Destiny General

How has no one made a new thread Edition


Other urls found in this thread:

first for no /pol/


third for this

Uhm, yes. You get to play Destiny 2 nearly every fucking day but just because you now have to wait a few moments while Bungie is working hard to make the game run smooth and make it even better you sperg out. Pure entitlement.

Fifth for barvo... Wtf guys

First for /pol/ runs this general.


post tacticool

servers are up




Monitoring for hate symbols


>inb4 3pm PST

This please
I want to talk about Destiny


First for if servers arent up by the time Im off work I'll make columbine look like a joke

>baka bungie
>those fifth enemies bettter be strong black KANGS
>and they should beat all the WHITE guardians and become the new playable race
>baka Bungie

>game literally unplayable due to leftists
>better blame /pol/

Simplicity is best.

>No matter where i go or what i play there's always some political shit happening that i don't give a fuck about

I just wanna play games /dg/i don't care about this gauntlet bullshit. I don't care about the people happy or sad about it's removal, i just wanna play games in peace

I just wanna time travel back in time from like 1999-2010. Everything was like 1 long summer party, games were fun and this social justice/political shit wasn't big

I just wanted to play for a bit this afternoon, thanks bungie.

>YWN have a New York Rican Jewess slobber over your BBC before carrying you in Trials.

fuck you

Yo where the fuck is that jewess dick sucking video at though

If you are looking for a team to enter the leviathan raid with please either reply to this message or you can message donthydone on psn. make sure you reply with your gt/psn, the class you will be taking, and what team you want to be put on. you can find the gdoc here:
team "H" is already filled

Oooh baby.


Every time.

>tfw only 5 inch dick

fucking polygon man. I'm a lefty at heart but this is just plain ridiculous.

>I just wanna time travel back in time from like 1999-2010

that's all anyone that's not a literal teenager wants to do

shoulders too big


Seriously, Google. Just search for 5000 Watts blow job and it's in 80 different places



This is in the OP already.


So what happens to clans like the Alt-Light are they called a hate clan and banned?

link vid

is this shit back up yet? Its been 5 hours. I was supposed to spend all day playing.


>tfw waiting for the new tweet for more downtime

hi inter

Remember when games were complete on release?
Remember episodes? The first third of the game was a free demo. Good times.
Remember manually setting your sound card driver ports?

first time I've seen tarnished copper look good

people dont read the op

Shader is great but it doesn't come to life on that armor since it's basically just brass. Boring.

who gives a fuck you faggot

She married an Asian for free Destiny. You're good at 3" bro

Same here


>/pol/ lives rent free inside these generals
>no one from /pol/ actually comes here because they don't care about video games

But how can we make this about Trump?

No leader for xbox groups? :(


Are the servers back up? :^)



More guardians.
More more guardians.

Warlocks, hunters, titans.

yah yah



time's up, are the servers back online?

where are all these fucks when I'm doing public events?

This is preddygud, think you could use a new helmet meself though. 9/10 almost perfect.

What's so notable about some jewish woman sucking a black dick? Why is it in any way important or newsworthy in this general? She a Destiny player or something?

I just want to play today


He blocked me on twitch after I called him out for crying about having a busy (((workload))) when all he was doing for those 3 days was streaming.

He's a giant pussy with skin thinner than his cock, I bet he screams "sorry" when he cums.

PLEASE make a Tweet where you delay another 4 hours, I wanna trigger britbongs and amerifatz


What was the supposed ETA on the servers coming back? Was in half an hour, right?

remove kebab edition
servers still down 12 hours later edition
BLM edition
Pete Parsons resign edition

What's up with people worshiping the dead in every religion?

servers are up you moron

I was using those arms for the past few days and noticed the same thing. I didn't think they'd actually change it....

Looks like I won't be raid ready tomorrow unless the required light is 260.

>literally no one, I mean NO ONE knew about this
>they could have quietly patched in a change under 'balance fixes'

How retarded is bungie?


What's the point when almost everyone looks the same barring the helmet and the shaders are all drab and plain?

>girlfriend going to a cousins wedding
>all weekend to play destiny with the boys


>Paying $60-$120+ to read forum posts gradually pushing server maintenance back another hour every time it gets close to the time it's supposed to finish.
>I'm supposed to be thanking Bungie for doing maintenance in the middle of the day
>I'm supposed to be grateful that they're doing server maintenance even though it's the job they get paid huge amounts of money to do

Simply amazing.

>be in a super competitive clan
>agree to participate in the raid as soon as it launches
>promise to use a titan even though it's not my main
>figure I still have time to increase the power and get better gear before the raid drops
>come home from gym 2 hours ago expecting to get some fast Titan powerleveling done
>servers are down

So my question is, what caliber bullet should I use to end my life? Should I use a classic 9mm or would a simple .22 be enough? Or maybe go all out and blow my brains out with a glorious .45?


She gets paid to play Destiny. Wouldn't you suck dick of various nationalities if you got free Destiny and got paid to play and talk about Destiny?

Well, I don't remember THAT in the dub.

inb4 all /dg/ clans get banned because they're associated with hate symbols and the alt-right

How long until we're all purged? Or will they force all the clan leaders to make official apologies for being racists?

Well you two guys look dumb.

you know we could just have an always online game with shit servers and connections

i guess that would make your retarded ass happier

Good one nerd

>shutting down your highly successful skinner box for hours to remove a piece of gear that vaguely resembles a meme symbol Veeky Forums created if used with a specific shader

/pol/'s influence is like none other.

>bungie has the money and tech to to roll the update back and let people play while they fix the patch offline and update later
>they shut the whole thing down for 8 hours

Thanks for beta testing for us consolefriends.

The temptation to virtue signal is too strong. It's not doing the right thing that's important, it's bragging to everyone that you did.

>not enjoying to be cucked by bungie

>This armor combo again

Titans confirmed uncreative and unoriginal

Wow, a fur coat with some edgy spikes on your shoulder, hooray for you.

server up?


Who is she? Never heard of her before today.

all it had to be was a different color. like no one would notice. it just had to be green