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>Heroes FAQ and links
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Kill all trips
Please no shitposting until the banner reveal. Thank you.
kill all tripfaggots
Imagine the roster if they royals didn't come in a package deal.
It's not Navarre
Reaction to Lyn's inclusion
What will her supports be like /feg/?
I like /feg/
it clearly is retard
Dori is a-dori-ble!
Should I fuck Tharja or Noire?
oh good even more sword fodder to shred with tiamo
Kill yourself Raul.
>Tharja not in warriors
>Tharja lumped into a second rate class like all other red books and is outclassed by Celica
>Snacky and Lilina are becoming more popular because of raven memes vs Brave Lyn
>Heroes art is ugly
>Lost the gauntlet against cuckmilla without even any bonus fuckery going on
>Porn artists have moved on from her for fateshits
>Not even Boris wants to draw her
>If the FE Heroes leak is true Tharja will also be outclassed by the first armor mage
Supporting my dick with her mouth.
When do new banners get revealed? A day before the banner ends or right after it ends?
What the hell? So she's not a savage anymore
What the fuck do i do with a -atk +def Katarina? i swear when this game finally gives you a 5* it has shit IV's
>Liking nopan over spats
I mean... I'm not really sure how that effects the roster after Lyn's inclusion.
Maybe they should've done what the guy in the last thread did and just included the top 25 most popular characters. But that's kinda lame, like a character's worth is just some popularity contest.
Fuck off shill
A day before so soon.
why is cordelia the most reddit character?
>Corrinx2, All Royals = 10
>Robinx2, Chrom, Lissa, Frederick, Lucina, Cordelia = 7
>Marth, Caeda, Navarre, Tiki = 4
>Lyn = 1
>2 OCs = 2
>Celica = 1
That's 25 characters that can be on the character cards, but Navarre isn't included in the boxart yet Anna is. If Corrin and Robin both count as only one then we're only at 23
Kill Tharja, let Noire have the mercy of not existing as her daughter
Early tomorrow
>Characters get secondary weapons
>Lyn gets a bow
Give me a (you) for using a dancer and horses please
FEW will be FUN and haters are going to autistic screech when Corrin stomps through every game in history mode
>mfw this is her Male Robin support
What the fuck is wrong with you? This place is a cesspit
>nigger edit
You do know that the roster characters don't fight against each other in the actual game, right?
Is VenomBro /ourmexican/?
>Not an Awakeningbaby.
>Has played games besides Fateswakening.
>Well informed when it comes to FE lore.
>Triggers Raul.
>Has good taste in characters.
>Could probably beat Raul up.
>Hates nu FE.
back off pal, us dogposters are taking over
Swift Sparrow 2 or Atk Ploy fodder
She's gonna train with everyone else, just like everyone else
>No easy access to savage puss
Why bother anymore?
Trip back on spic
A Dancer
A decent Blue Mage
A decent Sword
Swift Sparrow fodder
Get banned again please.
It's 3(THREE) OCs, sweetums
All are sword users
check yaycupcake for videos you hopeless failure
this literal nigger who makes everyone black
he left the corrin and robin faces
Name one waifu better than Tharja, I dare you.
Just use BRoy lol
He likes Roy, he does not have good taste in characters. in fact, fuck off VenomSpic.
It's a good place when you filter all the garbage, by this, the words:
and all tripfags
Reminder to take Shitarriors discussion back to or . It's not FE and doesn't belong here.
>OC are removed and the story is now Naga summoning heroes to stop Evil Dragon #35 from burning everything down. Oh and Tiki is here to help.
dont forget a shota
Reminder that no matter how bad things get, you are NOT Raul.
spats are objectively better than no pan though
All of them. Even Sully.
Need a safespace, sweetie?
>is an underage smashbabby who hasn't actually played most games in the series
Kill yourself Luis
I keep forgetting about him. If he is playable then that's 26 characters. So those 25 character cards have to either be excluding the OCs or combining the Robins and Corrins or something
this general really goes to shit around this time huh
fuck off, we can discuss how shit it is however much we want you falseflagger
Here's literally a Step By Step guide.
I've got another one with archers if you've got a Brave Bow user.
should have been wrappings
cute lynlyn.
Btw they will add a shiton of characters with the DLC, like Hyrule Warriors.
Snacki / Azura / Delthea / BLyn. Snacki should have Axebreaker
Sully is underrated
american time, usually
Sully isn't too bad, guy.
Alright /feg/ might as well ask this now: who was your Awakening waifu?
The royals themselves are actually quite varied
3 swords (standard, mounted, shapeshifter)
2 bows
2 tomes
1 lance
1 axe
Fire Emblem was a mistake
ah yes fortuna entertainment warriors is my favorite game
He probably won't be included at first and added as free dlc later like the 3 HW villains
How did the word thot go from being used by uneducated niggers to flaming faggot fedora tippers? Is it because both groups have less than 100 working brain cells?
You have 10 seconds to tell me the name of that blonde haired OC guy from Warriors. If you can't you must promote your Alfonse to 5*.
Guys how's raventome & ta Lilina?
Is she able to kill fully buffed Brave Lyn/Blade Cecilia without bow breaker/g.tome breaker?
I haven't played Awakening or Fates.
I'm not buying his gane refardless but I REALLY hope they put some better girls like Eirika on DLC. That SFM porn can't come soon enough
I got a +Atk -Res Hana I want to build but I have nobody with a brave sword+ to feed her right now. How good would she be with a wo dao+?
This is /fewg/ now, isn't it guys?
He likes Roy, that makes him 90% as shit as Raul.
>fucking linde
might as well slap bridelia again
just use blade SCorrin and palla lmao
Yeah but we'll always be able to say that Tharja had to be added in DLC to Raul, that she wasn't worthy of the original roster.
Warriors would be way better if it was basically Heroes.
>You'd better buy my game, Mark! I travelled through the Dragon's Gate and the Outrealms and Askr just to be here with you, so I better hear a 'thank you'!
Virion's cumbucket
Shut up Ephraim, why aren't you fast in FEH?
>Waifu got cucked from the game since Cordelia was more popular
>All characters in warriors are shit posted to death and people complain about how they look like shit
I should be happy about the no shitposting about her but I'm also upset about her not being included.
How are you guys feeling?