League of Legends General - /lolg/

CUDDLY edition!

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Because Lulu as a champion is always useful, no matter how fed an enemy champion is, if they are poly morphed they are most likely dead

Which is tighter, Cass' snekpussy or Nami's dolphin pussy?

>Pool Party Fiora: July 2016
>Star Guardian Janna: October 2016
>Cosmic Blade Yi: April 2017

I love the priority list for these skins. Really makes you feel included if you don't main the ridiculously popular champions.


xth for Syndra

we just got a singed and yorick skin
what more do you want.

Who are you expecting to get out?

>Looks meh
We have to see them in motion first, but Janna is honestly looking both good and distinct enough from her other skins to pass.

neither are meant for humans

I want the slut dead.

i wish i was a girl

gib victorious teitch

Best couple

I wanna cuddle Jinx


but they're probably releasing a skin for a champion that you play in the next few patches or have already

Taliyah, Viktor, Illaoi, Aurelian Sol


Is this supposed to be a downside?

I want the slut .___

Heimy is the best ! the best ! fluffy husbando !!

But why?

Nerf this abomination into the ground WHEN?

> all but aurelion confirmed to get skins soon
> we may even get victorious taliyah

>holding a sword like that all the time
come on riot

>neither are meant for humans
You're not supposed to fuck people up the ass either but here we are.

>a fucking janna skin

Star guardians, now samurai-ish skins. Riot finally decided to suck off some nips, good. Need them doujins

Haven't seen this picture before, saved.
thanks user

Zed, Eve, Teemo, Azir.

I want to Jinx's pussy to cuddle my dick

Dolphin pussy is literally the most perfect pussy in the entire animal kingdom. The only negative to it is that it's attached to a dolphin.

Kindred is for defying death

nope, Riot said after the Victorious Elise fiasco they'd never make a champion's first skin post-release victorious again

All too true. I will never forget the Riven from the game that got me Honor 3 for being such a good sport (even if I got rightfully singled out in fights at times). I still weep that I couldn't honor the enemy team.

>what more do you want
Now I like my Glad Yordle, but this is the second time we see new skins near the end of the thread and the OP is LuLu again, with no mention of the new skins in the caption. Disappointing.

I didn't make this so you could call her a slut. A waste of a skin, yes.

>"According to all known Runeterran laws, there is no way a player should be able to outrun Beekeeper Singed."

come on, riot

Where were you when you realized Dyrus is /lolg/ shitposter? 41 seconds in

/lolg/ really wants this. more skins to cry about.

anyone who does that is going to hell

Unless there was some Riot post the "leaks" with the Illaoi/Taliyah/Sol/Viktor/Rumble skins was proven to be a fake.

But the point of the post I replied to was not for skin quality, it was for skin diversity. couldn't care less if singed, viktor, illaoi or any of these others never got a skin again.
I'm not worrying about their profits, I just find it incredibly funny that people who play those unpopular champions feel entitled to a skin and cry their eyes out whenever another more popular champion that is obviously going to make way more money gets a skin

fuck fizz

what would sex with nami be like?

kindred is death.

So what your saying is that your defying kindred.

y'know he doesn't edit the videos right.

>yfw Janna swings the sheathed sword Xin Zhao style to unleash its power for her ult
Of course she just hold it up after that initial outburst for the remainder of the ult.


Fun and cute.

You need to go back.



oh wow mod is around quick everyone act nice.



If i have to read 1 more comment about how riot is "forcing" lucian and ezreal out of botlane I'm gonna go insane

Riot confirmed months ago that we'd be getting skins for those champions this year

there's enough comments about riot buffing champions to make money to make you go insane anyways


> It's a your midlaner feeds fizz episode

what about the SCRIPTED comments that erupt everytime TSM wins/a team that lolg likes loses

I wish you were too.

>W - Rune Prison RATIO 0.2 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power

>you think you're going to fugg jinx
>after putting it in she just leglocks you and you can't move a milimeter

I think jinxfag deleted it because he quoted the same post twice accidentally

he'll be spammed at worlds r-right guys.

Where were you when you realized Dyrus' editor is /lolg/ shitposter? 41 seconds in

>Janna, Yi and Fiora get more skins
Haha epic xd

>be dota refugee
>give this a try since buddies keep trying to get me into it
>"dude just try it it's better than dota!!"
>all the fucking characters are locked

>make teaser image with am asian theme floating sword
>only champion in the game with a floating sword is Shen, who happens to have an Asian theme (being a ninja)
>has to be him, right?
>turns out it's for fucking Janna
>even though Janna wields a fucking staff, not a sword

How did Riot fuck up this hard?

>it takes literally years to get them all for free
>"competitive" game
pretty nice huh

>rune prison gets a ap ratio buff

it's fucking rune prison no one cares


>Series 2 SG skins get boarders and bunch of shit
>series 1 gets fuck all.

[Still mad Ahri got the legendary. Synda would have been the better choice/spoiler]

but user .4 ap buff.
it's huge
he'll hit 50% wr

at least i can look forward to christmas where the vault skins come out so i can pick up his legacies which look cool as fuck.

I'm not familiar with this even though I was around for the release of Victorious Elise

Why the hell is it ok for Zyra to have top damage in every single fucking game with support items?

This pic

retarded as hell.

We, lyon, fnatic, rampage

her first skin after release was viictorious
silver surfers were very mad
silver surfers made like 90% of the playerbase

I really like this bird after finally starting S2 a few days ago. Well, this will make playing Ryze more fun. Still not going to commit to learning him until the new runes and mini-update come in. Really loving this skin though.

> why does zyra/brand/vel'koz have top damage everygame
it's their job
that's why you pick them


I wouldn't mind nearly as much if the fucking heroes didn't cost like 3000 or more each.

Seriously, are you just fucked if you play ranked when you hit 30 and only own like 10? What if I own no counterpicks? What if all my heroes aren't meta?

What the fuck kind of """"competitive"""" MOBA is this??

one owned by the chinese

>aatrox q change didn't make it into the patch

wtf riot

I thought silver surfers were always mad about victorious skins

>zyra tops damage
>doesn't matter because the other team has janna

new annie skin when

yeah but this was especially upsetting because the silver surfer waifufags spamming a broken champ couldnt' even get out of silver and her first new skin was completely locked off to them

>support items
>probably going frostdagger into liandries
she's good at poking, anyway

so how broken is xin zhao going to be and most importantly is ap xin ded?

yeah because it's for tryhard elitists only and shit teammates make it LATERALLY impossible to climb out of silver wtf matchmaking

Or something like that.

>tfw 1 gemstone

That's what she does

+ damage is just a stat, if the damage doesn't result into anything it might as well not be there. Lot of Zyras damage is meaningless poke damage which inflates her damage a lot

> top doesn't ban anything
> proceeds to pick riven
I'm in for one hell of a ride

>Yi is how Yi was in his flashbacks during the PROJECT timeline
I'm really like the Janna one. Fiora seems like she just put on some Oriental details on her usual self, the silhouette is too similar to her other skins because of how she stands. Really need to see them in action.

Yes, and you will be banned if you play off-meta heroes or play heroes in unconventional lanes or roles.

You better HOPE you don't get autofilled or your only meta heroes for a given role aren't banned out or say goodbye to your account.

>tfw used 10 gemstones to buy pax sivir, then got pax sivir from the first chest after that, asked for a refund but riot denied it because it wasnt within 24 hours

Counterpicks don't matter the same way they do in dota. They're hardly even relevant until platinum because most people don't actually know why it's a counter pick. For climbing most people just have a primary and secondary position and try to cover every class that position has. You're better off knowing your champions inside and out than relying on """"counterpicks""""

Not just poking. If you get your full combo off everything except straight tanky or MR bruiser is dead. Popped instantly or going to die to the plants after the ult knock up. It is absolutely fucking bonkers how much burst she has on top of CC on top of poke.

The only issue I ever had with her was her slow speed and getting caught out buy frost queen's proc negates this 100%

Does Ahri get kills in lane before 6

does Orianna even die in lane

dotards get out
I don't want to learn how to deny

That awful sinking feeling when you have a yas mid and riven jungle with an autofilled support.