What does Veeky Forums think of Princess Diana?
What does Veeky Forums think of Princess Diana?
Liberal whore that destroyed any notion of respectability and integrity in the royal family. Her children should not be eligible to take the throne.
She didn't really have the drive for politics. It just wasn't the road for her.
A beautiful woman that also had a beautiful heart helping the neglected and poor and would have made a great Queen if not for Sheik Charles being jealous of his Arab cousins having more than one wife and all being submissive to their wills like cattle, which is why he got the new one.
Yeah, it quite crushing to hear about her
Well, she was on a collision course with destiny. Really wore her heart on her sleeve.
Prince Charles is related to the Saudi Royal Family? Impossible, give me proofs.
She is the last virgin princess.
Imagine how much random cock the new one got before the marriage, Brits are cucks.
>these guys have all probably beheaded someone with their swords - the Brit
We're fucked.
He is right the cunt fucked a paki
The embodiment of anglo women
She was at least high nobility. I hate this new trend where royals marry commoners and pretend they're normal people.
Princess Tony Blair stepped into her diamond slippers and transposed the hollow celebrity into politics, all of these royal couples are just another "posh and becks". What is it to be British now? Pakistani women standing under union jack bunting, some platitude about the Queen, cucpcakes with little flags on, "multiculturalism". The fawning sentimentality that the average woman on the street has for Diana and the royals is nauseating. She swanned around the world with royal money snorting cocaine and getting BLACKED by hundreds of men. Virtue signaled by dropping in to visit a starving African and saying "Oh the world is so cru-el, why can't we all just liveee iinn peeacee and loovee! what about loovee!". Ghastly product of the modern royals that have sat around and done nothing to halt the century long decline of the UK.
b-but muh peeples pwincess :(
When faced with a country in what is fast becoming a death spiral, the royals are either so senile and removed from society that they're blind to the problem, in which case they should be replaced by those that can see; or they're apathetic, in which case they should to be replaced by the passionate; or they're too weak to lead us, in which case they should be replaced by the strong. The royals are useless, weak, and degenerate. There is nothing about the modern royal family that isn't kitsch, or pseudo-celebrity, or sentimental. I don't see anything wrong with opening the windows and letting in some fresh, Republican air.
They have to go.
She was taken out by the secret service, it's not even tinfoil hat material.
I feel sorry for her.
Blair mentioned?
Yes, Blair stepped into Diana's slippers after her death. He sold the people vulgar platitudes and shallow optimism, a celebrity leader for a celebrity age. He was totally hollow, totally fake, a dictator in all but name at the height of his power. It took three, THREE elections for people to realise what he really was and even then he was never voted out by the electorate (who would have probably given him another term), but ousted by Brown's people like a tumor.
>There is a common misbelief about this. Crisp did not make that comment in response to her death. It was actually said in connection to her separation from Charles in the mid-90's when Diana was effectively at a loose end and wanted public sympathy in order to find a role in society for herself. The full comment Crisp said was "I always thought Diana was such trash and got what she deserved. She was Lady Diana before she was Princess Diana so she knew the racket. She knew that royal marriages have nothing to do with love. You marry a man and you stand beside him on public occasions and you wave and for that you never have a financial worry until the day you die." Following her death, he did make another comment, suggesting that it was perhaps her "fast and shallow" lifestyle that led to her death. "She could have been Queen of England and she was swanning about Paris with Arabs. What disgraceful behaviour. Going about saying she wanted to be the Queen of Hearts. The vulgarity of it is so overpowering." It's still what some would consider disrespectful, though whether or not he was actually wrong is a judgement each person should make for themselves. MassassiUK 03.36, 25 June 2007 (UTC)
>>Imagine how much random cock the new one got before the marriage, Brits are cucks.
this one managed to show her pussy when getting off a car.
Is there any evidence that she had any children out of wedlock? I have heard something like that somewhere.
The fact she took a lot of dick and was secretive?
cant see shit, i can barely fap to this