Got ledged: Rudimentary Map
>General information on Moves, Stats, and Equipment
>Hairstyles in game
>Where the fuck is XYZ?
Got ledged: Rudimentary Map
>General information on Moves, Stats, and Equipment
>Hairstyles in game
>Where the fuck is XYZ?
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First for Jumped Spin Kick
What do you do when your opponent is just really good at parrying?
I didnt manage to land a single hit on the guy I just fought because he parried every single move I did
>equip calbot
>que for 1v1s
>open with calbot
>pretend to be teaching calbot
>once your opponent learns calbot and starts attacking you
>kill him
nothing, there is nothing you can do
start trading with charged moves instead
try to throw his timing off by purposely not gold linking and try to switch up your hits.
Are the forsakens ive been playing against bad or does can windfall dodge immediately after being parried?
>does can
>fight a couple rounds with a guy yesterday
>beat him every time without much trouble
>happen to come up against him again today
>hes improved massivly
>absorbing and feinting like a madman
>He beats me
impressive desu
if they fuck up their punish
Have faster attacks in your chains after parry-baiting slower attacks on the opposite side, so you can feint the parry-bait into an attack on the other side.
Then start throwing in hyperarmor or dodging attacks to swallow up his jabs.
Don't always link attacks together, a lot of the time a Forsaken player will queue up the parry to come out the moment blockstun from the first attack finishes, so you watch for the whiff and then punish it.
Forsaken parry has a short window that leaves the enemy unable to do literally anything. If he doesn't use it to confirm a hit, he's terrible.
Note that it's entirely possible to queue a parry right behind another parry, which is kind of dumb when you're playing with K+M, you end up wasting your parry-confirm on a second parry quite often.
I just started and I tried some PVP (way too early probably) but is the Meta just spamming really fast attacks that cost no stamina endlessly?
you can block those endlessly
So how do you get in? I did get a few good Forsaken Parries off, but I admit I got overwhelmed pretty easily.
No, it's just a noob-stomper chain that you can easily string together with the initial moveset unlock.
It's counterable a lot of the time by simply blocking, since most extremely fast attacks cost more to throw out than they do to block. Sometimes you can even just side-dodge out of it.
Jabspam gets hardcountered by literally any of the moves that strafe or duck right away, it's not particularly viable against opponents who have actually built well-rounded decks.
That's not to say that bursts of fast attacks are useless, they're great to have to punish greedy opponents, but just as with everything else it'll get you killed if you make it your sole gimmick.
Guess I gotta get that Fighting Game mentality of "Blocking for a very long time is dangerous" out of my head for this game. When it comes to that strat at least.
>relying on blocking
Jesus that's a dirty evasive attack combo there
Yeah you really have to incorporate a healthy mix of feints, dodges, and blocks to be successful.
Post your fabsolvers gents.
Which fit is better?
are the pants from right clean black?
They aren't really black, more of a dark gray.
Oroboro? Is that you cunt?
And yes, they are the clean Trapper Pants I think they're called?
could you maybe snap a pic in guidance bridge under the light?
I can try, my resolution doesn't really allow for optimal screenshots of my character.
why the fuck does that invincible uppercut hit low, its such bullshit
1) start a slow, parryable by reaction attack
2) either feint or not, the better mind gamer wins
3) get a guaranteed hit from winning the mind game
4) either use your next x or y move, the better mind gamer wins
5) return to step 3
Is there a point to absorb or is it just a shitty version of parry? It always feels like someone gets parried and they're like OH SHIT 120+ DAMAGE FUCK ME, but when I successfully absorb it just seems like the person is like "kek I can keep gold chaining no problem, also you still take damage lmao@urlife", even worse if they start throwing in guardbreaks (which work great because I'm probably gonna be either blocking or absorbing and it fucks up both), while literally every move in the game can be parried.
I mean I guess you can say you can jab or charging attack out of an absorb but I don't see how that's any better than doing the same thing out of blockstun. Best you get is a decent amount of stamina back, but parry ALSO gives some stamina back for some dumbass reason on top of giving you free damage and shifting the tide of battle. Feels fucking bad, man.
cause you're almost scraping your knuckles over the ground when executing it??
Because it's hilariously easy to punish and exists to just hurt goldlinkers.
Please keep playing for another week so we can then listen to you whine about absorb being overpowered
who do things like that happen right after winning a round
Thanks, user. Yeah I was hoping it was a dark version but I have those gray ones aswell.
I really truly don't want to be a parryfag so please, enlighten me on how it's overpowered (or how to make it overpowered)? I want to git gud with kahlt, teach me your ways senpai.
>Jumped light kicks you out of moves 1,3,4 and 5.
He said GOOD at parrying.
You can block toggle strings of light attacks until the person attacking runs out of stamina before you do.
Parry blocks and stuns for a second, absorb blocks heavy and charged attacks for the cost of a little HP but absorbs the stamina from the attack allowing you to counter attack and regain the HP taken from the absorption. So essentially, if you can pop off absorb constantly you can ruin their momentum while still collecting stamina and HP. Fucking Kahlt AI gets so bad sometimes they will absorb every single move in my combo even when i throw in feints.
>shoulda coulda woulda
How can someone be this awful at reading an opponent? Holy shit.
But what do you mean by that? The other player in that webm is hitting parry immediately after taking a hit. You could take a hit then wait to see the start of the next hit before pressing parry, but then you'd be caught out by feints or very fast following jabs. You could not parry at all until you see a very slow attack that you can definitely identify, but then you're getting bullied on your block if the slow attack never comes and could potentially still be caught out by a feint.
Staggering attacks like the guy in the webm is just phase one, if they adapt to that you adapt to their adaptation. At some point their best option is to stop trying to parry and start swinging. This means you just defeated parry.
AI doesn't really count since they input read, though. And my problem is more with jab spammers or fast kick spammers where I'll try to absorb into counterattack and they'll hit me before I hit them anyways because of their fast gold link bullshit.
Yeah I don't know, I play Windfall so I'm not too familiar with the timing of absorb or how to tactfully use it. If anything read their combos and look for "landmarks" or "cues" in their combo that hint that a slower stronger attack is coming. Absorb the hit right before the slower attack so it gives you time to counter, perhaps? Then again this also leaves you open to a huge haymaker should you mess up.
>But what do you mean by that?
Parrying attacks that can be reaction parried easily at combo startup would be a start. Quit jacking off your supposed yomi when all you did was post a webm of a retarded opponent.
The thing is, the classic fighting game block-counter of throws that go straight through blocking? That doesn't exist. Instead, you simply use meaty attacks against a turtle to quickly wear their stamina down. If you block a guardbreak, that's almost all your effective stamina down right then and there.
You have to just not walk into a dodge/parry punish while you do so, but between mixups and feinting that's far from difficult.
Blocking's good against jabspam. Not good against anything remotely meaty. That guy was panic-blocking against your heavy string, probably because up against the wall like that his camera was fucked and he couldn't see what was going on.
>get a good string on someone, now at
Most moves can't be identified on reaction. You can see the other player move and react to the movement, but identifying what that is in time to choose the correct timing and direction is only possible on slow attacks. That's why people guess. Sometimes it's an educated guess, but an educated guess still loses to any kind of mix up. You just have to know what tell the other player is looking for before they press parry.
Or I guess nobody ever lands a hit against somebody who's decent at parrying right? This isn't For Honour.
Absorb has basically no whiff-punish. If you accidentally absorb early against a slow attack like say Upper Elbow you STILL have enough time to dodge out of the way.
You come out of absorb MUCH faster than you do out of blockstun. If you haven't noticed that you aren't buffering the attack while in the absorb frames properly. The scariest Kahlt players are relentless about absorb->jab punishes and make you terrified of ever stringing two consecutive attacks against them.
>Most moves can't be identified on reaction.
There are a few moves that have EXTREMELY unique and obvious windups but for the most part this is pretty true. Upper Elbow, Spinning Wide Hook, and Spinning High Kick have startup frames that closely resemble a lot of other, much faster attacks. That's why there are so many seemingly redundant attacks in this game: the fact that they exist and can be taken obscures just what kind of attack you might be using at any given time due to mostly-shared startup animations.
>Most moves can't be identified on reaction.
We're not talking about most moves, so this point is irrelevant. That .webm is chock full of reactable moves landing despite being performed repeatedly from the same fucking stance with no interstitial mixups, so even if they weren't reactable on sight alone (they are), the guy is still an imbecile (or more likely just an innocent beginner) for failing to block them. He sure as fuck isn't "good at parrying" and it's ridiculous to try to pretend that he is so you can cite the fight as some kind of deep mindgame you were running on him.
>I will never understand these people.
Don't you understand? The game is about trading gold links back and forth until somebody falls over. This is what "fluid high skill" fighting looks like. Parries need to be removed because they stop my gold link chains.
ayy gz, how does it look with your outfit?
This. If we could all just step back for a second and recognize that most players in this game are shitters (or at least aren't "experts"), it'd go a long way towards people in the general improving their gameplay overall.
He's doing back tripped kick over and over, and then not doing the follow up. Back tripped kick is fast as shit, but that doesn't really matter because the other guy is getting hit in the recovery animation and wouldn't be able to parry it anyway. He's in recovery because he's trying to parry the follow up. We don't know what the follow up is so we've no idea how fast the mixup option is.
Nobody says your matches have to look like that guy's matches anyway, it's just the principle. If people are hitting parry in expectation of a followup, just don't do the followup. You can mix sides, but a left/right mixup isn't as good as a left/right/nothing mixup.
>every time this happens and they aren't able to catch up to me
This is why I love leg breaker, gotta be one of if not THE best gap closer in the game.
didint even realize it clips so badly
why does everything have to clip trough?
while we're on the subject: if we didn't nerf parrying, how would we buff the other abilities so they're on the same level but in their own niche way?
maybe you could take off the gay hipster scarf, then?
trying to update my look, but i just love that scarf
>remove startup from moves after dodge
>increase iframes on up and down dodges
>dmg reduction on absorb
>heal faster after successful counter
>give stamina after avoiding an attack
no, u
ok, how this?
you can use the black undertop with a high neck to hide it
What if windfall automatically threw out an attack on duck/jump if they were actually successful? Jump turns into some axe kick, duck turns into a sweep but only when you dodge with them.
I actually think the way style benefits and stat softcaps work could use an overhaul too, because we've got all these RPG mechanics like STR/DEX and ABCDS ratings for skills when everybody just ends up with the same stats at 60.
If you removed hidden bonus stats from the styles you'd effectively shift the softcap for all stats up to around the 20 mark, making it impossible to cap everything and forcing build selection. Then you can do things like Windfall getting bonus scaling on DEX moves, or Kahlt getting bonus health % instead of a starting stat which leaves them with the same final health as everybody else due to caps.
Would also be cool to do something like +5 bonus mobility on Windfall, so that they'd be encouraged to go for Fast mobility due to it being less of an armour hit. Mobility vs Blunt def isn't well balanced right now.
>Nobody says your matches have to look like that guy's matches anyway
My original reply to the .webm was that the forsaken shitter wasn't an example of good parrying and you took specific umbrage at that statement, then tried to argue that the guy is in fact good at parrying and is actually being outplayed. Now that we've established more or less beyond the shadow of a doubt that the guy definitely isn't good at parrying you want to make your argument agnostic of the specific example and argue about principle. If that had been your actual point, you've would said it in the first place.
>I actually think the way style benefits and stat softcaps work could use an overhaul too
this, windfall needs 27 end to have the same stamina as forsaken at 19
style softcaps should go and be made into universal
dex/str should scale solely on the deck scaling, not some softcaps built in into the style
Going for the hunter-gatherer tear tribesman kind of look. Really love how everything matches really well while the absorption is still high enough as a Kahlt meaty hits brawler.
>you took specific umbrage at that statement, then tried to argue that the guy is in fact good at parrying
Where are you reading that? Why is it so hard to have a sane discussion with you shitters who need an excuse for every loss. Fine it's unbeatable, human beings can parry all of your attacks and there's nothing you can do. Might as well quit now since you're too honorable to pick the style yourself and do the same.
Hello my tear brethren
Yeah, we're having two entirely different conversations at this point. You didn't even read what I wrote. Thanks for making it obvious that you only ever replied to me so you could use my argument as a stand-in for the thing you actually wanted to have a big ol' reply chain about. Maybe next time wait until somebody actually says the thing that's been gnawing at your mind before you leap into the script you've prepared.
Play as aggressively as you can for a while, go as deep as possible with your stamina and see how well it works thanks to absorb
The idea is to overpower your opponent with stamina and break their block constantly with charge attack feints
I need that fur shoulder piece in my life, but the leather shoulder pads have better blunt stats and I actually kinda like the more minimalistic and rugged look of them. Tear trappers seem like the kind of people who get shit done, so I like the aesthetic of functionality instead of flamboyance. I think you definitely pull off more of a tear chieftan look well though, that mask goes well with it. Me on the other hand, I feel like I'd blend in well hunting for food for the tribe in the mountains or some shit, lots of earth tones. Trying to stay in the brown, yellow-brown, and red-brown colors.
rip and tear
im going for a military/noblemen looking set once i have it, but tear tribesmen have good warrior fashion sense
this one actually drops from npcs who wear them, just hang around as other players kill npcs or do some of the work yourself
You're the one replying to the webm I posted, then misinterpreting my argument, then misunderstanding what's happening in the clip, then claiming I was talking about something else from the beginning.
You still haven't given me a decent response, what does being "good at parrying" mean? You've said parry things on reaction but you're misunderstanding how reactions work.
There's a huge difference between spotting some movement to do something you've already decided to do, and identifying what that movement is so you can make a choice on the spot. You can perform the first option in around 200-250ms. The second option takes double that time or more depending on how complicated the decision is, and the decision making process can only really start once the animation is identifiable. On top of that add parry wind up times and however latency gets applied.
Parrying on reaction is something that's done when you know what you're about to react to, and even that isn't viable against the fastest moves in the game. If you want to parry anything slower than the meatiest hits, then an element of guessing is involved, and that's the attacker needs to play around.
In case you missed it, the original question was about a player parrying "every single move" user did. You don't do that on reaction. Step one is to stop doing what you're doing.
Nice job user, I can definitely get that military/nobleman combo look from that pic, even now.
Man, I want that mask
Rev up those 50 elbow pads, 'cause we're getting pigments
I insist on having 70+ Blunt Protection because getting murdered by laggy jabbers feels stupid. Was able to assemble this outfit which gives me a kind of fantasy "classic leather armor" feel. Definitely need a cooler mask, but none of the easy-to-acquire ones fit the outfit, so I'm just wearing the default one right now.
Current iteration of the Kahlt-only deck, thoughts? It's actually been kind of surprising to me how many ways you can mix and match things even under the restrictions I've placed myself under, especially since you don't have to fill all of the deck slots. Took into consideration how one user said that putting roll punch at the end of my first string was redundant, and from my testing that seemed to end up being the case, what I really wanted was something fast to follow up on people who got caught by the MeiaLua (happens all the time after people get caught by the Leg Breaker). I didn't have anything that connected to my bottom right 4th string, so I've started testing out the elbow and it's actually pretty nice and tracks better than you'd think. Testing out wallop blow down there too, never see anyone use this move but it seems to track like a motherfucker despite being a punch and is very fast despite how large the damage on it is. I was using jackhammer punch as a starter before but it just feels too slow, I can deal with charge attack spammers in other ways (being more passive and blocking/absorbing/dodging, mostly). I feel like it's much better suited as a 2nd or 3rd move because of the absurd reach it has.
The alt attack setup is more or less perfect and set in stone at this point, I believe. The idea is "all roads lead to haymaker", where I put all evasive attacks in that all connect to haymaker so when I hit alt attack I'm either doing an evasive move into haymaker, or just haymaker itself, with plenty of moves that naturally connect to haymaker's string. No matter what I'm doing with my main deck I can always alt into haymaker, so it makes the mixup game very strong since I'm using the alts regularly. Body blow is also perfect in it's slot, it's my only available strafe dodging move and gets used a lot, perfect for all of the people throwing out jumped light kicks, drunk cranes, jabs, and the like.
Advice/critique appreciated as always.
holy nice
>have a good match, 3-1 but pretty evenly matched
>we rematch
>deck download complete, no longer a competition, 2-0 now
>he starts baiting me to the columbary ledge and windfall dancing around to ledge me
I'll never get used to seeing a decent player degrade down to ledge faggotry just from getting smacked around a little
Then again, he was one of the people that start autistically sprint attacking you on respawn if you don't return each bow so it wasn't that much of a shock either
>instead of grinding for 50 hours to get an armor piece in the color you want you can grind for 50 hours to get a pigment drop
>new maps
>A prestige system
A what?
This looks like training padding for rookies
But hey, if it does the job
What the fuck is with this faggot interviewer's passive aggressive tone? Acts like the real issues weren't addressed but doesn't point any out. And what's the deal with not including the questions that were asked?
looks pretty good to me senpai
>The sad part is that new attacks, bosses and PvE areas are all at the back of the queue.
>"Sadly, the PvP game is still a PvP game."
will these fucking people get it through their heads that this is not a soulslike game, it's a fighting game
He either wanted it to be Dark Souls with martial arts, or is a soft bitch who can't handle the PvP. Possibly both
I always rush into the fight.
Why in the fuck should i bow? I respect my own time too much.
15 seconds or more to get to menu due to logos, 15 more for the game to load, 15 more to get a match and another to connect.
Now there is the intriductory animation
And now 3 more seconds just 'cause.
That wouldnt be bad if laggers and loading issues weren't a thing.
When you reach max rank, you get set back to rank 1 and can go up again, but with a symbol next to your rank indicating you are pristigedd
Thats how it works in other games anyway
>What the fuck is with this faggot interviewer's passive aggressive tone?
First time reading RPS?
>tfw will keep getting brown dye drops when all I want is pink for my cape
this game is gonna blow up after some DLC get released and they make some kind of discount bundle