/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

Meme Edition

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>Accessing the DLC
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>/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
(every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules:imgur.com/1RjNbF4)

>/bbg/ Spelunking Club
Password = /bbg/
Create a new S/FRC chalice dungeon and beckon anons to join
Use the Short Root Chalice with the password /bbg/ to be summoned or invade
(every Friday 6pm EST, anything goes)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

>Bloodborne AR Calculator

Come kill witches with me
pass Beast


He was here yesterday

I wasn't expecting Rom, Faye
Gonna waste some insight then resummon so I can get the cheese to work


nice ed, op


Fuck Maria,help a brother out pass is you



Reminder Maria is NOT!!! for bullying
Reminder Iosefka is NOT!!! for lewd


If that's an OC, very nice

what weapons work well with flat damage aside from BoM and wheel?

are there any?

Kek, I hate Rom.

I got fucking bukkake'd by 3 spiders and I couldn't roll out

Whirli L2. If you can get fire+ flat arc gems then it shits on abhorrent like nothing

Than you anons for Maria and living failures

oh i didn't see that, moved to this thread, i think i can come with you for a while

>not for bullying
>not for lewd
you poor, poor soul

also, slightly unrelated
good job Titus, I knew you could bully Maria with the best of 'em

What the fuck? Why did you blank me out, user?

Ah, Kos and Kosm, the one thing I'm happy we'll never ever agree on

Just doing my part.

Thanks for the company, Faye!

Who was it? Is he back?

Sorry my modem is shitting himself, another time!

Thanks for hosting, love.

that's better, i should go to bed too

I think his name egg something?

been ringing at witches friendo

pass is Beast with capital B right


Yeah that's his name. He's the shitposter who blanked me out

I knew it


you should try dodging

What is the O button

Anyone up for a spelunk?

it's 1 30 but fuck it, sure, may drop dead in the middle of it tho
might be my last this year too

I have to farm ritual blood (4)s with only 6 arcane, and no eye rues. this is gonna be fun.

You said that about the FC. Just leave already if you are going to abandon us ;;

>might be my last this year too

I would be but I can't join since I'm going out to watch movies with my dudes :c

Hope you have fun, user!

dont fall for the sacker santa meme, farm the fatty in lower phtu for 20% gems if you're on a new build, he drops rb4 too
i'm moving tomorrow evening, i don't think you'll see me for at least two weeks, and i wont be a regular anymore

Just started playing again after beating moon presence on ng+ back in the first few months of release. Only ever came back for DLC and I remember loving it.

This game is fucking amazing. I forgot just how much polish and perfection everything has. It's just so satisfying to go about your business hunting, even Gherman knows it, "just go out and kill a few beasts, it's just what hunters do". Fucking glorious.
Cruising through ng++ as a tentacle slinging broccoli tumor person also with my holy moonlight guiding my way. Gascan prepare your anus, here I cum.

That concludes my blogpost about why I love this game. This game is inspiring.
Hope I can join some of you fellow hunters in spelunking adventures soon.

which fatman?

ipso fatso in lower phtu layer 2 guarding the lever, it aint a fast trip but you'll get two 20% phys rad and a rb4 100% while you look for the gems

fire + flat arc or fire + flat fire?

fire + flat arc doesn't make fire/arc split, it just makes arcane with no fire

What's that smell



I swear i had fire+arc on an old build, but if you say it's impossible then I probably had those gems with +31 fire or something


Sounds like I need to get to layer 2 then, since these sackfags havent dropped shit for me.
Pass Beast



they don't call him GAScoigne for nothing!

no, I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm saying the fire% part goes to waste because you can only do a conversion with a single element

I just tried it with a fire+flat arc gem and it game me some arcane but +0 fire

~9% fire+a shit load of flat fire gems exist though (I think) so I wouldn't mind farming them

So is it confirmed Eggnog is the shitposter-kun or...?

>There will never be a Halloween event in Bloodborne

I'm afraid so.

I'm not sure if those exist, I think that flat arc is the only odd secondary that goes that high due to brainsuckers having guaranteed flat arc secondary and very low primaries. That said I have seen several odd fire gems while spelunking that were around +61 iirc, so you might be able to get a triangle and waning one of those if there is a list of glyphs for odd gems somewhere

The fat men cornered me in.

It was the long con after all. We've been collectively bamboozled.

No, dumbass.

Of course not, most of the people the shitposter went mad about were users Egg played with regularly, not to mention the shitposter repeately telling egg to leave the general and that people should blank him out

>there are people who actually think egg is the shitposter

I'm baffled really.

the list says it exists in lower loran from clerics

9.1% phy/fire/bolt + 67.5 flat fire

Buddy the whole fucking game is a Halloween event

I'm retarded, I was only thinking about boss drops. I've never seen one of those gems but yeah I bet they have high secondaries at least

this is the same general that takes rookie tier bait on daily basis. Why are you surprised?

now the only issue is, can I get them as radials without being OoS

We all know Gascogine has the title of Father

But what if Henryk was the father?

I want pumpkins man

OoS is your best bet, you'd need OoE to get fire in ptu, which is way rarer than offshapes

Stop before you go any further

>a month passes since you platinumed the game
>still no email with the ps4 theme
Is this where you try to contact sony support or something?

There is no theme

Interesting thought user, are you implying Henryk cucked Gascoigne? Which is why he killed his wife?

Took me a year m8
And this was just a few months after release
Basically yeah

He gave me a whopping 4 quicksilver boolits

Are we supposed to do something or just wait?

I could just use one fire abyssal rad, and then some kind of tri, maybe a 23.1% fire w/ +14 flat fire but I'm sure that's going to be enough flat damage to matter because I think it comes into the damage calculation completely by itself so you really need to stack a lot of it to matter

I'm not sure, maybe I'll just do the OoS grind

Use mark and repeat nigger

Set third party email something to yes and wait

Getting OoS off a mob isn't actually too bad because of how quick the farm is. Most mob farming routes take under 30 seconds

Ahh year or some say yearm

Alright boys, who up for an IMPROMPTU in ISZ?


>Set third party email something to yes and wait
Yeah, I did that like 2 months ago. Do you know if this region locked? Sony seems to love doing this kind of shit.





Go to your account on the Playstation site and enable emails from Sony

Nope, just pray to the phtutato, 2 months seem too much though. Try calling the customers's service, i heard of people doing that and managed to fix it

yeah, but the pool is really wide

three different elements, murky, dirty, poormans, fools, etc, three tiers of the secondary and a workable curse

I just farmed a fuckload of brainsuckers, I can already tell it's not a good grind.

The theme is really mediocre though

How much AR is enought on a 50 arc build?

I have done the grind and got good stuff, but i allways wonder if going full autismo is worth it

Would a brainsuker nutrishing be godly on the wheel? I read a long time ago those exist


if you have two cold abyssals with good secondaries and an abyssal bolt with +33.8 bolt flat secondary, then it doesn't get any better

>fighting the meme man
>finally finish chasing him
>about to jump down and fuck him up
>game crashes

I get like 630ish on my fire church pick
Cold Abyssal Radial with +15 phys
Cold Abyssal Triangle with +15 fire
And finally a perfect hotdog gem with +15 fire