League of Legends General - /lolg/


Rage against the machine edition

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I fucking hate Orianna

Please use this thread instead of the cancer lulu one, thanks.

Alright lads.

Which one do I use, dragonslayer or warring kingdoms? youtube.com/watch?v=kX0gQHcWOb8

>late game mage uses her entire rotation on a squishy
>they die


Is this still accurate?

>Doesnt use her 15% x 1.44% auto attacks
>doesnt use E
>Attacks from 900 range while moving backwards

Karma isn't as strong anymore so...no?

How do we buy new champions now?

Reminder that Xayah is a subhuman slut who LOVES human semen.

most of those take coin now

>CLG fans this upset

xth for Syndra

it's her birthday edition also thread wars


We prefer this one

I honestly wouldn't care about thread wars if the Luluposting cancer didn't make their thread 100 posts before the thread limit just to try and force their autistic shit.


you've been posting this edit for 3 weeks now and nobody has ever found it funny
give up

This. I have buy more chesr now or what?

I'm comparing the stats and he has the same amount of shield value.In fact he lost 2.5 second shield duration for a Sand soldier prepare.
Also i don't like the changes as it'll make him a too easy target.

the blu essence store will be fucking shit!

The nation of Ionia is overrun with degenerates, subhumans, incompetents, and psychopaths.

The Eye of Twilight is blinded. The Order of Shadows is drunk on power. Ionia's ruling council is corrupt beyond redemption. Subhuman Vastayans walk the streets audaciously.

Order must be restored. The land cries out for the Hand of Divinity.

It literally says you get a shard whenever you level up

shards now drop each level

I'm fine with that, I just posted there when we hit the limit in the older thread.

>completely random shard after shittons of grinding
>exact champion you want after shittons of grinding
Wow, such an improvement.

what happens if you're max level?

The idea is that you get shards after levels (which are now unlimited) which you can dust and buy shit with.
But essentially it's another big nerf to IP gains.

That being said with runes gone it's not so bad, especially at the start. The games needed for all champs + runes vs all champs in new system is probably lower but each individual champion takes more games

There isnt a max level anymore.

We dota now boys.

there will no longer be a max level.

The shield scales off AP now akin to Ekko so his survivability on using the Shuffle properly is increased.

If this miniwork doesn't work either then they have the other option that people suggested and that was the long-range seige mage. (So the same thing just no dash).

I just hope this one works out.

I think sometimes they're gonna give more than one and the blue scence you need to unlock champs is less now

>Still no new Taliyah skin

and that's a bad thing because?

Ah,right i missed the AP ratio on the shield however i still prefer the longer duration.

i want to nut all over her ugly little face

>big nerf to IP gains.
it isn't, you'll gain enough BE to buy a new champ at about the same rate you used to plus getting shards for champions you don't own works as a functional discount and they're making fwotd worth more.

i hope they nerf him to the ground again and this tine forget he exists

What a stupid abbreviation. They should just call it Blue, or better yet not change the name of their currency they've used for 8 years

Okay, it's still going to be random from a pool of 130+ possibilities compared to selecting what I want and buying it. This is the dumbest thing Riot has ever done. First win of the day and just grinding for IP with a set goal keep people in the queues. People aren't going to do that for levels and a chance of what you want.

Fuck that, you could buy at least 30-35. Shop in the clearance section at Macy's/Kohl's/wherever boi

You don't gain any BE after games. The only thing you gain is shards every 15-25 games (when you level)

But those shirts will be garbage.

>You will never see her wince but still try to swallow your load
>You will never get her cute eyebrows sticky with your cum

Just kill me now

>play onslaught
>Weight of the World comes up on music player

>They give him merch that actually sold out
>implying they'd forget now

Take out Sona out because she's a dirty loose back pain slut. Replace her with the TIGHT Zyra and replace the top two items with Zz's rot and Zekes

Not at those stores man, I'm not talking walmart. These are like the Arrow/Alto shirts that were $30 last year but they need to clean out the stock.


>i want to nut all over her ugly little face

>tfw I got a 3 day ban just for posting the bare tummy from this

>refresh s20
>see the detailed Azir changes
all right those are pretty cool changes,if they go through i'm coming back to the game

Haha what the fuck this is so stupid

what happens when you reach the level cap you're unable to get more blue essence unless you're a good goy and buy hextech chests

even then wont exp per level scale the further you go so it will just get harder and harder to get champ shards to get blue essence for champs and masteries

is Kayn busted or do people just STILL not know how to deal with him?

I have like a 90% win rate with him, get an A or above every game, and steamroll.

Even when I decide to meme with shadow I pull pentas out my ass

There's not nearly enough good Taliyah porn.

>Wall size increased from 4/5/6 soldiers to 5/6/7 soldiers

I'm hard now

>Play summoners rift
>Yasuo mid starts intentionally feeding after his gloating about how good he is backfires and he feeds 2 kills to his enemy
>Types really passive aggressively and pretends to be nice like saying "Darn, I almost got them" after he runs into a tower and "Nice work, Summoner Twitch. You almost had them!" after our twitch dies to the fed enemy mid
Back to arams I guess. Can't say I'm surprised at a yasuo player inting though.

There is no level cap

Read the fucking FAQ boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/developer-corner/c7He9MWq-frequently-asked-questions-about-the-upcoming-leveling-and-rewards-changes

It's a stealth nerf my man essentially everything is always a stealth nerf my man.

You will probably earn on average something like 80-90% of the BE you would have earned had you just gained it in direct IP

>no more infinite bounce

Sadness forever.

that change alone will trigger everybody,love it

>Taliyah will never let you use her body to get your rocks off
That's probably because everyone is busy making porn of better champs.

Awww yea I love me some Not!Arab girls

People don't know how to deal with him. They don't understand that Red Kayn is almost impossible to kill if you let him hit anyone, and they don't understand that Shadow has a very small window to actually burst people because of how his passive window works.

Wew user , post Xayah , her VA makes me diamonds

Conquering Sands (Q)
AP ratio lowered from 50% to 30%
Cast range lowered from 875 to 720
Hit box increased to be ~70 units longer.

Okay thats balanced. I take back everything I said ever about Azir being cancer

Seems like it does take longer to level till 150 then it's the same from then on

Nobody posted that so I didn't know it existed

I love Camille

I don't have much Xayah that isn't too lewd for a Christian image board.

>a chance of getting exactly what you want for free

>If not, it'll be about 20% of the needed funds to get the champ, which can be saved up to buy whatever champ you want for exactly the same price they are now

You know you can still buy champs with BE right

>draw Taliyah porn
>give her the generic Ricegnat face with slighty thicker eyebrows

I mean I know she's canonically ugly but that's just funny.

so is this the patch for worlds?

That zit in the middle of her nose looks really painful.

>you don't understand man, they're plotting against us
>it's a conspiracy! we have to stop them!
>just think of all the fake money they could be hiding in their vaults!

you're not even paranoid about a real thing, you're paranoid about a digital currency only used to unlock champions when a lot of players already have every champion unlocked and most players have way more champions than they actually play.

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

Waow , would you kill Rakan for her?

If it takes 5 level ups to gain the essence for a 6300 champs that means you are looking at like 100 games to get one, average gain of only 63 per game.
Currently you get about 100 per game

>warring kingdoms xin reuses the little amount of shitty, boring particles it originally had and probably won't get a recall animation

>secret agent gets zero love and actually loses its only particle change

nobody is going to willingly draw ugly as sin female faces other than western artists or that one weird jap.

>Can't reroll champ shards anymore
>Need to pay full price for new champs
>Only way to get ip/blue essence now is champ shards from leveling up
How greedy can they get

7.18. So the patch which is due to come out in a few days. The one on the pbe isn't the worlds patch

>lulu thread gets deleted
>lulufags show back up

Damn that's an improvement

Okay, we're using this thread I guess.
I have no fucking idea how we did it. But we did. We won with a fucking teemo jungle.

It's no conspiracy, it's just an obvious move any for profit company makes, if for nothing else than to adjust to inflation.

They have made the same move before with several systems and the end result is always the same with stealth nerfs across the board.

You get 70 or so per game, you'd only get an average of 100 if you played 1 game every 11 hours with a 50% wr

>it takes 20 games to level up to 31+
How do you know this

What type of panties does she wear

Is stoneborn + censer worth it on non-shield/heal supports?

Since the other thread was deleted

>check s20
>xin rework
>nerf him and turn his w into a meme

The guy that introduced skills like his new W new Rengar Q and Seju W should be fucking hanged.

>Currently you get about 100 per game
a 30 minute win is 87 IP
a loss is 58
you're lying.
also they're making fwotd worth more (currently worth about two games) and fwotd accounts for a ton of the IP gains for most casual players who don't stream league 5+ hours per day.

The Lulu cancer has been defeated, for now.

Also, you should have had more faith in the Spec Ops Teemo.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Every level is between 15 and 25 games according to the faq.
So you can pretty easily calculate how much BE you are actually getting per game and it's going to be lower than what we are getting now

When are we going to play arams together?

>queue up
>get in to lobby
>3 people on my team are on 6+ game loss streaks
>the other guy just got off of a 7 game loss streak
>I'm on a 8 game win streak

Really makes me think

how lewd is SG syndra?

>Also, you should have had more faith in the Spec Ops Teemo.
But he was devil Teemo?

i wish i was a girl

first win of the day my man.
With those 2 games you are earning 150 per game.
If you play 2 games a day that's already 700 games a year which is probably around the area average player plays (if not higher)

>You will never be able to get this ward

Are legacy exclusive wards like this obtainable through hextech and mystery wards?