What are the differences between, and gists of, anglicanism, calvinism, and lutheranism?
What are the differences between, and gists of, anglicanism, calvinism, and lutheranism?
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They pave the road to hell with slightly different material.
Lutheranism: muh sola scriptura but first let me delete some books from the bible i don't like
Calvinism: there is no free will, everything is predetermined. If god didn't count you among the elected at the beginning of time, you're going to hell and there is nothing you can do about
Anglicanism: ayyo senpai i wanna fuck dis pussy gib divorce pls
Anglicanism in its original form was just Catholicism with a different coat of paint. Henry VIII needed that divorce since Catherine was an utter failure at having children.
Calvinism has something to do with predestination from what I recall.
Can't help you with Lutheranism.
Lutheranism was suppose to be a mod for Catholicism all about the reforms that Luther would put in if he had sway over the Church
Anglicanism was basically just Catholicism just with the monarch being the head of the church
Calvinism wants nothing to do with Catholicism all the pomp and trappings of it got to go
>f god didn't count you among the elected at the beginning of time, you're going to hell and there is nothing you can do about
Calvinists may be pretty retarded sometimes but at least they got this right. every other group is just in denial of the implications of omniscience and omnipotence
anglicanism: catholic LARPing
lutherism: former catholics
calvinism: hurr durr lutheranism
The difference is how homosexual they are Anglicans are gay for pay, Lutherans are gay for no pay, and Calvinists are gay only for guys named Calvin
Anglicanism absorbed Arminian ideas instead of calvinistic ones
>really like Catholic prestiege, history, and art
>prefer Anglican theology
What do I do, bros? I don't want to become a filthy protestant, but I'm not that religious anyways
I'd be interested to hear anyone expand on this.
Anglicanism pretty much stole Catholic prestige, history, and art, so you're all gucci.
what parts of anglican theology?
>Calvinism: there is no free will, everything is predetermined. If god didn't count you among the elected at the beginning of time, you're going to hell and there is nothing you can do about
Why would someone believe in something so fucked up? Why would anyone want to worship a deity who willingly and intentionally tortures people for eternally when they had no choice in the matter? How did Calvin even come up with this shit when the rest of Christianity is all about "muh freewill"?
Take out the -ism, and then take out that persons name. Then there is no difference.
Anglicans base their Christian faith on the Bible, traditions of the apostolic Church, Anglicans believe in the Bible, apostolic church, apostolic succession, writings of the church fathers and traditions of the church of England. It is said they "balance between the Roman Catholics and the Lutherans"
Calvinism teaches that scriptures theological meanings are based on God's Word. God is able to maintains all creation and that following what the scriptures teach we are predestined for salvation.
Martin Luther did not approve of the term Lutheran, but rather Luther used the word Evangelical, apparently those who opposed Luther called him "Lutheran" to tease him.
Protestantism is a response to the Catholic Church, there are a lot of outward disputes that you will often see. The Roman Empire became the Roman Catholic Church, the "Holy Roman Empire" and Protestantism is in disapproval of this. "Lutheranism" is an evangelical response of social upheaval.
>How did Calvin even come up with this shit
Haven't looked into it much, but it appears to be more forgiving and accepting than the normal Catholic guilt trips
Redpill me if you want, I'm actually curious
People get this mixed up every time.
Calvinism "predetermines" whether or not you go to heaven, but it does this based on God's all knowingness. That means God knows all of time and all of humanity, meaning he knows if you will be a bad person or not. You still have the ability to be bad or good, but God knows which you will be.
Part 1/2
1.Anglicans, or Episcopalians:
Anglicans are originally the closest to catholicism, After english king Henry VIII broke of with the pope for political reasons, he abolished all the monasteries, so originally they were the catholic church with no pope, cardinals and monasteries. I'm not sure if they have mass or not, i think they do.
Today they are like any other protestant church, with no morals and standards, the only thing that sets them apart from the others is that they claim apostolic descent and have bishops and cathedrals and saints (and maybe mass too, as i said im not sure). They are dominant in England and Wales.
2. Lutherans, or Evangelicals:
They are the tradition of Martin Luther, they're a bit further away from the catholic church from anglicans. They believe that faith alone is enough to go to heaven and that the bible is the only authority on church matters, but even though they believe that they still have traditions like mass, they also have bishops and cathedrals, i think they don't venerate saints though.
Same as anglicans, the modern lutherans don't have any standards or morals, anything goes, and most lutheran families are now atheists.
They are dominant in scandinavia, the baltic(except lithuania) and many parts of germany(though as i said most lutheran descendants are atheists today)
Part 2/2
3. Calvinists, or Reformed:
They started out as a protest of against both lutheranism and catholicism and were persecuted by both. They are the most radical of the three. Originally they took the bible very seriously and very literal, and forbade any religious imagery, any religious celebrations and in some cases even colorful clothing. Today none of this applies and like the others they have no morals and standards and use the bible as toilet paper.
They were not a single movement but various movements across Europe.They were the dominant religion in Scotland, the Netherlands and parts of Switzerland(today their descendants are all atheists), they were also significant in Hungary(most of them reconverted to catholicism but calvinist minorities exist today in eastern Hungary), England(the puritans, who lost the english civil war) and France(the Huguenots, which were persecuted and driven out)
The calvinists came up with the corrective that if you're fortunate in this world, then you'll come to heaven. So they worked their asses off.
But isn't there a difference now between evangelicals and lutherans?
Oh yeah i forgot to mention Calvinists also believe everything is predetermined and there is no free will, which makes zero sense obviously.
Heaven is Heaven because only the Elect are allowed in, those in the filthy rags are not
>But isn't there a difference now between evangelicals and lutherans?
Yes and no. Anyone can evangelize.
that actually makes perfect sense. Thank you
My grandmother is from a small Dutch calvinist village.
Whenever I visit it, it feels so eerie. These people are the epitome of pic related.
>Today none of this applies and like the others they have no morals and standards and use the bible as toilet paper.
Stop grinding your axe
Basically where they stand on justification and sanctification. Anglicans are basically Calvinists with a monarchical Catholic veneer.
This is probably why.
great vids
ryan reeves is a great teacher when it comes to the reformation. he is pretty unbiased even though he is reformed
If god is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient than everything is predetermined as all outcomes and paths are know to him.
Oh fuck my thread is still alive cool
No. This is a lie. It's own confessions explicitly states that Predestination isn't based on "foreknowledge" or "omniscience" at all. After all if this is so, then God saw something within the individual that merits being "saved". I advice one to actually read the Westminster Confession of Faith for example.
Some may claim that Calvin believed in free will but guess what, that sort of free will is just you making the choices that ultimately not matter since the choice of Salvation is essentially what God does, not you. And not of any merit on your part. How about you be more fucking honest for once.
More on WCF
a)Perseverance of Saints
>II. This perseverance of the saints depends not upon their own free will, but upon the immutability of the decree of election, flowing from the free and unchangeable love of God the Father;[2] upon the efficacy of the merit and intercession of Jesus Christ,[3] the abiding of the Spirit, and of the seed of God within them,[4] and the nature of the covenant of grace:[5] from all which arises also the certainty and infallibility thereof.[6]
Notice something here? Saints persevere in their faith not because of anything to do with them or them sticking to their convictions or any Kierkegaardian styled leap of faith but that it is based on Election. It is true that it later mentions that those predestined can still sin but notice something, "only for a time". Why? Because if they are elect they will not do this forever and will eventually get out of it, on that basis. Such leads to Predestination
>II. This effectual call is of God's free and special grace alone, not from anything at all foreseen in man,[9] who is altogether passive therein, until, being quickened and renewed by the Holy Spirit,[10] he is thereby enabled to answer this call, and to embrace the grace offered and conveyed in it.[11]
This is as I said earlier, that Predestination is not on any foreknowledge in man. And yes, the paragraph after this says that election also applies to infants. Some babies go to Hell. And also, the final paragraph implies that it can appear that you are saved by possessing some operations of the spirit, but you still go to Hell as your apostasy will be manifest at some point, permanently.
Note: Many commentators on Calvin claim he isn't a "fatalist" such as Muller or the Cambridge Companion to Calvin. They are correct if they refer to general actions of men that is of no relevance to Salvation. However in regards to the ultimate fate of salvation or damnation, it is really Fatalism.