What do you guys think of the Ottomans?
What do you guys think of the Ottomans?
Rapists and thieves and murderers. The world is a better place without them.
Just and fair conquerors.
Treated Christians with respect.
What's there to not like about them?
Lovable rascals that taught the balkans to act civilized.
But they took Constantinople :(
They were a fundamentalist shithole desperately trying to hold on to power by the 18th century. Atatürk was okay policy wise but he genocided christians in the east so he's shit too.
Basically I can't wait until Erdogan pulls out of/gets kicked out of NATO and Russia turns Anatolia into a carpark.
And you failed
That's cause we left.
The greeks would still enjoy sitting in the beautiful Bazar of Athens enjoying Ottoman commodities instead of being in debt to the krauts if not for that heinous "revoltuion" of theirs.
>t.stavros debtpapalaous
Enver Pasha deserved to die desu
I'm sorry, but, it was a better situation for the inhabitants than the Europeans constantly fucking them and their city up and leaving it for dead.
You should be glad the Turks took it and made the city their own.
Memes aside, they're one of the worst allies ever.
Did nothing wrong
Please refrain from using vulgar /pol/-rhetoric on this respectful board of historical preservation and religious studies.
It makes you look less intelligent, friend.
Explain how Europe fucked Constantinople up?
Roflmao, what a Veeky Forumstorical newfag. Read a book, nigger.
He's LARPing for attention, lad.
they had their triumphs and failings like all empires in history
Basically fed off the scraps of the ERE.
They are the true Romans.
Nice +5% discipline bonus at the start
fuck off they're not Romans, they're subhumans uncivilized barbarians savages
>they're subhumans uncivilized barbarians savages
He was talking about us Turks, not the balkans or soon to be modern Western Europe.
I was talking about you, you filthy subhuman.
You sound angered and full of hate, friend.
Perhaps you should visit the great Mosq of Ayasofya that was built by some of our greatest Turkic architects and find spiritual relief of your anger.
>that was built by some of our greatest Turkic architects
>Turkic architects
kys I'm done talking with you
4th crusade you retarded catholicuck
wow, rude
I hope you aren't a christian because that was very unchristlike of you.
why hagia sophia? there are many more example of ottoman architecture, those are greeks
Shitposting aside, how well read are you about the turks?
>build anything that isn´t a giant marble outhouse of columns while amassing germanic debt
come on now
>Shitposting aside
wow, rude
>how well read are you about the turks?
A great student of Halil İnalcık and his many works about the great House Osman. From the dawn of the Beyliks under the Sultanate of Rum to the fall after WW1.
they still managed to make europoors butthurt even after all this time
pretty cool guys
>the only empire in the world with no artistic or scientific accomplishments
im pretty sure a empire that's been dead for less then a hundred years can count as history
>thread explicitly about Turks and our great Empire that reflect the one our Roman ancestors built
>filled with /pol/tards throwing around the roach insult or "muh muslim savages"
>civilised discussion
>with albanians and bosnians
old dead Euro country
Ottoman artillery was based
>"muh muslim savages"
How is it not true? Ottomans BTFO Europe, then Christianity underwent a reformation and BTFO the Ottomans, to the point they were and still are universally known as the sick man of Europe.
Islam never reformed, it stayed the backward mutilation/stoning/rape/burka society it's been since 600.
Fine is this better
Why does Rome(?) have vampire teeth?
Good thing we don't have those things you mentioned (unless we talk about the filthy k*rds) and are a more secular nation as compared to your average arab or iranian muslim shithole.
Turkey might have it's faults but one of them is not how we take out the non-ottoman sunnism trash.
All while Europe is walking down that slippery slope cause of having no balls or in some cases, like that big juicy muslim cock up their ass.
>not a saudi tier Islamist
Okay, you've had all the (You)s you're getting.
>kurds attack us
>we shoot back
>palestinians attack jews
>they shoot back
>a fucking zenci beheads one of your war-veterans on the open street
>everyone stands around doing nothing
>someone even does a interview with him
thank G-d I'm not white or I'd also be treated like a dog in my own nation and ancestral homeland
It is romania
>is a supporter of israel
you cant make this up
Yes and?
Should I instead support the self-destructive white race or Africa?
Atleast they have the ballsack to fight for their survival rather than lay down like a doormat to only go online and blame "muh jews and muh refugees" instead of doing anything productive.
Basically Mongols 2.0. When you think of pre-Mongol China, Renaissance Europe, Industrial Britain you think of intellectual pursuit and civilizational advancement.
Then there's the Arabs (exc Persians), Turks, and Mongols, who are the designated bedshitters of history who love nothing more than to chimp out.
Not a fan, evil empire.
Still better than Ataturk's abomination tho
Everything they touched turned to shit
They were okay meh in the grand scheme of things.
Well they were as bad as the Europeans at colonialism but they never get criticised for it because they were brown
>but they never get criticised for it because they actually had national pride and balls to not give a single fuck
fix'd, friend
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>What do you guys think of the Ottomans?
white man always wins :^)
yer cheeky poofter
say yer prayers, cunt
holy shit look at all these butthurt
did an otto mans rape your mum or something
So what do the turks today think of the Armenian Genocide?
I mean, facts are facts, they built the Hagia Sophia. And then you moved in, gave it a little sprucing up for Islamic tastes, and made it a mosque. You took it, but you certainly didn't build it.
what genocide
Gallipoli round 2
All Arabs are Turkish. The Ottoman empire spread the turkish seed into arabia and afrika sending all the natives in the desert now they're in the inner cities doing the same thing.
>Prove me wrong?