Why did they gas Jews? Wouldn't it have been faster and easier to just shoot them?
Why did they gas Jews? Wouldn't it have been faster and easier to just shoot them?
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gass more like ass lol
Soldiers break down emotionally when asked to shoot unarmed civilians.
No? Shooting people takes effort. In order to kill with one shot you need to aim; in order to do it effectively you need volleys.
And of course, you've got the psychological damage you're doing to your soldiers by having them massacre thousands of civilians face to face. The main reason they went to the gas chambers was so that they could kill people en-masse without having to actually watch it happen.
Why do it any other way?
>You got 100 jews you need to kill by dawn
>Shoot them one by one
>Or cram them in a closed space and murder them all at once
Witch one sounds faster?
>inb4 muh firing squad
Yeah man, just waste thousands of bullets in the middle of a fucking war. It's not like you need those bullets to hold off approaching armies or anything like that.
I know this is probably a meme feigning ignorance but thats exactly what the ordsnungpolizei did
Yeah, we know. Just because some fucks were so sick they could be perfectly fine with gunning down women and children all the time doesn't mean all of the German military was. They simply didn't have enough psychos to kill as many people as they needed to, so they came up with a solution that their troops could be agreeable to to kill all the untermenschen.
>yfw they were still wasting men and trains rounding up and deporting Jews in March 1945
My question is wtf did the Jews do to have the Germans attempt to genocide them on an industrial scale?
>implying the nazis wanted to kill the jews
yes good goy don't forget about the six gorillion
Just the Nazis. While people in general didn't like Jews they didn't want to kill them.
>Actually knowing anything about the Holocaust or the Wehrmacht
I don't trust Jews or Nazis.
>yfw they were still wasting men and trains rounding up and deporting Jews in March 1945
At that point it was more about revenge than anything else: "If we're going down, we're taking as many with us as we can." Of course, the overwhelming majority of those people never actually did anything in the first place, so yeah.
>have enough Sarin gas stockpiled to kill 100 million that you never use
>instead use a far less effective gas intended for delousing
>conveniently demolish all your crematoria at your largest camp just before the arrival of the Soviets forcing a reliance on anecdotal evidence
>expend resources to cremate bodies when you could have simply buried them.
The list goes on but who cares? You have your minds made up already.
Being Jewish was a crime, you fuck
Yes, they weren't very efficient. It's a known fact. We are talking about the same people that wasted money and resources to build this stupid garbage.
>have enough Sarin gas stockpiled to kill 100 million that you never use
>instead use a far less effective gas intended for delousing
>use Sarin in gas chamber
>have to send in troops in protective gear to clear the bodies out
>workers used to dispose of corpses have to wear gear themselves otherwise they'll die quickly too
>burning the bodies would probably pollute the air with chemical weapons too
>chambers would be extremely dangerous to camp personnel during operation
>use Zkylon B
>kills effectively
>doesn't leave dangerous residue on corpses after venting
>can be burned with zero problems
>is also probably cheaper to make
Just because you're retarded doesn't mean everyone is, user.
Actually, fuck the other parts. The venting alone is reason enough. Did you think ALL of the gas was inhaled by the victims of the gas chambers? Fuck no. So, they would have to vent the chambers to get the bodies out and shove new victims in.
Do you really think they should be venting fucking Sarin into their own lands?
Sarin is so lethal you'd need all kinds of special equipment just to use it without killing yourself. Using a comparatively mild commercial pesticide makes more sense. And besides, why would you waste your supply of nerve gas on non-military targets?
They needed bullets for the two front war they were fighting maybe? Why are people here so fucking dumb history is not hard.
Sarin comes in varying levels of concentration and toxicity and is rendered to a safe state via acid exposure
>whoa whoa whoa thats too much effort
You're literally claiming the Nazis wasted all these resources to kill jews and make funny weapons, your argument collapses on itself.
That's what makes threads like these so interesting.
the guy in op's pic is named william gass
more like ass lol
>Let's waste our supply of nerve gas in the MIDDLE OF A FUCKING WAR instead of just using a common commercial insecticide with no military value that we can get pretty much anywhere and don't need special equipment to use
The holocaust created 6,000 tons of phosphate, which they just dumped in a pond or whatever.
A typical WW2 battleship weighed well over 40,000 tons. Getting rid of just 6,000 tons would not be hard at all.
You are literally mentally retarded.
>we can't use our abundant organophosphates but instead we'll use hydrogen cyanide.
The sarin would have been more efficient.
Did you read the thread? Would have been very expensive to use sarin
A common man could make organophosphates with household chemicals.
>The sarin would have been more efficient.
Except not at all.
We've already established that the holocaust is mentally retarded
Not an argument.