Segs ging edition
League of Legends general - /lolg/
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Anyone got the Art of Toplane pdf, and any other useful D1+ tips and tricks for toplane?
Real life is like ranked.
did sex king lewd lulu???
Would you have lewds with him, lolgen?
Ahri's W should give a slow for each fire it touches.
>no vampire character
nice """"game"""" lolbabboons
>no cultist champion who can sacrifice her own Health to perform profane Rituals to help strengthen her team or debuff the enemy team but requires protection during her rituals for maximum effect
>with a Ultimate where she literally kills herself to anchor her soul to a ally champion and Empower them for the remainder of her death timer
>sticking your dick inside a creature that eats anything
xth for Syndra
last birthday edition
>get honor capsule
>it's just a champ shard and key frags
>pop up bugs out and keeps on popping up telling me i have a capsule
>like every other screen i click on it pops up
nice game
But its an auto target ability that procs thunderlords.
>inb4 b-but hemomancy
Bet you're gonna tell me that Warwick isn't a werewolf either, huh?
reposting from last thread
I think they are trying to bring him back to the mid role without giving him hard stat buffs to encourage the average facerolling FOTM tards from picking him up. I like how he is just weak enough to be viable if played right but still discourage kiddies from trying to pick him up and spamming games with him until he gets enough attention to give riot an excuse to swing the nerf hammer his way once again. I used to play brand a lot season 3&4 and still play him o normals every once in a while to have fun, I just really don't like the idea of riot buffing him just so that he can be hammered into obscurity along with kassadin and malzehar. Playing mages can be fucking hard enough with zed and yasuo mains infecting the mid lane, but the rollercoaster of power that riot puts them on before nerfing them to the curb is too painful. I hate being burned like this.
>ywn be star guardian ahri's boyfriend and merge into her transformation while fugging as a way to boost her powers but leaves you somewhat mindbroken with pleasure when she finally untransforms
xth for awful bait as a desperate attempt to get (you)s
>cait now has less base HP than Sona
Has anyone's game crashed while playing Star guardians? Mine bugsplat right as we were almost at the end of the track. I got back into the game no problem.
I like this ahoge-adorned cutie. Would give plenty of ahegaos. More importantly, I rather like that concept.
Just because he CAN eat anything doesn't mean he WILL eat everything!
>Headshot damage increase increased from 10/55/100/145/190 to 40/90/140/190/240
>Bonus AD changed from 60% to 40/55/70/85/100%
>Headshot damage increase increased from 10/55/100/145/190 to 40/90/140/190/240
>Bonus AD changed from 60% to 40/55/70/85/100%
But will you learn to break up your sentences for greater impact, user?
Then where is my positive winrate and success in real life? Checkmate lolbabs.
I playe LoL casually with a friend back in 2011-2012 but haven't played since.
I recently got a new PC and I'm thinking of playing again. How much has it changed?
>Janna adjustments
>more of a challenge to play
>more viable for poke and kiting
Plus her new skin, means a new theme:
Not when I'm trying to make a shitpost about lewd ideas from the last thread
Wish I had a PBE account just so I could test this with lethality builds
It's shit. Save yourself before Riot has you on a leash.
people play galio, vi is starting to hit "litterally who" status amongst junglers.
Wait until new Runes come in, friend.
yea just like how rengar is a lion
>inb4 muh vastaya
and then youre gonna say that shields aren't sustain
It's pretty much an entirely new game now.
Map updates, tons of new champions, new game modes, reward system, events, retconned lore, biggest esports scene, champion kits are much more complex now, etc.
you can read and dont shit in a bush. there is your success
Be a good boy next time.
What are some unconventional mids?
Isn't it a bit weird that SG Syndra has her base voice filter?
Wouldn't it make more sense if it was removed?
killing what, exactly
>not even her best skin
Wait, this is the wrong one.
>Trap ground duration lowered from 90 seconds to 30/40/50/60/70 seconds
time they looked at nerfing her traps
Ah sheit really. I can't really be bothered learning all that stuff. I guess I will skip it then. Sucks, I used to actually really enjoy it back then.
Apparently they wanted to remove it but they lost the original syndra voiceover
I will test it for you in practice tool and post pics if you want.
Depends on what you are looking for.
Singed ( because mid is such a short lane if you can flip the enemy when they come near you its a kill 9/10 times)
AP Gragas
Lee Sin (Lethality)
Why do you post that hashtag with your ahri pictures?
>tfw you gank your own lane
didn't they literally just fucking lose it
Who were your main champions and what was your main role?
A lot of older champions have been completely reworked/updated, or are in the process of getting updated/reworked.
Example: this is now Urgot, the game's latest VGU. Evelynn and Swain are next.
S- stop! I didn't make this so it could be used to bully. It's just literally the best part of the skin.
Why should an auto targeted ability that is simply there to aid single target burst by standing near a champion slow? On a champion that already has cc and a 2 movement/damage abilities?
Buy rylais faglord
>-20 secs off traps
>in exchange for lategame crit one shots
Fiddle in the middle makes the enemy pee a little.
She literally says "hashtag killing it" in one of her voicelines
>best part of the skin
you would be wrong
As if her voice lines couldn't get any worse.
I think the skin is neat but her voice lines gives me cancer.
Okay, for Middlesticks do you just abuse your bird? Am I aiming for 40% cd.
>still can't break/trigger the traps without being caught
>"those crows are obnoxious" said a Veigar
>Eve who kept getting feared when she came to gank
>Orianna who kept getting DFT burned to the point of farming under her tower
It has its charms when you do it right, to say nothing of the utility you give the team.
>still can't disarm them
this is fine
literal autism
Ya, you pick him into assassins and fear them every time they try to start some shit and harass hard with the bird
Yes, you basically just poke the fuck out of your laner with your bird, fear them+drain when they try to engage, and run away then ult back in when you want to kill them.
Her "ohoho" is not even so bad, it's good. It's just bad. THIS is ohoho and what they should've gone for:
And the death animation just has so much more soul than that vain, sour and brooding personality she has elsewhere. She could've been strict, self-righteous and still caring, but she's mostly just a teenage Ahri who's full of herself.
Yes and use DFT as tempting as TL or SRS is. SRS is decent with letting you follow-up certain combos though.
Good. It's about time the degenerates on summoners rift get oneshot for checking my trapped bushes
Blame riot for making sweeping lense not disarm traps because it invalidated meemo's kit
>When you lose a free game because some 6 year old starts inting because the support decided to take some farm.
I hate this playerbase so much.
Cute, I'll save it. I'd just like to be able to hit them, even if they took more than one hit.
>reddit AMA from riot team
>ignore all critique or negative/interesting questions
>reply to every "wow u guys are amazing have my babies"
>reply to one other question as to not raise alarms
every AMA ever
fuck leddit why do you guys make me go there
I wish teenager Ahri was full of me.
Poke down the enemy with bird, wave clear fast as you can, push waves to their turret, and gank with your ult whenever its up
The enemy midlaner has so few options against you its fucking hilarious
>tristana nerfs
>it's fucking nothing
EVEN if you nerf trist's early game it won't matter because ADC's get a free pass to pve farm their lane.
But putting that aside for a second, is it not realistic to give a champion that has half of her kit designed around RESETS the strongest steroid of her class, which by the way lasts longer than every other steroid.
Rapid fire gives Trist 110% attack speed for 7 (SEVEN) seconds literally for FREE.
The only other attack speed steroids that come close are Jinx and surprisingly MF. Both champions WITH NO ESCAPES. Yet what do they get? Jinx has to actually stack her attack speed and even then needs to kill 3 members of the enemy team. MF's steroid lasts 4 (FORE) seconds on a champion that spends up to 3 seconds of the fight standing still not autoattacking.
When is Riot going to realize that Tristana's numbers don't match her kit goals.
How cheesy. I'll try it out later. Thanks!
Literally had this happen to me yesterday except it was some Garen player bitching that I wasn't ganking his lane enough, despite the fact that he was against a Swain,that our other 2 lanes were snowballing and that we had a certified win if he didn't ragequit for going 2/5 and simply played it safe by sticking close to the turret during laning phase instead.
Good night /lolg/
It is time for me to cuddle and protect my Lulu pillow!
I love Camille
Summonerschool is the only worthwhile board to visit.
what about literally full of you?
no you dont. you only love her for her body
>mana costs lowered, not increased
I would like to not rely on the damage from statikk shiv to have my champion be relevant desu
gn fag
Dont let Tristanas bomb attach to towers. Suddenly life becomes a lot easier.
Any ability that can affect towers is Cancer.
It's only on one move, meanwhile her CDs are higher. This is good.
im gonna impregnate that pillow
Crazy how coincidental that they waited this long to release any janna changes and she has new chromas up on the pbe
So huehues are getting free chests and keys for not being a cancerous retards, how does this make you feel?
Perfectly ok with it since it means I'm not Brazilian.
Seeing that fucking language even in the url is infuriating.
I really wish they'd get rid of autofill at lower ranks. I'm sick of getting autofilled supports who intentionally feed because someone wouldn't trade them.
>BE will only drop from Champ shards now
>You will get a lower amount for disenchanting
>Costs will go up in the BE market, but somehow will be 'even' trust us bro
New system blows, whole thing is Jewish Tricks.
I dont understand a shit but holy fuck im in tears
Yeah, Diamond 5 is rough.
>make Janna a little more challenging to play
>compensate with shiny new skin+chromas
I love it. Heck, the nerfs make me want to play her more.
I mean everyone is getting rewards for getting honor levels at the end of the season
Janna players aren't human and don't get to post in this thread sorry
>Honor Rewards
>All that
>Levels get increasing harder and longer to get the higher you go
>Can't reoll shards anymore either
It really does
They said it wouldn't be an icon
Probably a skin or something
>more damage
>arguably better in lane and still impossible to actually kill
>just as good shielding late
Nice changes
The cancer is lategame tristana doesn't even need her bombs to be the best adc. Just look at her builds, Outside of her passive range and q her kit has no synergy with crit.