/ink/ Splatoon General

Its morning somewhere edition

Last thread: Redirect to current thread: splatoon.ink/ink/
- Splatoon 2 Map Rotation: splatoon2.ink/
- Booru: booru.splatoon.ink/

> News
New Brella!
Return of the Kelp Dome!
Grizzco Secret Weapons SR soon!

> Splatoon 2 Information (links + translated tweets)
- pastebin.com/h04p6aqy (embed)
> Splatoon 2 Weapon Stats
- imgur.com/a/eV8p0
> S2 New weapon stats
- imgur.com/a/NFzgv

> Big S2 Gear & Weapon list (contains unreleased weapons)
- leanny.github.io/splat2/

> List of possible main abilities for gear (contains unreleased gear)
- docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18ip1HahYq8DRZRgSEXoRqa915aThLXPb79AFF91HCe4/edit#gid=0

> Latest updates on what the Splatnet store is selling
- twitter.com/splatnetstore

> Resources
- pastebin.com/6UaR6zHL (embed)
> Wiki
- splatoonwiki.org/

> Loadout planner with weapons, gear, abilities, and stats
- loadout.ink/

> User Stats
- splatoon.nintendo.net/

> View Nintendo Switch online services on your PC
- github.com/OatmealDome/LoungeChair/releases/tag/v1.0.6422.34538

> Add your FC to the list of FC below:
- docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrpLqYcIcxHjNbeVoBql4HDGqUseArmbUePz71gXqBgHlHtA/viewform?usp=sf_link

> List of FC:
- docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y-zt8u4va5GuDYnX_ToKfRUFRHu-1izMtE6ifaRK4II/edit?usp=sharing

> Splatoon 1 Artbook
- archive.org/details/TheArtOfSplatoon




4th for the freshest gear in the game

maybe if you're 12 lol

user the thread was terrible, and the news wasn't updated. I had to do it to 'em



new phone who dis

I'd rather these. If Annie would get off her ass.

Not the freshest but I dig the woomy handle

>tfw you realize YOU are the shitty teammate

Thank Nintendo for regional matchmaking

I would but it's 2am here and there's no one to play turf wars with


I'm coming to ruin your turf wars games dot

real thread

how do you feel about "ITS FUCKING NOTHING" the phone?

Squids like pretzels, not pancakes.

Can you fuck off

pretzels vs pancakes splatfest when?

gomen I was rushing to make a proper thread


>this post literally posted half a minute before the link to this thread was made
fuck off with your first post obsession OP


squids like ______



Op here, made me reply

>crossthread (You)

I came from dummy

Probably some plugin

Prepare for the worst night of your lives.

So what's new about Kelp Dome? Was there another one shown? What was it like?

Why didn't you first post in the other thread?

Shit sign me up too then

Because it's a retarded thread so I waited for this one.

it has river in the middle that splits the map that you have to jump over

We talkin headfus right now?

That's a different, new map. We're getting Kelp Dome and Hobo Woomy's residence

Why first post that same woomy over and over every time in the first place?

*farting noises*



Go fap to Renamon porn Tai



What was he trying to do?

What is she in jail for?

ffs pic a fucking thread you autists

Biting off user's balls

>put in a TW room full of nips
Wait, what?

>Nobody X

I did already.

Thinks he's a roller.

she got caught trying to 'play' with special woomy

>Forgot to hit "Yeah!" again

you guys should go rewatch total Rickall

shit is great

Where are you playing from? I heard that aussies get to play with japs.


Thank god the best map ever, Kelp Dome, is coming back. Tenta Brella looks fun.

>bare shoulders

so fucking good

armando leave

You three against me twice in a row, not fair

Reminder: These are your superiors for the rest of this month.

Freedomland. That's why I'm wondering what the fuck just happened. We won the match and I left then got paired back up with your run of the mill cringey NA names.

Where in freedom land? Closer west, you got good net? One of those two may be why

No matter what thread is picked by the masses, take heart that JUSTICE will reign.




Please dont be mean to my wife

So did this person make one for the other two maps yet or are we just going in blind?

>use drink to grind chunks in TW
>not doing it in ranked because too risky
>have to deal with braindead teammates
>try to stay on their asses for as long as I can so I can support them
>they still die
>one teammate is always dead most of the game
>can't do anything about it
>lose most of the time
I'm sorry for blogposting, but I'm just mad. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, am I an autistic shitter?

Can't keep playing like this dot, sput and armand must be something to do with were you're playing but it's taking 6-8 shots to kill any of you/anyone and feels like I'm getting 1 shotted with any weapon.

Plus the team matching thing isn't fair, I joined to play with not against the people I like playing with.

If you're looking for consistent wins, then Turf War is far, far tougher than Ranked.

No problem senpai, good games!

where are you playing from if you don't mind me asking?

You don't support your teammate by helicoptering them. You just cover a shit ton more turf and make sure you kill the enemy team enough. It can actually be stupid tough depending on how matchmaking goes.


I live in the UK, it's nearly 3am here so there's no one else to play with so I thought I'd join so I could actually get to play. But I just went down from 21 freshness to 13.5, which makes me sad

I tried to do the ladder and it works. But when I die, usually everything just goes to shit. It's fucking demoralizing to have a losing streak, and it makes me wonder whether I'm actually skilled.

>Try to dodge roll
>Clicking followed by jumping around like a retard

AntiFaggots go home

This is what I get for using subs in the middle of an engagement

>sorry guys, game is starting to lag. fun games, seeya

instead you come off sounding like a whiny bitch

I know that feel. I usually take an hour or 2 break and come back so there's a different group of players. I found that for me after 12 it's shitter hour til like 5pm, then I start getting matched with good players till 9pm

>we lost that

that new brella is going to fuck curling bomb rush right in the butt if the current one bouncing off the brella we have now

I am a whiny bitch, lag is still lag when you're playing with other people across the other side of the world.

Good, hopefully it turns people away from using the aerospray.

make tentabrella a one shot kill or else

>Another shirt we've gotten tons of times already
I swear to god, I'm going to brick Annie's windows.

Should I just bite the bullet and use 30 chunks the 18k Aviators to get ink saver main on my set, or keep grinding for something else?

Use the chunks

I wouldn't bother trying to scrub until you get a perfect. 30 chunks is fine.

>using ink recovery drink
>try to get a double on my shoes
>instead get a double on the fucking headgear
Worse feel?

if you can deal with having the only rockenberg hat being it (so no brand influenced run speed later), sure.

do you think we'll get another BIG game mode like splatfest or SR?

like an underground thing where we get a coupons for a super scrub that scrubs all the gear you're wearing at once? maybe we have to fight off those squii-G things?

>Worse feel?
Rolling a triple on gear with a shitty main ability