Who here /watchingraidonstream/?
Who's a good streamer?
reminder that mods need a buff
they should also tie team size to mercy rule
>trying to level a new character
this is so goddamn slow
>just got to thumos
>only level 12
fuck this is going to suck cabal dicks isnt it?
>Playing Titan
is there any mods that i should prioritize? like the burn mods or something
No such thing user.
So i was gone for a while, but an user has been posting about his adventures in the crucible trying to unlock the helmet. Did the user ever get it?
all suck dick except reload mods
unless bungie buffs the others
shit son i just realized i got like no scout rifles
The look of the raid armor and weapons will determine whether or not I do it more than once.
I swear people are retarded
why the fuck would some fucking tea seller be on the other side of the galaxy as a raid boss what would he even do?
where is my future war cult?
it takes a lot of work to push my lightlevel but it's not really reflected in how strong i am ingame. i'm not even sure that i'm stronger now at 290 than i was at 160.
i'm not sure that this is good game design.
I have so many SRs that I was able to infuse the Crucible SR into my Call to Serve. You just have shit RNG
exotic quests before or after milestones?
I still don't much care for the crucible
>everything barring swords deal too much damage or health is too small across the board
>if you are ever in a fight against two people and they focus fire on you you will ALWAYS die with no chance of escaping
>super STILL one-shot
>ARs are simply the best weapon type for this mode since they shoot so fucking fast
4v4 would be better if you didn't die so fucking quickly.
>4v4 only PVP
What were they thinking.
fuck outta here, keep grinding that level bro
where is my Veist hoodie I need it
Try to get to as high a level as possible before doing the exotic quests.
Is tractor cannon any good?
I nightfalld your mom last knight
Anyone up for xbone cruisible?
You don't do more damage to a level 1 enemy than every other level 1 in the game. It's how Destiny has always been
Depends what you need to level up more, but I'd do milestones after since you can only do those once a week but quests once per character
Good fucking question
*i nightfell
>too much damage or health is too small across the board
bro, they nerfed the fuck out of damage already, and melee and grenade damage
it'll be even more team shooting if they make them even weaker
only reverting to D1 damages and cooldowns but keeping (the shit) D2 weapon system would save 4v4
What are some good energy scouts to look out for?
I'm fucking starved for drops on this weapon type and havent reallly seen one other than a tone patrol I'm wishing I had held onto
>it's a Hawthorne episode
I suspect they removed the above LL boosts
there better be raid pugs in here later this afternoon
>not playing Titan
So a handful of us made a Discord, for anyone interested in that sorta' thing.
Pop by and check it out if you'd like. Make sure to not neglect the General if you do though.
Posted in old thread by accident.
Exotic drop rates are much higher though or was I just lucky?
At 265, gimme a quick rundown on how to get raid ready from here
>GuardianxGuardian write smut is canon
>Ywn find Caydes write smut stash
>the speakers fate is more or less up in the air
>probably died
>his entire thing with ghaul is that he would need to die for the traveler to chose him
>the speaker becomes a guardian now that the traveler is alive again
>he speaks With the traveler now
Some faggot dc'd during the Nightfall. Me and 1 other guy got the boss down to like 20% health with 30 seconds left on the clock and we both die. We respawn, he immediately dies, and the element turns to Void. I popped my Sentinel super and just started hacking at that boss geek's legs. At literally 0:00, the fucker dies. Hunter fags need not apply -- Titan master race reigns supreme now and forever.
Thanks for listening. I appreciate your upboats :^)
Need a prestige NF
Anyone down?
295 titan
Wildheart best shoulders.
Already are. Raids will be 260-280.
>highest power weapon is a shotgun
He's dead. If you scan one of the investigate things in the tower your ghost confirms it.
Do I need to buy caydes maps for the treasure or will they be there anyways?
wondering this too
Post webms
you need the maps for the treasure to appear.
if you have the map, only you will see it. if your fireteam doesn't have it, they will not see them
you think we'll have chests that we can bump away in the raid?
When's the HDR patch for PS4 come out?
Real talk. Is there any Destiny lewd smut stuff out there?
I need some for linguistic studies.
I didn't play destiny 1. Is this worth getting for pc?
>look around for how to get tickets for nightfall
>literally no information on this
What the hell?
Thats only what the ghost knows though.
We have no confirmation that he's dead beyond ghost calling him "gone".
Though he is probably dead.
Regardless though, the speaker coming back would be cool.
Even though he has a ghost in D1, so presumably he's already a guardian.
not until they buff mods
>YWN have a New York Rican Jewess slobber over your BBC before she carries you in Trials
Holy fuck that's more funny than it should be.
>got an afker on strike
Do they get kicked or what? I
Just got my MIDA but fuck, the Nameless Midnight still feels so much better to use
I think I've found my raifu
Report them
Right now it's in beta. Only a select few get a ticket. Final release, I don't know how we get them.
>mfw exudos titan helmet looks identical to ODST helmet
Some one please! PLEASE! DO A ODST BUILD!!!
The group with Luke in the stream giving them "hints" on how to beat each boss/section
just like with wrath
You go to orbit since he wants free loot
>Literally EVERY Destiny Youtuber has the same faggot British accent. You know the accent I'm talking about.
What area of the UK do these mouthbreathers come from so I can avoid it?
they NEED to buff the mods
14 seconds off your grenades at best for 2 mods is trash
on top of splitting them up into subclasses and having them only available on 2 different pieces per subclass
they don't do shit to gameplay
Why can't I see my fire team on the map?
I think I'm gonna infuse my Mida into my Nameless Midnight so I can use Riskrunner and fuck shit up with arc chains
>giant round pauldrons
>smaller round pauldrons
>pointed round pauldrons
>pointed round pauldrons
give me back my fucking SIVA armor
Is 246 enough for reidu~
>Implying you can escape them
Just become Datto's boi toy
>tfw no failsafe gf
How do you get these sets? Earth looks great.
>Select few
Huh. Neat. Well you can still do the Guide section, right? Why don't we do it?
is riskrunner like the zhalo supercell
i'm not really a fan of the subs in this game
Go make a sandwich or take a shit.
Waste their time.
but seriously whats the best place to try and get blue scouts? im dying here with this mida quest
it's like zhalo but on crack
well it looks cool
into better devils it goes
I loved the character, but I hate the execution of her "evil" voice. I don't know why, but it sounds so dumb to me
>Resets with new Season
>"lets let people matchmake but lets limit it to 10 per fucking season"
the hell is going on at bungie
How do I join the xbone clan. Does someone need to invite me I can't request to join? Biskeks
Get fucked.
Nobody even wants to raid with you. Nobody LIKES you. You're fucking trash. Trash. Literal garbage. You fucking scum. Get the fuck out of here. Go take a nap on a railroad.
Fucking faggot.
~oh look am i kawaii sensei~? Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense.
Fucking weeb-typing piece of shit. I b-b-bet you stutter too. Fucking cancer.
Get fucked kid.
Titan, just run PE's and get high value targets. >If you would have known previously before the grind you should have saved some up
>chat required.
N-No T-Thanks.
The exotics are really fun this time around. I love the sound Graviton Lance makes when you shoot it. What are your favorites?
K-Kill y-yourself stuttertyping faggot.
haha good one user they don't let anyone in
jesus fucking christ please fucking kill me I just dismantled a 290+ gear I forgot to fucking lock it aaaaahhhh I wanna kill myself
eh, I like how her evil voice isn't actually evil, like, she just laments how she can't go help her crew because she doesn't have a body
>commitment: 45 mins
they really expect you to wipe a lot don't they
>time commitment is 45 minutes
>time limit for NF is 14 at best
you're gonna carry that weight
>base power too low to infuse weapon
what the fuck