extra speed is pointless when you are just standing there firing LRMs.

Not sure what other LRM options are available for IS but C4 is bad unless you are going full boat in faction play because you can tailor the drop deck to the map. C1 is more versatile but in general the catapault has easy to shoot off arms, annoying missile doors and a CT cockpit that makes it easy to blind with weapons fire.

I invested to get partial Speed Tweak for my Catapult. You are correct though. You don't need speed for LRMs. 64-81 kph is more than enough.

Haven't played MWO in a year, was thinking about reinstalling it. Does kong still play?


True KONG is dead

Only some GONKers play the game

Does the TAG spread bonus require you to TAG the target all the way till the missiles hit or only till you fire the missiles?

That mean no more 12 man 50 tonner only Kong drops?

That was literally the most fun I ever had playing MWO

Kong 12 mans are shit

Bad players who only participte to hang out with the cool Kongers

Pretty sure it has to held till impact.

Speaking of tag, does anyone else noticed that it doesn't do shit for ATM target acquisition time? I had 2 ATMs and a light tag on my huntsman, and it felt like it was exactly the same using the tag as it did without. I even tested it in the testing grounds, and lock time didn't feel any different. Then I compared it to LRM lock time, with and without tag, and the difference was very obvious. So I think ATMs are actually more fucked than initially thought.

LFEs are fine. XLFEs are bad in heavies and assaults and you should feel bad. Your personal anecdotes don't mean what you say is correct, nor does your namefaggotry. Deal with it.

I trot along with my Orion IIC.

LRMs + ATMs = win. Being able to actually contribute on counterpushes with big damage missile shots saves games, and ATMs have better spread anyway.

You can easily get 72 damage missile shots off at 600ish meters, too.

They put LRM 5 spread up to closer to LRM 10.

>XLFEs are bad in heavies and assaults
git gud

>XLFEs are bad

Try torso twisting to spread damage. Unless you have bad hitboxes with huge side torsos, this is easily do-able. Especially if you are running a long range setup.

Battlemaster spreads damage very easily.

Does anyone have a link to where i can figure out how artemis, tag and narc works now?

The MWO wiki is outdated, the mechlab ingame says nothing, smurfy's site says nothing...



>he doesn't fucking position and waddles to the fight

Even my Supernova has a max engine in it + tweak to hit 60+kph. A waddling, slow lurmbomber is dinner time outside of group queue, where you can at least depend on people to cover your crawl, Awesome memes notwithstanding.

You just need to be able to keep it that 60+ range, though. Lurmishers do need more speed, but tend to suffer these days due to better AMS fire.

TAG's effect is apparently checked every second, so you can (very briefly) lose the TAG touch before losing the benefit.

I wonder if TAG/NARC is actually compatible with ATMs. Gonna have to look that up, because they might not be.

XLs in some heavies is less dodgy, simply because they have such heavily shielded side torsos. Catapults qualify, even though you can eventually XL check one...it's just not easy to do so before coring it anyway.

ISXLs in assaults should also add a "KILL ME" logo in neon colors across the front and back torso.


The thing is each tonnage has an efficient speed. If you are putting oversized engines in an assault to reach 60+ kph, then you are better off using a smaller engine in a lighter mech to reach that same speed.

Artemis and Narc are still described in the manual, and they haven't changed.

Tag works exactly as it says on the tin (speeds up locks, tightens grouping). As I recall, the effect lasts for half a second after you stopped tagging.

Out of the three, some of them stack, can't recall which ones exactly as I don't lurm except to meme.

Thanks for sharing some great tier 5 thinking.

Oh, I know. But speed is still life, which is why you'll see people dropping 350 engines into an Atlas. (Now they're LFE, because XL Atlases are generally suicidal.)

Gotta. Go. Fast. (er)

There's a few cases where XL assault isn't just plain stupid for the IS, but they're generally long range pokers like the 400XL Battlemaster.

Nova Cat is going to be shit right?

It's gonna be great.

Bullshit I see KONG dudes down in my tier 4 quickplay matches all the time. Stop spreading lies.

No, it's got some things going for it. Being an Omni with endosteel and fully clear torsos (unless you pick the one with JJs) and arms makes it a slightly smaller but much roomier version of the Night Gyr. The only bad part of that is the -B is the only one with torso weapon hardpoints (or the hero) so it won't get the high points like the NYG for it's ballistic mounts (but it does get far more room to mount bigger ones in the arms). They've got similar podspace even without the ferro thanks to the lack of jump jets and only slightly less armor capacity due to being 70 vs 75 tons.

I'm curious to see how the arms end up, and any ballistic build will take getting the reinforcements pack. The Hero is going to not get much appeal unless you're desperate to mount a balanced energy/missile mix, in which case it's 4M/4E vs. the B's 6M/2E.

I'll be interested when it comes out for C-bills, as I don't feed the pig.

when will haruko finally embrace the gay?

>as if that hasn't already happened

I'm playing right now.

Who is the biggest hipster in Kong and why is it dashing?

wtf servers dropped?

I've been disconnected 3 times today.

No issues here.

I haven't been DC'd but I am seeing more people DC mid-match.

Haven't had any mid-game DC's, but I was DC'ed three times while I was mech labbing.


My mech bay, best mech bay.

Is MAV gud

It's about as good as gas station sushi.



Please stop making these threads. Thank you in advance.

What about heavy gear assault?

boku no thread arigatou gozaimasu


So what the fuck am I supposed to play? Is hawken good?

Captain Power


Solo Q warrior

It was ok before the devs fucked it up.

what the fuck is Mist Lynx G and how the fuck do i get one?
i wanna abuse the LMG boating spam too

Quad mils and you have one.
But beware - you cant carry being single.

Who are the best players to talk to and get advice from?

Nobody here. Go watch some TheB33f vids on Youtube and just learn what works by playing. If you follow builds or guides and they don't fit your playstyle you're not going to win anyway so why bother?

You meant TheB33t?

>Hello fellow mechwarriors!
God i hate this guy so much.

The arms get blown off too easily but it's fun when you're running around later in the game and components are open.

