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/sthg/ #933 - BLAZE is fucking DEAD Edition
>Sonic News

Other urls found in this thread:

timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20171107T00&p0=179&msg=sonic forces&ud=2&font=hand

First for Silver a cute!
A cute!!
I'm so excited for this game! I'm so happy!

Give me Amy screenshots Sega!

Holy shit the generics look awful.


Shut up already.

first for sonci forces will be shat

silver more like stupid

Maybe she's better off. Forgotten is better than

Press F to pay respects

>Checks SSMB out of curiosity after the new trailer
>Lots of people are hyped or at least now interested in Forces
>2-3 autists are still bitching about everything involving the game

They don't look awful. They just look generic.

Also, FAST

Am I the only one who's legitimately proud of Knuckles for being the leader?

They look like generic denizens from Boom after a visit to Toon Town. I thought the Bear was a monkey at first, but no, he's just a really thin and retarded looking bear.

Post yfw when Mighty gets in before Blaze

it kinda makes me mad they didn´t show much new things in this new trailer.

but eh, soon the game is there and everyone will see how good or absolutelly atrocious it is

he earned it.

too bad about that sister, huh


Never happened.

Nope. It's cool to see Knuckles doing important things in the game again.

We didn't see a whole lot of new things, but we got a glimpse of a lot of new shit. New locations, a bit more info about Infinite's creation, Rouge being confirmed, etc.

Also, I guess Blazefags are now gonna do the same thing with Forces Amyfags did with Mania. As an Amyfag I just wanna say: Don't think too much about a character you wanna see in a game when they haven't been confirmed yet. You're just setting yourself up for disappointment.

He's cute and I'm very proud of him!

Soccer moms complained. Some of the human females in Unleashed were too sexy.

I feel the same about Amy, good on the two of them.
Truly Sanic's most trusted allies, along with that one guy Buddy

kek what

He's just memeing. Realistically, the only reason there aren't humans is that it was probably just cheaper to not waste the time modeling them when they have a character creator to fiddle with for whatever they need. Which would also help reinforce the idea that the OC is just an average joe.



I want that to happen so badly /just/ so I could see the ass blasting that would occur
It'd be fucking hilarious. Just thinking about it is giving me a boner

>average joe
>able to fight alongside Sonic
There has to be more to Buddy than just having a pair.

Nose aside that's not too bad actually.


Alright /sthg/, hug or punch

Blaze doesn´t need a male to save her

she is extremelly capable, disciplined and powerful by herself

Post yfw when

Blaze ends up dying and Silver rapes the corpse

I better get a lot of Rouge in Forces

He has great insurance

Punch em both

This is exactly the type of reaction I'm talking about lel
I look forward to the buttmad!
But for real, if that is what happens, would you actually quit the series? Kill yourself? On a scale of 1-10, how mad would you be?

God I hope Sonic Forces on Switch doesnt run like shit.

I can´t believe Blaze the Cat is fucking dead

Is Infinite Blaze's time-travelling vengeful ghost?


>Silver gets dom'd by the corpse


Depending on where you live, there are still only 55 days left until Sonic Forces is out. Yes that's correct, just fifty five (five elevens) days left to go until Sonic Forces is released in the US.

Do you have any other consoles to play Forces on? Can you run it on a PC?

I have a good gaming PC but I would prefer to play it on a portable.

It would've been so simple. Just 're-use some unleashed models. Done. At least for continuity's sake. But no...
The snaggle toothed moron can't have continuity in his fucking franchise, can he?

forgot the countdown link
timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20171107T00&p0=179&msg=sonic forces&ud=2&font=hand

Enough is enough. I swear to god bros, I'm at the end of the fucking line. If Blaze is really being dumped I might not preorder the Forces Bonus Edition.

It's confirmed 30FPS when PS4 and XBO get 60FPS.


Blaze isn't being retired. They just have no plans for her in Forces, probably.

I'd suggest getting the PC version if you wanna play Forces, then wait to see how the Switch version turns out. If you don't wanna double dip, then just wait to see how the Switch version turns out & then get the PC version if it's said to run like shit

For what it's worth user, I feel really bad for Blaze fans right now. I'm really ecstatic that Silver is finally in a game again so I really hope she makes it in so you guys can be happy too.
I'll be hoping for her inclusion for you guys. It's a little too sad otherwise.

Blaze is gonna be in it, and then go back to her home planet.

but she won't die on the way back!

Switch is for Nintendo games. For every other game it will be the inferior version.

>that Hexagon City
Grand Metropolis?

If you're not going to put effort into a version you shouldn't be making it, simple as that.
I mean imagine if the Switch version is as unplayable as Sonic 06 and it ends up bringing down the image of the game as a whole

okay but the Fist Bump vocalist still sounds not-good

I was sincerely hoping they'd re-record it but okay



I can only hope they'll delay the game, but it doesn't look like that'll happen, sadly. The Switch version has been shat on by everyone who's played it so far, so hopefully SEGA gets the message before Nov. 7th

The "ONE MORE LAST FIST BUMP" at the end sounded different, but that's likely from later in the song

Did Eggman create Infinite?

If so, doesn't that basically make Metal obsolete?

It looks worse when other third parties seem to have their shit together for the most part.

It still miffs me that out of all the cool-ass environments to choose from Heroes for Generations, they went with Seaside Hill. Not that it's bad, it's definitely one of the better Green Hill Zones, but there's so many more visually and mechanically interesting levels in that game. Grand Metropolis in Generations would have caused me to fucking lose it.

Again, hopefully SEGA fixes the issues of the Switch version (namely the framerate shit) before release.

Wait, what? What's going on with Blaze? Did they retire the character?

From the looks of it Infinite is either manufactured straight from the Ruby or IS the Ruby.

ill just leave this here

If they do it will at least prove they were serious about taking their time with games



Blaze is dead, she got Big'd

No. People are just losing it since she's likely not gonna be in Forces

It's to be expected. It's the same guy who sang this

Who is your favorite character and why is it Cucky?

Get it on PC. Yeah, having it on the go might be fun, but is it really worth it to miss out on all the modding that's going to be happening? Imagine playing as Buddy in Unleashed, or Generations levels?

Pure rat

I've already played unleash and generations more than I will ever want to and based on the mods gens got it will never be anything more thant character mods and people porting over levels from bad games.

Press F for mankind.


Fug, this is pretty cute.

What's wrong with him?

Thanks, user.

I don't really like Silver. He served his purpose in 06 and then just stuck around without bringing anything new to the table. However, this seems like the perfect time to make him prove his worth. The whole game's about time fuckery so it makes sense that the character from a different timeline should have a larger say than most. I hope Forces does for Silver what Heroes did for Shadow.

As for Blaze, I was being facetious. I'm definitely a fan, but as said, they probably couldn't fit her in. I'd rather she makes a cameo appearance, but I can completely understand not making assets for a character that won't even play a role in the story.

He's not TERRIBLE, but he sounds incredibly fucking strained, like he's actually ready to pass out singing the lyrics.

The "UNTIL THE BATTLE'S WOOOOON" line sounds like he's in serious pain.

Th-They'll mention Blaze in dialogue at least, r-right?

What did Heroes do for Shadow?

Honestly this is pretty much exactly how I feel about it. I hope Silver gets to be a cool time travelling bad ass for once, like Cable, instead of a fuck up like the guy from 12 Monkeys


You have been sperging over Fist Bump for days. Get over it, dammit.

Well I hope they do a good job and you can learn to like him in Forces.
And I hope Blaze gets a little nod to her if she's not in it at the very least. She's a part of the cast so it feels bad to me she's not with everyone.


So twitter.com/andrearitsu translated the trailer. Apparently, Eggman said something akin to "pouring all of his years of hatred towards Sonic in this one project." So Infinite may have been fully created by Eggman

I'm not hearing what you mean. Though I won't not believe you I guess.


Damnit, Jerry.



>The whole game's about time fuckery so it makes sense that the character from a different timeline should have a larger say than most.
I'd say it's more like dimension since Generations was more time related bullshit but even then we have to hope that they royally fuck up whatever potential they have.

It's definitely going to bite him in the ass, betray him, and he and the villains will have to put aside their difference to join forces to stop the Infinite army, complete with new logo. And no, I'm not proud of that.

Infinite is made of cum and hatred.

>when you're watching and sonikku can't get it up

It advanced his character beyond what we were given in Adventure 2. I feel like Silver needs something similar to be interesting to me.

Is the Phantom Ruby brought up?

I don't follow

Maybe someone else has said something similar but otherwise I don't recall having a shitfit about it until now

It was just a hope I held onto but one personal nitpick song isn't going to ruin Forces for me.

Seems like it may be the thing powering Infinite. It's mentioned that in every shot of him he's covering his chest, so it may be vital to him.

>Humans are gone.
At least we are with Blaze, Mighty, Big, Cubot, all the Archie cast, Prof. Pickle, that piss yellow squirrel I don't remember his name.
Yes, a better place.