League of legends general /lolg/

I love Sivir?!?!

I want to aggressively impregnate this Vastayan while her bf is forced to watch.

xth for breast metal waifu


Best guy!
kys boodshit gurofreak???

here's some more shitposting material straight from the boards stickers

>tfw no petite gf

Jade Fang and Desperada, potentially her new one.

do NOT bully rakan!

If we all lived in a large house or something I'm pretty sure at least one of you would have murdered me by now

>bewbs on xayah

Birbs don't have bewbs

why is that pic filled with shit taste

yrd for toplane

I main ADC, which youtube/twitch should I be watching ?

Honestly, if anyone's a cuck out of the two it's Xayah.

She will after a few pregnancies.

I won't be bullying him user don't worry. I can't stop his gf from loudly proclaiming how tiny his dick is though.

>Feed AD
>AD is an idiot and pisses lead away

There is no worse feeling as a support.

Now that's a tilter.

You're all pathetic.

>SG Ahri will never transform in the middle of fucking you
>You will never be absorbed into her transformation
>You will never be taking into a limbo of sexual pleasure as long as she remains transformed
>You will never emerge partially mindbroken

Tell me something I don't know

So since lolg convinced me to buy Star Guardian Jinx despite maining mid I have a question. Does jinx work mid?

xth for Cute Ashe


I could see Ahri seducing Rakan solely to put Xayah in her place.

Rakan is cute. CUTE
I want to tie him up and choke him!

>tfw will never snuggle naked Jinx in a sweater much too large for her on a cold winter's day

Why live

I got 4800 IP
Brand, Renekton, Yorick, or Maokai?
or Leona, Trundle, or Irelia


Why is Vi rarely played nowadays? Does she have a tough clear?

i want to punch lulu now


but that doesn't happen either becuase...
rakan and xayah are totally in love with each other and are completely faithful!
rakan is cute!
xayah is cute!
cute couple!

fuck you lulu
get bullied

I watched a couple of xFSNsaber videos because reddit told me to. He seems pretty good for coaching

0 reason to pick her over Jarvan.

renekton. braindead easy and effective

Death to the slut.

>rakan and xayah are totally in love with each other and are completely faithful!

Shes not a slut in the SG universe
and the other SG girls could probably do the same thing

>implying Rakan cares

Rakan is not for bullying!
I want to hug Rakan and have him pat my head!
Cute Rakan!
as much as i would love sg ahri to be canon
skins not canon

>Implying "true love" is a match for the powers of Cock

If it makes you feel better I'd send Rakan regular videos so he has something to jack off to.

But is he good?

Define braindead. I'm just looking for a way out of Silver. I already own Gnar.

How do I make my friends get out of their comfort zone and picks champs that are actually good instead of what they usually play?

>play ez jungle
>mfw it actually works

no fuck u

tank meta

I've been having success with top Trinity Force Orrn, starting ruby crystal 2 biscuits and rushing the phage. Let's you run ignite over tp.

You don't.

If you're their friend you'll back up their picks

p-please no user my heart is breaking

You don't.
Stop being the cunt that tries to tell everybody else what to play.

But I want to win.

Not that user but literally braindead
Q heals
W stuns
E is a (double) dash
R makes you tanky and gives you damage all around you

Once you learn how his rage meter works you're golden

E in, use your w and q, e out. Unbeatable trades. Easy sustain from q. Ult makes you undivable and just lets you win close all ins. Easy waveclear. Idk what else to say, he just has the full package

So he's cancer?

If anything that would give you more of a reason to play Vi, she has decent shred in denting blows.

Don't play with your friends then.

Only enough RP for SG MF or Syndra.

Post ending in 5 decides which one of the two I get

>ywn snuggle her in an oversized sweater with your dick inside her to help transfer more body head

Which id why we need to kill the SG.

No choking the chicken.

Get MF or you made a mistake

your post's already a 5 so you get to choose
but in your heart you know who's the right choice

syndra if youre going solely on which skin is better
if you dont care then whichever one you play more

I love Camille

Please respond. I want to play her if I buy the skin.


not really. He's a jack of all trades and is just generically good, but has his problems. Mostly his trade patterns are extremely predictable and you get outscaled often. Also outside of lane you cannot generate rage without ult, making your abilities gimped in teamfights unless you ult prematurely to generate rage

>tfw Jinx will never capture you as a prisoner only to grow fond of you and cuddle you in bed after she fucks you senseless

sometimes idk why I haven't offed myself yet

Thanks. I main top and support. What about Brand?

>Absolutely dumpster the enemy team as Leona
>Lose because our AD quit for 6+ minutes, and while I was roaming and getting other people kills their Kalista got five gorrilion farm

I love reruns.

SG Soraka

no dont jinx mid, you will be int to any mage

>meet some dude who plays league
>ask him who he mains

every single time

What did RNG mean by this?
So she doesn't even stand a chance mid like Jhin does?

Not only do I already have SG Soraka you also wasted your chance.

>play onslaught
>get queued with a three man premade
>i pick jinx
>i literally carry them through it all
>get no shield from janna
>lux doesn't know how to pop her e
>i go 68/1/55
>mf, the other damage dealer, went 22/6/77

>i get no honor
fuck this premades

What happens when you get hard again while cuddling? Does she get rough again or go slowly?

You haven't offed yourself because one day VR will interface directly with our brain and our waifus can be, for all intents and purposes,

well it's the only one worth owning

I saw it work once but only cause the Jinx was a a plat playing on his GF's mid silver account.

Speaking of which why do so many e-girls play Jinx?

Cuckboy for life.


le epic so wacky and crazy xD!

Neat. I'm buying lethality and an infinity edge. Gonna oneshot some kids

Riot releases an adult skin line
They are actual good quality for low cost unlike their normal jewish tactics

Would you buy them for 500 rp a pop
male and female champs apply

Brand is like Lux in that he has absurd base damages, but wildly inconsistent access to it and can't push or counterpush for shit. If someone tries to shove wave under your tower to leave and go kill your team, you just have to sit there and let them or you'll be out of mana the second time they do it, so you tend to have games where your enemy mid just wanders the map doing whatever they want while you're forced to not use abilities and buy two items before you really take off.

Those spell effects are really underwhelming to me, especially compared to Lux and Jinx.

Jinx is a girl with a lot of energy, I'm sure she would be quite capable of milking you over and over again until it was physically impossible for you to get hard anymore

I feel sleepy after just 11 hours


>enemy mid
But I'm support.

>works on turrets
>everything q forward
cool its not like i wanted to ban her more than ever anyway

you haven't really told us much about what we're getting, there are a lot of adult skins i would buy in a heartbeat and a lot more i would have no interest in

>finally get headshot stack
>Lasthits stop in lane completely
this sounds fun

>That slow W reset

Get out of silver, please.

Probably because of the lulsorandum meme. I'm high sliver so I would probably fuck it up. I'm guessing that she'd be a good pick into some champs but she isn't Lucian so I dunno.

That is true, but I'm sure she would also spend every moment you aren't hard trying to tease you hard again.

Support brand gets rid of a lot of his problems, but in the current meta you get your ass reamed by the good supports. They just push one button and invalidate ~60% of your damage, then you sit there like a dumbass while your AD dies.

He's decent into tank supports, but not much else.

Interesting taste, user
Now i wish i saved the pic of her from yesterday or so with her hair down. She's actually cute

Anons please, it hurts

Starts off slowly, gets rougher the more excited she gets (heh passive)

>score mattering in onslaught
It's literally only about teamwork. Janna is meh anyways, Raka is much better for a support spot. It's doable with Janna but you'll have a much better time with Rakas on your team. Being honored isn't very meaningful anyways. Did the mode so i could get the ward skin because in only have Definitely Not A Ward so far.

Even if the enemy supports aren't good? Like I said, silver.