Where does the myth of witches come from?

Where does the myth of witches come from?


This Youtube video told me that it comes from people shoving brooms soaked with mushroom drugs up their asses to get high, and while I was able to find other sources for that, most of them looked like blogs.

Also when I look up "witch myth" I get goofy Wiccan shit like
>12 witch myths - "From believing witches fly on broomsticks, to thinking a witch comes in only woman form, these 12 unbelievable myths about witches people still talk about today."
>REAL Witchcraft: Myth and Reality - Witches, Occult Paranormal Documentary
>Brooklyn Witch Answers Questions and Debunks Myths About Magic

Other urls found in this thread:


Witches aren't a myth, they are brides of Satan.

women are evil, witches are just women who cant disguise their serpent nature

When I think of the 3rd wave feminist, I think of witches
>witches condoned pedophilia and debaucherous behaviour
feminists were in support for an admitted female pedophile, because she was a woman
>witch covens would often go on manhunts for one another
feminists are turning against other feminists, thus causing it to split into tribes of feminism
>Witches used their sexuality and beauty to manipulate men into doing whatever they say
>Witches hated and feared men
so do feminists, they just disguise it as 'equality'/ feminists honestly believe that all men are out to get em' and rape em'.

How long do you think until witch hunts start?

it's hard to believe Veeky Forums can still produce such shitty posts, but here we are

Actual pagan witches didn't wear clothes cause "muh nature"

If anything the costumes are becoming more realistic

>witches condoned pedophilia and debaucherous behaviour
Citation desired.

the modern witch mhyt in west society and all the witch-hunts come from the earlier stages of capitalism.
it was a collateral effect of the new sexual division of work where womans were only workforce producers and the few who would empoderate herselfs or make the attempt of controlling their uterus were called witch


Aquinas wrote about this, get better sources.

I alway thought that they were basically the cunning men/women and folk healers that had been around since prehistory but were turned on by society during the late middle ages and early modren period.

Ankerberg, John, and John Weldon. "Sexual Immorality and Other Consequences of Occult Involvement–Part 2." (2005).

I hope you are fine with MLA format. I do not know what citation format should be used for image boards.

How is It shitty?
It is definitely bias, but it is not shitty.


why's it always 3rd wave people think are extreme and bizarre?
2nd wave had most of the nutjobs

even 1st wave had crazy's. The fact remains that 3rd wave is by far the craziest.

1st wave had some good feminists, but was overflown with suffragettes, who emma goldman btfo
I'm pretty sure it's 2nd wave where sectarianism started becoming a view (a small view, but still one that was there)
3rd wave is fairly watered down stuff, as well as some false flag shitposters

poe's law in action

I don't know much about the history of feminism. Why were the suffragettes bad? And how did Emma btfo them?

You'll probably find stupid shit like that mostly, but if there are any oldfags left you might get some cool info on occult history.

>>Witches used their sexuality and beauty to manipulate men into doing whatever they said
As opposed to literally every attractive woman ever born? That's just what women do and have always done, senpai.


Dworkin is my idol. When she died, the last trace of ernestness in America died.


probably a variety of sources and dank age memes rolled into one

Inquisitors confirmed our guys
Catholics confirmed as holy (despite being otherwise sacrilegious)

This was a great revelation to be having. Thank God for trying to stave of the horrors we find ourselves in today.

Most of all the mythology we now associate with witches (broom sticks, etc) this came from Germany in the 1600s

German origin makes sense given the word for witches, hexe and the english word hex that is usually associated with witchcraft

This. The stories from the actual witch hunts especially in the 17th century got heavily romanticized by Goethe and others and thus entered pop culture as the stereotypes we have today (black cat, flying broom etc.).
By the way, the "actual" witches that were hunted back then weren't exclusively female - there were many places where more men were killed for practicing witchcraft than women.



Women exert their agency through manipulating others, mostly, and men are often entirely oblivious to the subtler forms.

Its a term for magical woman, because its a woman it is automatically evil.

Operating on a masculine paradigm, virtually all women are.

wtf is a masculine paradigm?

This board is so fucking dull. Weekend before Halloween and all we've got are two threads about witches. Nothing else about folklore, mythology, the holiday itself, etc. Veeky Forums really is /pol/ 2.0 trash.

Like the other boards of Veeky Forums. Veeky Forums runs of memes (biological thinght 'genes'). Therefore, in order to get Veeky Forums talking about the history of Halloween, its folklore, mythology and so-forth. You need to start one of those posts.

So get to it user.

tumblr bait?

They literally wrote books on witches

(very difficult to read tho because of the language style)

me on the right

You really believe that, don't you? May I suggest going outside and maybe talking to someone. Real life interactions with girls are pretty important in forming your opinions.

Truly the Mein Kampf of its time

evil wizards got replaced by women because men had sympathy for the wizards

So, what, all the male witches who were burned were actually trannies?


The Old English word for witch was Wicca, which was obviously taken for fairly obvious reasons. The 'myth' of witches is merely a Christian interpretation and bastardisation of pagan rituals, and then once they died out only the meme (and chinese whispers) remained.