/dg/ - Destiny General
Other urls found in this thread:
How do I do Ikoras challenges?
In meditation story missions?
HMGs no longer exist in D2
What's a good Raid stream to watch for those of us who are waiting for the PC release?
Fifth for barvo dream!
2/3 regular nightfall
>get sword
>flank enemy
>kill 1
>kill 2
>enemy arc titan thing running at me with super
>outskill him with my not-super weapon
>trade 1v1 on the 4th as he's casting nova bomb
kek literally 1v4 vs 2 supers and win with a sword
good game bungo
Look again. He's not making a thread related clan the fuckers looking to recruit people from here for his random unrelated clan.
>raid is 260-280
Have fun 300s
then he can fuck off to /v/, /r/fireteams or bungie.net
Try it when you got devour running. Every kill basically resets what took that 4man alone to kill with one less member. It even saves you from melee trades because your health activates the second he dies and it applies the melee damage after the regen for some reason.
>the good soccer field in the tower is so far away nobody is ever playing on it
reee i guess...
Who's making the Xbox Clan #2?
Congratulations, for every one of those instances, there's 100 more where a shitter wastes a heavy pickup because he thinks he can do anything with a stupid sword.
>watching people play games
I will never understand this
can i make it on ps4
I do it for all the big PlayStation games, most of them work better as shitty films anyways.
What's the standard "melt the boss" heavy this time around?
Apparently merciless is pretty good, and I've seen that weird cabal launcher whatever it is do some serious work.
No, just let Bob make it, despite the fact we should seriously stop making /v/'s clans for them.
Someone here mentioned it before, little brother syndrome. Shitters can't do it temselves so they live vicariously through big brother/daddy streamers.
If you can access Bungie.net on PS4.
Why? There's not enough people yet. There hasn't even been the prerequisite clean up of randoms on the roster.
>it takes days to kick people who haven't played D2 yet
How shit are the people running BoX?
Do you even have to ask? It's almost like having a nigger in charge.
We have to vet everyone to make sure no ni-, undersirables join. Even if you're active, we'll prefer an inactive desrable over an undesirable.
So you're a circlejerk, gotcha, I just thought that was a meme, but I guess not.
>tfw get darci
is this my qt gun waifu
It's like /hg/ but more autistic.
I start work 12:30 est, 30 minutes before the raid and have drill at 5a.m. I'll never get that loot
Selective membership != circlejerk you dumb fuck.
what's even the perk?
sounds like 2fort sniper
Its more like a country club. People below a certain threshold of social skill, standing, and prowess are to be debarred. Otherwise every shitter would be clogging up the chat or being a useless fireteam member or being an asshat and dropping out of a guided game locking the entire clan out of nf's.
you mean the farm?
Its kinda retarded to do for a clan for a Veeky Forums thread. It's not like you are fucking FaZe or some shit.
>being a military cuck
Have fun being screwed over by the veteran benefits and monetary help for education they'll never actually provide.
Country Clubs don't let trannies by admins. Normally they are banned.
nah, in the context of a thread clan, that makes it a complete circlejerk
what's better old fashioned or better devils
old fashion if you're stacking reload
Seeing as I can't play the Raid day 1 as I've done with all the others, I would at least like to watch to it day 1. Nothing to do with """"""""""little brother syndrome""""""""""
If you let every random fuck in of a low skill level then every fireteam you attempt to make from the clan has a chance of having shitters you'll have to carry. Combine that with the fact that those people could go on to do something stupid and get the entire clan locked out of NF's, or raids later down the road, plus they'll be sitting there leeching underserved rewards.
any1 else need rat king night fall? it's really easy this week
>Loot boxes randomly not dropping anything
what gives?
>havent unlocked all the skill points on one of my alts
oh heck
Generalisations don't apply to everyone and that wasn't meant for you, obviously.
very very very gentle reminder if you like suraya you're part of the problem and will be dealt with on the day of the croak
Depends on the countryclub. A few are okay with chicks or things that look like chicks because thats free sexual favors for membership.
Sure it is. Do you get Reddit Gold for that post? Mongoose is clearly fucking retarded if he thinks that's a smart idea for a Veeky Forums thread.
it's from a patch from Taken King
No more of a circlejerk than this thread or the people saying that any PS4 "/dg/" clan after II is a /v/ clan and should be excluded.
Wait, why can't I opt into the teamchat?
it has the range of the target, and some other numbers but I can't tell what they mean..
they don't seem better over damage perks though.
There have been problems in the past, so it's only natural that we're picky about who should get to play with us. If you don't like it, you can fuck off and make your own /dg/ ''''''''''''''''clan'''''''''''''''''''' with just (You)
Who hurt you?
>or the people saying that any PS4 "/dg/" clan after II is a /v/ clan and should be excluded.
But BoX is excluding actual /dg/ using anons, whilst the other is simply that there aren't hundreds of /dg/ using anons across all platforms, yet alone on a single platform, so they've been infested with /v/.
>muh leeching again
i thought you were an admin, bean. just boot the people you don't like and get your super sekrit club back to the party of 10 it used to be lol
It's even MORE of a circlejerk than this thread. Come on man, we are supposed to be better than Soniggers.
>There have been problems in the past, so it's only natural that we're picky about who should get to play with us
*polishes katana*
Care to explain how its retarded?
Because all i'm seeing is a clan being slowly made up of skilled/fun individuals and all i'm hearing is bitching coming from incompetents or autists.
there's a soccer field in the hangar
If you think this is actually someone from the clan you're talking to and not some bored retard stirring clan shit then honestly I don't know what to tell you
>doing a public event
>some random joins up
>seems to know his stuff since he helped with turning the event to heroic
>wave to him as I tp to another spot
>he spawns in the same instance again
>this happens for the next 3 public events
>sends me a friend request during our final run
is this what friendship feels like?
Should I infuse my 289 Sturm into my 275 Sunshot? I think Sunshot is way more fun to use.
Nobody i just like to spread the knowledge that only 1/4 factually only get benefits they're promised and out of that 1/4 80% have to file some complaint or "remind them" of what was promised them because they'll absolutely skip on the dinner bill if they think you won't notice.
Everything still applies, however. If you guys are this slow and shit at running the thread clan, then go back to being a sekrit clique and let someone else take over the XB1 thread clan position.
Don't worry about perks, its just a new hereafter
Join this server ya lil jabronis, im tryna streamline the destiny experience for people cause im so g*sh d*rn nice
yes. Sturm is shit both pve and pvp
*blinks behind u*
*casts nova bomb and smashes you into 2 trillion void peaces*
nothing personel, titancuck.
I had something like that last week. The entire day, I kept coming across the same guy. He saw my Titan move from a babby level 10 to a big strong 20.
literally unironically kill yourself
>better than ps4 users
Nah. We never have been and we never will but refining our clan down to the best of the best first and foremost is a step towards that final goal.
Ex: you think jiro or joff are being allowed in the ps4 clans? Why shouldn't i do the same for the xbone equivalents?
I understand what they were trying to do with the Savathun's Song strike. They wanted to display how dangerous the world of Destiny actually is and show that the Vanguard loses guardians on a daily basis. However I think that the way the strike was handled was really poor. No sense in introducing named characters if you kill them off not even ten minutes later. That's Star Trek redshirt levels of writing.
Instead we should have just listened in to the fireteam's comms and witness, via radio, how each and every one of them got picked and killed. No name drops. No shitty character introductions. Just the suspense of being powerless as you witness guardians being killed.
PSN: ImRaincoats
Unprotected sex with Failsafe!!!
>There have been problems in the past, so it's only natural that we're picky about who should get to play with us
Problems? The fuck kinda problems would you even have? "Ooh, someone called my Gamertag shit! REEEE"
The ward coil. At 297 it melts the boss of prestige nightfall in one full ammo.
i dont even think i could have been paid to sound more butthurt and edgy than you. please post with your name so i can blacklist you
literally unironically make me fuckboy
>random nobody new to the general
>instantly starts shilling the terminal cancer of every general
Jesus fuck just go to bnet or reddit or something.
you hace to go back
>random nobody new to the general
This is a problem because? Does it have to be one of your e-celebs to circlejerk around for legitimacy?
>Stop doing that. Hey.
What did she mean by this?
You seem truly upset
Next time I'm with your mothers I'm not tipping
>something which isn't a problem appears
>user says its a problem
>eventually stirs up the pot enough to make it a problem
>"see I told you guys"
>will now cite this event in the future to repeat the cycle
>Everything still applies despite the fact I've been hoodwinked into talking to someone talking utter shite for the last 20 minutes of my life
Game has been out for 7 days. Clan is currently at 96/100 members. They're weeding out the few people that are inactive and who aren't actually from /dg/, every day they generally get 10 applications to fill 3-4 new slots so obviously names they immediately recognise from the thread or from D1 get in immediately for obvious reasons. The reason it's taking so long to clear space is because how the hell do you tell if somebody is inactive when the game has only been out for 7 days
Honestly there's no reason why someone else can't make a second clan. I have no idea why you're apparently expecting mongoose or whoever to do it, because clearly they can't. You're relying on one of your """thread celebrities""" to do the work for you while at the same time insisting they're the lazy ones, like holy shit mate, c'mon.
>Random Nobody
Seeing as we have a spurglord talking about making a group of his friends only as our only Xbox group, maybe that's a good thing that the random made this discord.
consider this
you hover over your item you want to dismantle and you hit triangle. then you move on to the next item you want to dismantle and hit triangle again. rinse and repeat until you've hovered over every item and pressed triangle.
then, you hover over a "dismantle all marked" button and hold square for half a second.
a breakthrough in technology.
>Get hunter to 20
>Do some pub events to get my LL up
>Go hand in some tokens to see if my stuff is redeeming at highest light
>Get the kek pants
What did Bungo mean by this?
what even constitutes activity for d2
like, do you have to have played it every day since launch? do you have to be a certain light level or something?
have to wait until destiny 3, this engine doesn't support that sorry
This post speaks of anguish and suffering only a yellow fruit can know
Who else /watches Infowars while he plays Destiny/ here?
That is something we think the players wont feel encouraged about.
-Luke Smith
>because clearly they can't
Bob's made four clans, so clearly he can. As I said, if he doesn't want the mantle of running the Xbox side of things for the thread, then he should say as much and step the fuck down allowing someone more applied to takeover.
I'd make the clan, but I'm a literally who and due to the nature of generals, nobody will want to join up as they want to gargle on that sweet thread celebrity cock.
>tfw my fucking KeK gloves show as the Dead Cure things on my character but still show KEK gloves on my personal char screen
better fucking do a real fix and not that bullshit
Alex Jones is my husbando on the lowkey
Daily activity, LL290+
Mind posting what the "fixed" graphic looks like?