Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Didn't they leak rashid for mvci why isn't he in the main roster?
second for rip fightan
Only good leak was the datamine zip
Damnit I was 30 seconds too late. Don't worry I'll snag the OP next time.
I REALLY like Millia bros
Good sniff
I support you
So the First DLC for MvCI is more than likely this:
Grandmaster Meio
Female Monster Hunter
Black Panther
Venom and Bucky don't show up in the story mode, but the rest do.
Thought's on Low Tier God?
My nigga.
I hope you have a good time with fighting games today /fgg/!!!
>Mila has red hair
>Milia has Blonde hair
What would a Mili have?
So if if Ham & Cheese with Meio is playable but Death isn't then why do we have a model for death but not for Meio, and why wasn't he revealed as playable when he appeared in story trailer 2 when Black Panther also appeared in story trailer 2 but was confirmed playable then and there? Same with Sigma and story trailer 1?
>no good lewds whatsoever
Fuck you Japan
The Hunter is cute!
I really hope she is planned for DLC, unless the MH team told Capcom to fuck off again. Maybe they just agreed to have MH make visual cameos but not be playable.
>Female Hunter
heh... faggot
>they beat ultron sigma
>hunter runs in and gets her carves
>not wanting a fucking gundam
God damn casual
Does this Ultron-Sigma armor?
>Muh based Waifu
You don't even play Monster Hunter faglord
>my computer arrives at my apartment today
I can actually play fighting games again
when will all the new people leave
when they get btfo in marvel
Looks like our boy Broksi is Arturo levels of Dhalism play, he in there with that C.A. tech!
>no /fgg/ tag
Dead to me
If you have no sponsor then it's a bitch move not to use /fgg/ but I think Endpoint might have something to say if Broski started using it.
you got me, i dont. But the game is missing female characters
If that's the case then he should change his name to fggbroski if that's what it takes
god dhalsims super fucking sucks
you can beat it by grabbing
you can beat it with any projectile invulnerable moves
you can beat it by crouching
this includes crouching normals
it is advertised as an oki tool but there is never a good reason to use it in any situation except flame xx super
Has Chun Li ever done anything significant canonically?
>She jobbed miserably in SFV Story mode, losing to motherfucking Rashid
>She jobbed and got toyed against Juri in SF4 OVA
>She technically beat Vega in the movie, but is incapacitated and hospitalized for the rest of the story
>All of her team ups with Guile consist of Guile going "STOP IT WOMAN we got a hothead over here"
Self proclaimed "strongest wymmyn in the world" and "the woman who took down Shadaloo" my ass. Maybe she should stop hanging out with the big leagues like Bison, Ryu, and Guile and start babbysitting the younger girls like Ibuki and Mika.
Being a jobber means that you need to be strong to begin with.
Anyone EU PC want to play Rev2 or BBCF?
I can do any, got a preference?
>nrs made a character that requires an iq above 80
I don't really mind, it's your call. We can play both if you are up for it. My steam is Samosiv btw.
MVCI and KOF, which one looks better?
mvci but it doesn't mean it looks any good
it's just that kof looks like utter trash
My problem with MvCI is it's going to look dated quickly because the art direction is ass.
CvS3 when?
So I'm in the corner and urein tick throws me, he beats my jab with his and while i'm STILL spamming my 4 frame he is able to grab me? What the fuck is going on, am I missing something? Shouldn't I beat his grab my my jab?
Depends on the sales of MVCI
uriens jab is +4 so your throw essentially ends up being 9frame.
so your jab ends up being 8f I mean*
read the post again, dipshit.
Why does she sound so garbage now?
>watched 20 hours of marvel trainingboar streams
>already got my fill of the game
>preorder canceled
thanks capcom
you actually read it, shit dip
Why does everyone sound like garbage?
Why is there no Japanese VA?
Well now people at least know whats required to get good at Marvel.
Virtua Fighter 6 when
DoA 6 when
Soul Calibur 6 when
So if someone jabs you and it lands and then they go for the throw what is the best option? Do I need to do some sort of option select with jab and grab?
>I'm bronze and i'm going to get mad at someone who takes the time to give a reasonable answer to my question
Because Yayoi Jinguji is retired
>option select
if someone is standing in your face and he presses a button that is heavily + on block/hit you will have to guess what comes next.
block/tech throw/jump/reversal.
post cfn
Create two recordings, one, of urien doing jab then throw, and one of Urien doing jab then medium punch (what's his most common counter-hit string?). Practice throw teching with timing that means you block when he does medium punch and don't get counter-hit but you tech his throw.
Homos OUT
Male hunter will be Premium DLC costume, trust me. Good thing I preordered the deluxe edition so I get all the premium costumes released for the DLC characters.
>Homos get OUT
I love KOF but MvCI clearly looks better.
>mfw jap pros finally take marvel seriously because it will have a full season of capbucks to fight for
it won't be """"""""murrica's game"""""""""" once dogura gets his hands on it
How can Monster Hunter compete against a such a powerful monster?
Nemo's a legendary marvel player. Some third tier anime player isn't going to do anything.
lol.. foh weeb.
>two young american players have broken through to a world class level after learning SF over the years with IV therefore all the older american players who got pantsed by japan in SFIV who still never win anything in SFV are good now
my favorite hot take
Based Dogura
Behead those who insult Dogura
>crys when he gets bodied
Punk is a true American.
>Implying Punk and Du are the only ones who can BTFO Japan
SFV exposed japan hard. The only reason they had the advantage in older SF games is because they always had year long headstarts.
MvCI will be America's game just like SFV is.
nemo had no one relevant to practice marvel with. who he got, abegen, kusoru and other literal who tier nobodies? now that mvci is getting a pro tour, you best believe the pro japs will at least give it a chance. tokido has already said he wants to play for example.
this man is a faggot don't idolize people scared to even rep us
SFV is americas game, MVCI will be Japans game.
EU will dominate puzzle fighter
>sfv is americas game
tokido said japan is better than america.
>Didn't get into the Beta
>SFV exposed japan hard. The only reason they had the advantage in older SF games is because they always had year long headstarts.
Hell and even then we BTFO japan. Look at CvS2. Justin used to BOP the japanese and he didn't even play that game seriously. Choiboy also won Evo for CvS2.
Japan will never be able to touch the american Marvel gods.
tokido? that nobody memelord..? please, don't make me laugh.
>playing grinding simulators
mvci looks like crap
>tfw 2018 is the year of sfv, mvci, monster hunter world, and re2 remake
When is Rockman X9?
okami finally on PC too.
if only they ported godhand.
doubt they sent all the invites already
with three X series reps in MVCI it wouldnt even surprise me if something was in the works.
Godhand is fucking trash though. People only like it because of the characters being memorable.
shut up goober
sfv is getting buried after capcuck cup
it does but the gameplay looks sick
i really want to play it. i bought kof for full price just to support SNK and fighting games even though i figured i wouldnt play it often so im not a hypocrite.
Is that a Xbox exclusive message?
you're right
it will be replaced with super sfv
no, I did it for the PS4