Thoughts, Veeky Forums?
Thoughts, Veeky Forums?
If that image is supposed to convey a message, it is completely lost on me. Why is one of the christian cannoneers firing on his own castle?
The secularist geld themselves by negating family formation meaning they will undertake themselves by not reproducing.
Orthodoxy firing the wrong way, Protestantism friendly fire, Coptic church sleeping.
The message is Christians do a shit job of defending their faith.
It's a shit faith so no wonder.
But where are the Catholics? Oh thats right, lapsed to the left side.
Secularism can't even sustain itself. It promotes sterility and unborn peoples. And Christianity was the bulwark keeping what is worse out
inb4 creationcucks
Evolutionists deny race and go full creationist to kill it with post modernism.
He's a Christian who doesn't believe in YEC.
I wonder who is responsible for that and what were their motives.
What the fuck does that even mean?
what did he mean by this?
He is stating that egalitarianism is a social construct that compromises science which blocks investigation into varying evolution rates between races separated on different continents for hundreds of thousands if not millions of years, he is suggesting that it would be the source behind the lower IQs, inability to form viable states, and lack of indigenous intellectual progress if sub-Saharan Africans compared to their Asian, European, and even American counterparts. This dogmatic ignorance to differing evolution rates between "races" via blinders is akin to Christians dogmatic ignorance of evolution via blinders.
Except that atheist states are way better at keeping islamic terrorism out than christian societies. And fertility isn't a long-term problem, in the future societies that reproduce artificially (read: designer babies) will gain the upper hand.
Oh my I love Xi's smug
France hasn't been great at fighting back against Islam. They did some good stuff, but clearly not enough. And they're the one who invented secularism.
Why would a castle have balloons?
Deter low flying aircraft bombing
says the religion that brought the fall of Rome
Ahahaha oh wow. No.
Contrary to what people on both sides of the aisle seem to believe, Christianity is not and has never been the most significant social lever of western civilization and as such Christianity reflects its social climate more than it shapes it.
That's a big gun...
fedora pls
Lol are you 12
Come one come all! Here you have the finest selection of reasons as to why Rome fell, suited to pushing your political beliefs on others in Veeky Forums!
Not a fedora, not by a long shot. I just think that both critics of Christianity and Christian apologetics tend to miss the forest for the trees.
Humanism is winning the culture war because humanists attack the foundation of Christian belief: that the word of God, the bible, is true. Christians on the other hand are only attacking the symptoms of humanism without addressing its basis: that man was not created and that morality is arbitrary.
That's my interpretation anyway, seems straightforward.
There is no such thing as secularism in the Papal states of Europe. I suspect it's no other than the Jesuit General inviting all the rag heads in, to foment, fomenting things is their specialty.
I wonder who was responsible for weakening the unity of the Christian church opening it up to secularism?
The Catholic Church, for being so blatantly and unapologetically corrupt for such a long time despite reformers warning them and attempting change from within that a significant portion of its adherents could no longer submit to it in good faith, of course.
Look how many souls you damned by creating this heresy. Imagine a world today where most people are Christian under the Catholic church.
Lots of the exploited poor giving themselves up to the arbitrary whims and decrees of the corrupt church hierarchy, no doubt.
Well, atheists created pretty clever ruse, formed coherent startegy and trageted weak points. The christians backstabbing each other, helping their enemies and retarded by all means. Why would you side with them is beyond me.
Too bad they're terrible at fighting train shitters
The problem is that the idea of creation disagrees with modern science and as such was doomed to fail. Even self identified christians now don't believe in it anymore.
concentrated fire
Aesthetic red balloon with christian propaganda to confuse and disorient christians
Built castle on sand, which absorbs and disperses the energy from cannon fire
firing at different targets
shooting themselves
Building on stone base that is easily destroyed
Shooting at balloons like idiots
firing backwards like fucking idiots
Christians absolutely BTFO
Kill yourselves heretics and corrupt pedos, the Orthodox church is the only way.
>Sure! Here's some chalk!
holy shit
>implying it wasn't co-opted by romans for control
You CANNOT make this shit up
If you cant win the war you don't deserve to live.
Soon we will storm the gates of heaven, christcucks and we will rape every angel in the name of atheism and homosexuality.
this. our plans are already underway
>storm the gates of heaven
lol with only half the strength of the heavenly host behind you get real
better to remain behind the gates of hell like the cowards you are and eternally remain
He's protestant.
>lol with only half the strength of the heavenly host behind you get real
>radiometric dating
>the Papal states of Europe
protestants are retarded
>with only half the strength of the heavenly host behind you get real
>Needing those gimps
Baby, we'll nuke heaven, we'll nuke hell, we'll nuke god and buddha.
>muh fission bombs
God literally created the stars. He is farther beyond our strength than conception itself.
Not a christian nor atheist.
But from this image and from just my personal observation.
Proddies do the most damage to Christianity. The catholics realized they couldnt possibly compete to advancing science, and bent, stating taht evolution could be true, the big bang, billion year earth, everyone gets into heaven. Proddyes see this as heretical, but as a non christian I see it as smart. The catholics know they arent perfect and cant be perfect but now they arent perfect, and are more accepting, which hauls in more people to believe, which saves more souls in the long run.
any religion that acts like a stick will snap. thats my hinduism has been around for like 5000 years. Its wonderfully flexible but also honest in its own views.
>M-my dad can beat up your dad!
This came from Ken Ham's "Answers in Genesis".
What's so funny? Carbon dating is inaccurate for living things, yes, because it gets recycled, but scientists typically use heavier elements instead.
This. Christianity is only western civilization picked up when its nature is always Faustian/Greek
>being smart and aiming for the foundation
>being stupid and shooting at the sky/nothing
>losing hilariously
>Public baths
no wonder Rome fell
Proddie btfo
That's a weird cartoon considering that gays are usually those who hate Muslims the most.
And yes, most gays hate the idiots who parade on the streets in leather.
>implying secularism is passed on genetically