Our guy edition
old: eyosongive.us
League of Legends general - /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
>hover new thread
>expect some lulu autism
>tfw its /ourgoy/ qt
thank heavens
Rate my choices
Which do i start flooding artists with first
Lux x Garen is the GOAT LoL ship
annie velkoz
xth for Syndra
still her birthday edition
>vayne x vlad
>all of Veeky Forums
it's literally only that one fat gook roastie that spams that autistic shit everywhere
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
happy birthday to my waifu for laifu
Since runes are basically free, should I get some lethality runes for Miss Fortune or am I better off with raw AD?
only things below tumblr are what im going to get made
>anthony burch changed the lore to fit his autism
waifu for laife
does she wear frilly panties
>teamfight is going terrible
>run away as they score a quad kill
>now it's just me at the base versus the whole team
what the heck do I even do when that happens
Back the fuck off
None of your business
That's what I meant when I said he went full on retarded. He started adding any ship that someone spammed to the list. So really out there shit was added to the list for no discernible reason.
the lethality is really gud
i wish i was a girl
stop being a little faggot, stay, and lead your team to victory during the teamfight.
unless you're playing as a tank or support, in which case blame the carries and jungler for "no damage"
or if you're a carry or jungler, in which case type in all caps that there was "NO PEEL"
depends, on a lot of things
>waveclear from a distance
>proxy the minion wave
>take one of their towers, inhib or whatever
>solo dragon
>push out lanes
I wish I was a little girl
I've been suffering from depression for years then one day i got matched against a maokai top and i finnaly found the strength to kill myself
henlo, looking for girls on NA to discreetly gift skins in exchange for lewds or FEET
discord quick uwuowo#4585
Just do what I do and play ARAM when your depressed.
This isn't lewd enough for a ban, right? this artist is so good
lets get going fuck boy
Rolling for Lux
>Shen/Jhin over Zed/Jhin or Shen/Zed hatesex
>Syndra not with Zed
>Taliyah with fucking Malphite and not Yasuo or Ekko
>no Vlad/Vayne despite all of the canon connections and hate sex it could bring to the table
>Kayn in a fucking threesome with an Augmented Piltie and Balance-loving Ionian when there's options like Akali or Zed, which he has a canon man-crush on
>Camille/Mordekaiser when it's been confirmed that Urgot is attracted to Camille and they have similar circumstances as crime-ridden cyborgs
>shipping Vi with anyone but Cait
>no wincest hatesex with Volibear/Ornn
>no obvious Jayce/Viktor
>Shipping Braum with anyone when he's too pure for this shit
>shipping Jarvan with anyone but Shyvana
>giving Ahri to Jarvan even though Ahri already had a canon lover and now wants to remain single out of the guilt she felt for murdering him
>no Garen/Poppy for that one-sided crush appeal
Had a good chuckle with the Janna one though. Add Soraka to it.
Other than that, shit list
You do understand there is literally a near limitless supply of what you want for free right? what does it matter if they come from this very specific section of the internet? go be a fucking degenerate loser somewhere else
#killing it
its all a matter of the tags user
mmf rape is always an option
dont be upset poorfag i want only the freshest lewds available from egirls and im going to get them one way or another
I'd cuddle with Wolf
Is there a husbando version of this?
>TrackingThePros is already updating bootcamp pro accounts
feels good to have a stream to use as background sound and watch once in a while
not that i have, but i'm sure something exists
This won't end well.
Rolling for someone fertile.
id do it
jinx/velcro 4 lyfe
>im a retarded loser with money u mad
kill yourself moron, youre just trying to get leverage on people here but no one is going to be retarded enough to message you
Why the heck not
>Syndra not with Zed
>Not wanting Syndra with Irelia for corruption sex
Silly user.
Is Sejuani fertile?
jesus fucking christ c9, i loved them season 3 but what have they become
even if you're a sub, how the FUCK do you be pro and go from p1 to p2 with a 23% winrate
Buff Caitlyn
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Why are they giving to Xin Zao the ult they should have given to Poppy?
Fucking elves...
Jinx doesn't do anal
Damn Q max Urgot is actually pretty good against Ranged.
VelxRek is a thing online, where would that fit?
Is it time again for me to suck all the fun out of the game?
>deletes you
>Jinx doesn't do anal
At least hearing his voice while he kills you is fine.
xth for Cute Championship Ashe
How? Why would anyone wait for it to detonate under them?
>feed and intentionally throw the match after a teammate questions anything i do
>dont type anything in chat
>team rages at me
>never get banned
>report my teammates for verbal abuse
>get smite messages
dont ever try to hurt my feelings
There's something wrong with her boobs.
>in your lifetime morgana will get a visual upgrade and will go from anorexic to 10/10
move over syndra there's a new busty purple waifu in town (coming soon™)
Anybody here know how much of a difference going from a 60hz monitor to a 144hz one is in league?
Obviously I'm not retarded enough to think it's going to make me better, but does it feel noticeably nicer to play with or is there no difference?
I find new Urgot to be an exceptional Jungler, probably wasn't intended.
Nice one, dude. You really showed them!
something about this just feels
yeah that's kind of how it goes
don't say anything and provided you don't go 0-30 everything else is pretty fine
I hope she looks like reworked Fiora.
why is she sad :c
It does feel really nice and smooth while playing, but the advantages 144hz can bring apply more to shooters.
Vitlyn Garena sale made Rito money and was base on Cait/Vi being a thing.
Oh yeah it's tricky but you're gonna land a lot more Q's than W's against a Kennen.
Also the waveclear, a lot of Ranged Top's can't push for shit so you can always just permashove them in.
I have her ready
she knows she's a shit
I like my Star Guardian Ahri fanart as much as anyone but her breasts look absolutely disgusting in that pic. Cowtits are not attractive, especially when they're lumpy and misshapen.
Could someone give me some general tips as Xayah?
why are women so fucking easy to spot in this game
>girl in my normal queuing with her friends
>she's playing gnar
is gnar a girl champ now
Sounds a bit risky. Urgot doesn't have a lot of escape tools in his arsenal, only his tiny dash on E. I would be afraid of ganks if I permanently pushed my lane.
Post y'all champion pools.
I never play Jungle or Support
Don't die.
our puny human cocks will never be enough to satisfy her, try the backdoor for better success
i'm unreasonably mad raeding this
Women don't say that
>gangplank into darius
man that shit was hilarious, dude was a complete sitting duck
doing erotic roleplay with rakan support will strongly ameliorate your laning potential
Lee Sin
Bot lane is for people with friends
I like to assassinate things
>cute and fluffy
>suddenly turns into a wrath monster of destruction
Sounds like a really appeling girl champ