Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Things are looking grim for us Arcsys fans.
I hate to shill, but Max is showing some amazing shit on his stream for DBFZ. A shit ton of new tech that makes the game look much more interesting.
So was he actually in the MvCI story mode or was that user just bullshitting
what fighting game is this?
if the game is done why don't they let the stores sell it?
maybe the day 1 patch isnt ready yet
Would capcom manage to win back some good will if they had an extra unannounced character in any of their games?
Watching all this mvci footage is worrying.
Its like they gave us way too much freedom, this cant possibly end well
To guarantee all stores start selling the game at the same time.
So why hasn't the monster hunter been ripped out of mvci? It's not like capcom's smart enough not to put them on the disc
Saber from Nitroplus Blasterz, scrub.
At least you have RWBY fighter coming soon :^)
It's taken me a year to get a competent Vega and an ok Urien and a shitty Alex. Picking characters you like and training with them is so fucking time consuming and difficult which is why I'm praying those SSFV rumors aren't true because I know I'm going to drop everyone for Oro/Q/C. Viper if that shits real
We all know saber is best fate, but who is best saber?
When Frieza leaves golden form, you can spend one bar to have his assistant shoot his laser at the other character while you are kneeling, a direct reference from Resurrection F.
That is so fucking sick. I'm 100% sold on this shit. These new combos have added a shit load of depth that nobody else has shown since the newest build.
saber a shit
Piccolo have his own version of steal rick/spikes?
>one year to learn, xx special
what parody of which post is this?
So nobody is going to call this poster a shill but someone gladly will when we talk about how much we like MVCI?
>the only tech a character has is combos
goober logic
The blue samurai one that doesn't wear shoes.
the red one
I hope you have a good time with fighting games today /fgg/!!!
there's two red ones.
Nobody cares about and he's going to get ignored beyond his samefagging, just like the NRS kid
DBFZ is an absolute non-entity to any serious fighting game player
The one that doesn't look the fucking same.
who died and made you the arbiter of the fgc?
Is there a chart of every saber so far?
the better red one
You Jiiiiiiiiiiiiive turkeys been talkin shit, well I'm here to fuck shit up baby. BLACK POWER! The powers of Ms. Cleo flow through me honey. Call me now, cause you won't be able to pick up the phone after this here beat down. Can you dig it?
I made one post about DBZ, what are you niggas on about?
I have been vocal about how I'm afraid the game will be super casual as fuck but I'm not so worried now.
So Marvel is bringing the real Jean Grey back. Chances of Phoenix in MvCI? I'd imagine she's have to be changed considerably due to the gems
so Mordred
She's a story mode NPC anyway so it's not like they're "Hiding" her
kinda wish a big company would just make one super big fighting game. this genre requires so much dedication to be good and it feels fucking awful to jump to so many different games.
I unironically want an afro character in SF. It's weird how one doesn't exist.
fuck I'm done with jive, when's mahvel
>Dee Jay
I always loved her moves in Marvel 3 but I hated that she was a no-health lvl3 X-factor comeback gimmicks character so that sounds pretty much perfect. If we get her and Super Skrull (there's a ghost of a chance because the Skrulls are gonna be in Captain Marvel) then that's pretty much my dream team, with Mind Stone so that Skrull can burn as much meter as he needs to but Jean can still have full bars for a comeback if they decide to keep her resurrection.
a free character would be a cool thing for them to do now, after two seasons of paid characters.
Which saber canonically has the largest bust?
No aFro's boy.
This is a great mod and I respect its creator.
It's a very underrated hairstyle. I'm not even sure Japonaise are cognizant of it.
What's wrong with SFV?
I might actually be able to tolerate black women if they actually talked like that
Brown Sakura when?
The Lion King
There was going to be a game that all fighting game players could play each other in, but you didn't fund it.
You could've stopped it
Might be a little out of date but here's one.
What's the vsav tier list look like?
thats easy
>X-Kira literally vanishes from social media after being BTFO
i was thinking about one street fighter type game and one guilty gear type game, except both games have around 100k concurrent users.
imagine how good a street-fighter style game with blizzard characters would be or a guilty gear style game with dota 2 characters. they could easily make zet the new zato.
there's two more now. Saber Alter Summer and Nero Summer.
But it's boobie Saber
Have you worshiped your goddess today /fgg/?
This looks like the best saber.
Shinsengumi Saber a best.
I only worship the rightful emperor.
Can the madmen at Delightworks ever be stopped?
This isn't a price I'd pay to have a more unified community.
Calling everyone and anyone who talks about a subject a shill is one of the most cancerous things to come out of the hell that is the post 2010 internet.
If I were in charge at Capcom, I'd resurrect Capcom Fighting Jam as a digital title and create the ultimate Kusoge by just taking every single sprite from Capcom's arcade fighting game history that we have permission to (including Marvel, JoJo, and SNK characters if they let us) and just let players pick their favorites and go nuts. Just like CFJ, a character's mechanics are tied to their game, so ST play just like ST with just one solid Super meter, Darkstalkers characters have chains and dashes, SF3 characters have parries and 3 supers, marvel characters would have Super jumps and aircombos, etc. The game would be 3v3 KOF-ish, just like the original where you could select any of 3 characters to switch to between rounds. The twist is that you can select the same character from multiple different games, so for instance if you wanted to have Champion Edition Ryu, New Generation Ryu, and X-men vs Street Fighter Ryu all on one team you could, and each one would play exactly like you expect.
>Marvel vs Capcom 2 with a couple MvC1 characters and a few hundred useless characters clogging up the character select screen
What is the point though
>max says something big is being announced at PS experience
hmmm what could it be.
You only tolerate them if they speak like a total stereotype?
They don't have afros butt hey do have a similar hairstyle (imagine the jewfro)
Daily reminder what /fgg/ have around 80 original posters here, so no one cares about your opinion on literally everything
The point is possibility, just being able to say "I could run Second Impact Ibuki, Heritage for the Future Avdol, and Alpha 2 Gold Gen" is draw enough for the game
SF anniversary collection
I care.
Some dude is playing through the story mode on twitch, what an absolute madman
post it
>play tekken
>get hit by a safe on block super armor launcher, lose 60% of my health and get carried to the wall
>guess wrong on wakeup and die
>stop playing tekken
wtf is wrong with dante's portrait?
the models dont look too bad to be honsest
So does MVCI have PS4 Pro support or nah
yeah, that one
So is goku going to be OP?
Of course. It's not Dragonball if Goku isn't OP.
Is Phonon good for a beginner
Max on MvCi
>the gameplay is 10/10 they nailed it. They're lucky they did.
give me one good reason why i shouldn't main rocket/X
Who the fuck cares
This is a much easier image to look at if its posted for the next 5 threads
Also Max:
>MvCi's gameplay is better than dragonball, dragonball is better at everything else.
you could be maining arthur/firebrand
Good. MvCI looks like fun and I'm excited to play it.
I hope they make it look prettier, and have good netcode...
>not blonde
What the fuck did she see?
I just pre-purchased MvC Infinite on PC
How fucked am I?
so is she fucking the panther?
stay the fuck away from my waifu
Speak not ill of Zun's masterworks