/dg/ - Destiny General

Delivered Pizza Edition


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>tfw no failsafe gf

First for Saki is shit, shit!


Is this an image for ants?

Any xboners able to add me to the clan? I see those two open slots.

nice resolution faggot

Currently at boss anyone down to finish this? 291







>people who stayed in the dimension had trouble killed a red bar psion.


So apparantly the conduit chest is the only secret chest that hasnt been found yet

>tokens only for three encounters
Fuck this raid

So I just had a match where it was 3 o n 3 for the entire thing. It felt god damn good. Removing one person from each team seemed like it made a world of change in how we fought each other. Most of my four on fours come down to camping in corridors with a good split of scouts and assaults and no one really makes a move. Why did they think this was a good idea for crucible?

Post TIGHT-ans

"Leviathan" "Raid"

>"looking for 3 more, 260+ light, first run."
>me, 285 warlock, 1000+ hours in D1
>they tell me "fuck off vets only"
I didn't want to play anyway fags.

we nig now bois


Pshhhh already got all the raid loot, sittin' pretty at 350 LL, Blacklisting ever shitter in sight, nothin but smooooth sailing from here on out.

no, you have shit taste

>reposting from last thread

>a week late to the party
>266 but already did nightfall and flash point

I'm fucked aren't i? Is the only way to get to 280 exotic engrams/quest?

I'd almost commend you. But Terra concord pants don't go with anything but more terra concord.

You dont understand
I NEEDED the gold shoes



I, too, would like into our dead ass Xbox clan.
No idea who runs it, but include me please

>everyone is gold + something
>fucking raid shader is also gold
stop this negro taste
post something else

Youbdont really need to create duplicate characters. Haven't done nightfall in either week and I got my titan to 285 with my hunter. Mida dropped at 272 for mini and then 282 for multi. Did all the flashpoints and all that but I figure if I grinded out my warlock in week 1 I'd at least be in the low 290s.

I'll give you some shit
4 people for each of the four corners, get your chains all the way down to get them locked, after all 4 are locked, go to the center, get the buff and kill the censers.
Use the spores to open the flowers. The more people group, the stronger your spore buff. 24x is good, 36x is great. Get all dogs low the first/second round. Kill them the second/third round.
Kill adds from each of the 4 parts of the sphere. Have one on each side move forward. Shoot the row of non-red a the same time. Do this 4 times, killing the councilors that spawn in between each. Do this 3 times, then each peson gets an orb. Grab, skip, grab, skip, finish, dunk in whatever order since there are 6 orbs but 4 buffs each ring.
Kill adds
Get teleported
3 leave 3 stay
Call out which psion to not kill 4 times if you stayed
kill adds and kill the psion they dont call out 4 times
kill psions and projections if you're inside
kill skulls if you're inside
DPS boss shield, similar to Crota's shield but without the regen
teleport back after you finish the skulls
DPS on top of platforms
He turns robot and changes his instakills as his HP lowers. Switch platforms and move to the next before it activates
Do this x times to kill him
He pulls an Oryx at the end, try to save a DPS platform if you can. If you can't, you might be fucked
Good Luck Faggot

Robot Emperor confirmed biggest surprise in a Raid ever


How many dogs are there?

It's the knees. Do the lion ramparts not give you gold?

>people in the tower with full raid gear
>lower power levels then me
Is this what being triggered feels like?

Can you still get invites to this group?

Also leviathan raid was good for what it was a mechanical challenge gauntlet (no pun intended) with a decent boss fight at the end. It wasn't designed to be a sweeping epic like TTK or mysterious like VOG. I enjoyed it and still need to finish off the final boss.

crap/10 on aesthetic?


What all drops above 265? It seems all vendors give 265 blues appear to stop at 260. Only thing that is dropping higher is exotic engraved I got and exotic quest I think. I'm missing something

Message Mongoosestorm or one of the admins then.

>got an M14-like Scout Rifle
>it also has Triple Tap

RNG is a kind God and also seems to be a long-gunner.

are the weapons good this time?

Don't believe your bitch ass. Raid completions are only at 0.34% post proof

I got you senpai

>blind raid
>take tactical hint on garden
>take explanation of gauntlet gates
>take full and in depth explanation of boss
>fail to finish up boss after long but fun time
>something always gets us; fucking psyions pushing people into the air or people dying to adds
>everyone's got a headache from playing for so long; making stupid mistakes
>damage is poor when we get it
>give up for the (((day)))
>watch videos of people nearly 2 phase
>everyone is attentive and also using coldheart
>everything goes smoothly

2 questions:

Is Coldheart the best option for calus dps aside from heavy weapons?

Why do I feel so empty?

bonus: better or worse than king's fall?

my team finally disbanded, this raid is really tough.
I gotta admit, I have new found respect for alpha team now, to do the raid 6 hours before anyone else can when its that difficult is impressive


Just left the tower, but some hunter had the helmet, chest, arms, and scout rifle, and was at fucking 287.

Something about that helmet looks off

Faction shaders can't come soon enough

Jesus did you take two weeks off work?


Hey hey hey! Just wait your turn PC bro. Let the big guys handle this shit first.

Bruh all legendary rolls are fixed.
Guessing you got a Call to Serve?

> better or worse than king's fall?

Depends on what you like I'd say i enjoyed them both though i think that dogs will make or break the raid for people. I didn't like it because it was even more retarded gorgons 2.0.

But i personally didn't let it detract from my experience.

so cash

coldheart is great for large targets that don't move.
Calus fits this role pretty well.

Grenades are fucking broken. Vortex. Double pulse grenades. Melts the fuck out of him. In our team, coldhearts did more than snipers and held much more ammo

No I just took today off.

Basically once you hit a threshold blue gear starts to drop higher. So I grinded out everything on my titan but nightfall. Immediately got my hunter to 260+, and then did all her milestones. So unfortunately armor might prevent you from levelling up. The loot table drops dependant o what the character can equip from across your account. But basically do all milestones and aim for exotics. Let's say your engram says 275. Well the exotic will always drop at 5 above because of a mod that's pre installed. But it will steadily let you get higher gear by infusing.


Whoa what shader is that

Not him but holy fuck do I hate teal.

Selected of Calus
you get the from the raid chests

Random Number Generator, our God. Have you made obeisance today, heretic? Let us pray.

Whomst'dve art in heaven
Hallowed be thy rolls
Thy weapons drop
Thy quests be done
On Earth as it is on Nessus
Give us this day, our daily engrams
and forgive us our AFKing
As we forgive those who AFK against us
and lead us not into LFG groups
But deliver us from raiding with joff


>Hallowed be thy rolls

Anyone up for the nightfall? PS4.

same but I only just got a good blue shader after the raid and don't have the glimmer to use it yet because i was making paragon mods

send a request and i'll kick some inactive fag so you can join

I'll come lad

Really? I wish I knew that before I dismantled all the purples that I wished had better perks. And yeah, it was a CtS. It made me diamond hard.

I'll add you, give me a sec. No mic right now unfortunately.

post yfw you didnt finish the raid day one

post yfw you finished the raid day one

>tfw beat the raid before team 12 hours
feels fucking GREAT man
and people call us the meme console? if it wasnt for alpha team you lot would be a joke

That's arguably dumber than destiny 1. At least destiny 1 was grinding vendor gear then raid gear.

Now it's blues


anyone know of anyone selling the raid? I have no friends and just want a carry :(

you sure we don't need a 3rd?

At least dogs has a clear solution to finish the fight. Motherfucking gorgons had you searching a massive, very dark room full of insta-kill assholes for a god damn pitch black gap in the wall between like 3 patrols. I fucking loved going through gorgons on day 1

what the fuck is wrong with you

Anyone know what the Titan set looks like?

Post your fucking name, console and don't be a useless piece of shit and someone from /dg/ will raid with you. Don't waste your money and support a slovenly money scam like paying for carries.

Is the level of luminous engrams based off of your base power (not including legendary mods) or your displayed power?


The highest power you can be


Bnet just kicks me an error and says invite only when i try to join. don't see a request submission. I just pm'd mongoose

You are not getting carried this raid
If you cannot communicate and do your part, you are fucking deadweight

I miss the Iron banner, I was never a raider but I did like TRYING

Is your collar made from rabbit fur?

But what if i'm the best at being deadweight?

Growliff in the last thread has everything but boots
Enji has the boots as you can see

Then end your life

Yes. Everything from chests and NPCs just give 265 and cap there. You've gotta get your light level to 265 and then do milestones for the powerful engrams.

You can still get gear above 265 if you're not 265 yet but it's better to hit the soft cap first before you complete a milestone (unless of course it's going to reset so in that case just finish them anyway on monday)

No bully user. I know I am a waste of life.

Are you gonna join, or what?



>M-Morty *burp* listen to me
>Hive gods aren't real, Morty
>it's a load of *burp* bullshit

That's legitimately not bait.
We were at the gauntlet. Fireteam leader raged and went to orbit. When I went back in I was at the entrance.