wikihow edition
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>Official News & Known Issues
Operation Blood Orchid (Hong Kong) is out now.
Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators are being released together with HK and SK operators.
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/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General
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Ela needs to die
gay thread
Nth for Proleague Sets are shit
straight thread
Quick, someone post THAT webm
>valk's pro league
give him stats & ability's
bisexual thread
>a full week after blood orchid's release
>collected some dlc op data from around ~50 games over the past few days
>Ying was now picked 39% of attack rounds
>Lesion was picked 60% of the time
>Ela is still going strong at a 96% pickrate
When will the ela meme end? When the gun gets nerfed or will our special snowflake still continue to see a spot on every defense team?
>tfw playing with the dream team
i want to be IQ's foot towel!
I hope they fix how changing to the Skeleton Key cancels any leaning you're doing as Buck. It's always been like this, and it's real uncomfortable.
>go to warm up in causal
>backfill into 0-2 following an hour long loading screen I can't back out of
>0-1 and I loaded mid round
>0-2 and forced into recruit
>0-1 and le epic troll TKs two teammates and gets kicked out (which he won't get punished for so he'll keep doing it)
Ubi thinks this is perfectly fine to punish me and not the shitters ragequitting causing this in the first place
>get paired against a team of smurfs
>one of them instantly links his Twitch stream in the chat
>check it out
>it's a fat vaping French faggot
>stream title includes "#SMURF"
>streamsnipe the shitter and win
>hear loads of angry French on the stream as the defeat screen appears
Is the radio broadcast playing in the Train Museum on Dostoyevsky just a disembodied voice, or is there something you can shoot to turn it off?
Ela mines need smaller radius, a delay after triggering, or one less mine
no, it's the same shit as helicopter man on border, you're forced to hear that shit
>can't get headshot
>can only hipfire
>can run through barricades
But you can shoot the speaker tower to cut the helicopter man off, silly
>mfw snipe a sprinting 3 speed with the healz and they win the match
can't hit the enemies for shit but at least I can hit my teammates
Is there any difference between the non-acog sights or is it just personal preference?
Hello /r6g/, who is your waifu?
How long will the pro league sets stay up? I'm highly tempted to get Hibana's
Those voices are being generated by the museum displays. Like, you're in a museum, it's a pre-recorded tour guide. You can't do any destruction to stop them from playing, and they start up again if you approach them.
>Have to carry a heavy ass team
>End up with 13 kills and a barely won overtime match
>One guy in our team says "stay"
>mfw I leave immediately
Can you post hers? I can't seem to get a good view from them in the shop
basically the season and then it goes away.
theres a big speaker thing outside which you can shoot to silence the helicopter dude on border
Slowly starting to improve. My ranked KD is now 1.23. Am I still shit guys?
well then it's like the music in cigar lounge right above train room, unless there's a secret way to turn that off too in which i'm case i'm going to kill myself because shooting the speakers does nothing
the gloves look great in pov
>"wow, we did good guys! stay?"
>it's the dude with shit stats and got carried
Fuck these people.
[All]You got lucky, I had a shit team.
This actually triggers me
Probably better than the majority on this board, but you are still shit.
rook or lesion?
>not walls
rook no questions
>No X marks on the dead operators
How fucking old is this?
How many hours do you have and what rank? Mine is . 7 and I want to an hero
>Breach into a room as ying
>Get all the way inside
>Server rubberbands me back into the window
>Defenders just unload on me
>Killcam shows me just standing there all the way inside
fuck this
its before the japs were added atleast, so more than a year almost
is rook a popular choice, is he more beneficial to the team?
>Carry with more kills than the rest of the team combined
>Have to delete friend requests from painfully new/special needs league players who did fuck all after every other game
Solo queuing at season start when you're still unranked always goes this way. I've seen it many times, but it's still a little jarring to be reminded that these people exist, and the generally competent people who populate your MMR bracket are by no means the majority, even though your matchmaking echo chamber makes it seem that way.
Around 350 hrs.
Currently only ranked gold 2 this season so far. Would play more, but hurricane irma knocked out my internet for 2 days straight.... Still knocked out
Beneficial for the team and now is actually more useful since he is one of the few ops that have a acog still. Basically play anchor and defend site. Your kd is not really gonna go up unless your team is ass, but your win/loss rate should go up if you are playing him correctly.
I'd rather help my team out than focus on kd, thanks my dude
Do you play soloqueue or with a team?
K/D is generally only of any significance if you play solo, and even then, W/L is still more important. R6S is the kind of game where it's entirely possible to still be a great player with an unimpressive KDR, especially if you gravitate towards the more support-y ops who shouldn't be kill hunting unless things have gone horribly wrong.
>that guy that bitches every second of the game about how someone "got lucky" and that he "shot the head"
>Blames everything on shitty hitreg and other guy "cheating"
>7/10 a squeaker
>new servers = less rubberbanding
I play solo, I haven't been able to find a team yet that I completely like. I get alot of friend requests though...
Guys guys, let's release an operator with a gun that has an insane firerate, no recoil, and a big ass magazine size.
Hang on guys, let's also give her practically uncounterable traps that make you dizzy when you trigger them
Guys GUYS, wait, wait. Let's also make her traps deafen you, slow you down and fuck with your mouse sensitivity.
Holy fucking shit what a good idea. Surely this operator won't singlehandedly shift attack/defense winrate to something like 30/70 and cause the single most cancerous meta since we the introduction of Godbeard the Black.
>end up in team with actual pleasant people
>mic callouts, even stats all around
>click to stay with team
>nobody else does
Do you have a cute voice? My friends and I can add you
To be fair peeker's advantage is fucking atrocious in this game
I am a 23 year old man with a wagecuck job.
>I get alot of friend requests though
do people think you're hacking a lot?
only time i ever get friend requests
Usually, it is people that want a carry from the other team or my team. I have been accused of hacking like 4 times, but they never send friend requests. The hackusations usually come from seconds spawn when I just prefire windows and somehow get a guy.
>"Op Health"
>"Blood Orchid"
>guy complains the entire game about how shit the game is while playing
>ask him what fps game he likes
>Says CSGO
Yeah, a 1080RPM SMG with 50 round mag is fucking obscene
Fucking Vector has 1200RPM, but only 25 rounds and lower damage
>and cause the single most cancerous meta since we the introduction of Godbeard the Black.
We don't talk about those dark, dark days here.
Not to mention the Vector is on a heavy armor op.
High rate of fire and big mags take on a whole new aspect of cancer when they're on someone who can abuse peeker's advantage for all it's worth.
>Get matched with the NAMEFAG himself
>Ends the match with a donut and last place
How do people like this exist after this many hours
The new korean ops.
yeah snake is not that good
One of these bad boys under the kill score
Are we posting disgusting things now
yeah post cute things instead
t.negative k/d shitter who got bullied by snake
post hilloli
say that in discord not online and see what happens
i gotchu senpai
Get some kills and we'll start talking
>tfw Korean ops are another round of OC Donut Steel with broken guns and infuriating gadgets
I greatly increased my mouse sensitivity settings for the first time in 300 hours of play, and I'm playing much better now. Everyone should experiment with their sensitivity settings once in a while
People fall for the ultra-low sensitivity meme all the time
>'Glaz in treehouse, don't peek him lads'
>Two people peek him thinking they'll be able to outshoot him
>they both die
>'dude wtf, i hit him'
>be me just started out playing the game
>look at which sensitivities the "pro" people use
>fall for the low sense meme
>do absolutely shit
>10 hours later
>just ramp up the sens to a level where it feels 1:1 with my mouse movement
>start killing shit instantly
Fuck this meme. It's awful, especially in a game where you have a split second to turn around before you're dead.
People fall for it all the time. The reason it works for them is they make really large movements and play with their arm for the most part, but the average joe just adopts the sens and plays as he normally would.
>yfw ubisoft doesnt nerf ela until halfway into the next season
Sens is just personal preference. More often than not these people come from csgo and are used to it already. Another reason would be because they don't want to overcompensate their movements. Trying to copy another person's sens is never the way to go. Everyone operates differently.
People would bitch about knee jerk nerfs otherwise
what the fuck happened to casual
i am playing this shit and i saw a teammate take a whole 4 fucking seconds to shoot at someone standing literally in the middle of an open room with his back turned
not exaggerating
Taunting him for the killcam.
fuze is Muslim
How do I into roam as Pulse?
hold thingy
see thing trhough wall
shoot enemy