>american and south korean historians unironically believe he starved his citizens on purpose
Why do they do this?
American and south korean historians unironically believe he starved his citizens on purpose
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I believe there are many books out there about how to not be a shitty administrator. He willingly ignored them.
He was too busy watching Kino and porn.
According to this book trying to improve citizens' lives is a waste of money for a dictator.
nobody starved. it's anti korean propaganda
North Koreas IMR was always similar to the rest of the world. It's no different from any other government.
I'm legit interested in this. While I have no doubt living in NK would be preposterously shitty, much of what info comes from the west sounds like exaggerated propaganda.
Which ironically are banned to his citizens.
Kim Jong Un's mother was born in Japan and her father worked in a Japanese factory during the war.
She is basically the lowest caste possible in North Korea's class system but Un is still supreme god.
>much of what info comes from the west sounds like exaggerated propaganda.
Because it is. People aren't starving anymore, and the standards of living are actually relatively high for a poor country. The DPRK really punches above its weight in almost every categories. Let me give you an example:
>North Korea had a life expectancy of 69.8 years in 2013.[197] While North Korea is classified as a low-income country, the structure of North Korea's causes of death (2013) is unlike that of other low-income countries.[198] Instead, it is closer to worldwide averages, with non-communicable diseases—such as cardiovascular disease and cancers—accounting for two-thirds of the total deaths.[198]
However, it's not western propaganda to say that they had a horrible famine during the 90s. They admit it openly and call it the arduous march. You can watch this video if you want info on it: youtube.com
>However, it's not western propaganda to say that they had a horrible famine during the 90s.
OP here, not denying that. I'm was just insinuating that there were so many other variables at play that I don't think you could say Kim Jong Il constructed it because he was a sadist.
I wasn't saying that because of you, OP. It was because of this guy And I agree with you, Kim Jong-il didn't cause the famine nor made it worse. He solved it, maybe not in the most efficient way, but he only had good intentions.
Well of course there's large amount of bullshit about what happens there.
Do you honestly believe fatty king executed his uncle with a AA gun?
No but I did watch the Otto Warmbier trial. Kek.
The starvation was very real. The North Koreans acknowledge it, and even have a name for it: The Arduous March. They're pretty proud of the fact that they got through it with things in tact.
Basically a couple things happened at once that left North Korea with very few options in the early 90s:
1) Overuse of Fertilizer had depleted the soil quality of North Korea, badly.
2) The early Songun policy, combined with cold war dynamics, left North Korea in effective default to foreign debts by the mid-80s
3) The loss of Soviet and Chinese aid.
4) With the loss of Russia and China as command economies, the end of multi-dimensional barter based foreign trade.
Add on to that some exceptionally shitty weather and yeah, you got a mass famine. Though people talk like there's been a mass famine going on for 25 years now.
What book/source did you get that info from, user?
Not questioning your validity, I'm just interested in this subject.
Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader by Bradley Martin is the best source for the big picture of how North Korea happened.
>forced to work in prison labour camps of a dictatorship
Suprised he didn't throw the "anti-semite defense" against the norks.
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This, absolutely.
Anything that's not extraordinary benevolent or efficient won't get on world news anywhere, unless it's done by someone or people who are completely viewed as incompetent at doing such (like celebs or black people). So keep that in mind when you find news about them skewed.
Who /dprk360/ here?
>tfw you finally realize Pyongyang isn't some walled city reserved only for the inner party to live in boring commie blocks but is like any other large city in a developing nation, full of beer halls, take out restaurants, fast-food places, and pizzarias, teenagers skateboarding and regular joes just working regular jobs
Yee mang that's the stuff.
>you finally realize Pyongyang isn't some walled city reserved only for the inner party to live in boring commie blocks
But that's all true
All 2.5 million people that live in Pyongyang are elite inner party apparatchiks?
they're normal average as fuck people who live there for the most part.