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first for OP is a fag

Thinking about returning. Stopped at Balsaar's Wall patch in 3.0.

I main PLD. Would I enjoy returning? I hear it changed a lot but I also hear it's the same shit but flashier.

PLD is good now

Are prison gays just asocial and (often unattractive) men who can't get female attention so they resort to dating other men, and call themselves "bi"?

that fucking catfish

How many of your threads were deleted in the last 24h? Good lord take a break

Prove to me it's actually more effective than single target damage and I will. Thus far I've only wasted my time with it.

Same. It's a pain in the ass.

Prison gays in the MMO context is men with little to no IRL social life who can't get female attention so they resort to dating other men (with female avatars) and call themselves bi to cope with it.

Most are happy with willfully ignore the fact that the player is male and will be happy to just interact with their avatar.

zero, someone made two fake threads 50-60 posts early. i've never made a post that early.

Report the autist and move on

>Prove to me it's actually more effective than single target damage and I will.
Dude you have ACT turn it on for a run. You either will or won't see the difference.

that only seems to be the case with RP servers


So, at 3 mobs and in 4 GCDs you can either do 1,120 potency by doing Full Thrust + Fang OR you can do 1,800 potency by doing Doom + Sonic, Doom + Sonic.

>Dude you have ACT
No I don't

You have issues.

AoE is simple math, the potency values are there for you

Is it faster per mob?

You actually posted other things in the op then suddenly came back...to this. What gives?

>No I don't
Whoops misread what you wrote.

i was asleep for the first one.

>I've never made a post that early
good one

i'm not good at math, but i'm pretty sure 130 x 6 is higher than 150 x 1

Is the pull faster? Yes, by doing more damage you will kill the pack faster.

So doing less damage per mob, but for the entire pull is better than doing more damage per mob, but for a single mob? That's what I'm asking. I should mention that I usually tank, so I'm less concerned about rotations or whatever.

Alright, I'll just DM+ST from now on then. It never seems faster to me before, hence why I never bothered.

It's about potency per GCD

Oops, meant for

Individual mobs wont be dropping as fast as if you were to single target them down but you'll be doing more damage overall it's just spread across the pack and making the overall pull shorter. If both dps are aoeing correctly packs absolutely melt compared to just single target.

Okay, I'll keep that in mind. I'd always questioned what the point of it was if individual mobs were slow to die, but that makes sense. Thanks.





they're just sleeping

Kinda makes me sad that we had almost!Garuda, Titan but stopped the Warriors of Darkness in Southern Thanalan so Ifrit couldn't be included in their story. Maybe in 4.3 Ifrit will matter again for like 5 seconds

anyone want to do something on aether?

Good riddance. Animals have no god. We're not gonna get an Algus boss fight in 4.1 are we

We're getting Shinryu Ex

Wanna do some PotD user?

Gonna post my stupid lizard album here too because the other thread died and I can never tell which one we're gonna use


Shinryu EX, whichever Tactics/12 bosses they come up with for the first Ivalice raid, Twintania, Nael and Bahamut together for Ultimate, and who knows what for the dungeon.
I'm curious whether a future Omega tier is gonna have Gilgamesh. I didn't think Exdeath would be the first tier, I thought he'd be O8. But then I didn't think Halicarnassus would be a boss in Omega since we already had a boss called Halicarnassus in Hauke Hard. Kinda just expected Alte Roite, Catastrophe and Azulmagia

im good senpai. maybe tomorrow

So that evil Lalafell got kicked by an Elezen Dark Knight against the Quicksand wall while three Ala Mhigans stood in the background shouting 'for Ala Mhigo'!

Other thread deleted, based Liora, based mods. There is justice in the world!


Is this in memeteus


As I'm still leveling after spending god knows how long trying to settle on a Job to grind to 70, I'm not sure if I really want to get back into raiding if it's super time consuming.

How intense/demanding is XIV's raiding content? I used to be pretty hardcore in WoW but this was back in like, BC/Wrath. Pretty casual nowadays since I work 50+ hour weeks

I just really want to see some Ivalice madness

Here I go people watching again

>I specifically said you should recommend anime that serves a purpose and is from pre-2008 because most people will never watch it otherwise.
webm related

This thread was made first after 750. No reason to delete

It's not super demanding unless you're racing in progression. People make fun of echo clears, but that's when a majority of players start to clear content. Echo is kind of a flat buff to stats to help people progress through content, they only add it when the new tier is close to release.

The Ivalice raid will be 24 man, which is the LFR of FFXIV.

24-man raids are super, super easy. Normal 8-man raids (Alexander and Omega) are easy, too. Savage is the challenge, but this tier of Savage is also really good to start raiding with. You'll be fine. I recommend going through the old raids sometime if you're fond of certain bosses from other Final Fantasy games. Crystal Tower is an FF3 series, Mhach series is a few of the Interdimensional Rift bosses (Calofisteri in particular) hanging out with other bosses and Diabolos actually not sucking. Alexander's cute. Coil has the old XIV and calamity story being explained, and Twintania from 5 redesigned as a cuter dragon

Captain Harlock doesn't serve a purpose. Nor does Galaxy Express 999 or Yamato. That doesn't stop them being good, but they don't serve a purpose

The Weeping City of Mhach wasn't easy

Thanks for the quick replies, guys. That's actually good to hear. I wanted to visit old content for glamour and stuff but I suppose it'd be a good idea to get a feel for what to expect, mechanics-wise.

>decided to rewatch Record of Lodoss War since I own the box DVD set
>it's hot garbage

It most definitely was, right out of the gate. Arachne Eve couldn't wipe a fly, Calofisteri struggled to kill a solo Warrior because her damage is entirely in Haircut. Forgall is literally kill adds, hit him, kill adds, hit him, stand in the circle, kill him. Ozma was the best boss of the raid, but easy right away. Placing meteors isn't difficult, the bomb debuff was incredibly obvious and the dude didn't even deserve to be in that raid. It made NO sense for Ozma to be there. I love Ozma because he was cool in 9, but that made no sense

Yes, it was. The only bosses that casuals had a hard time with were the ones that required specific positioning, ie the zombie lad and ozma.


Cat morning

Good morning best cat!

I remember it being rough when it came out and even a couple weeks after release. Alliances were still wiping. Not many but enough to make me not want to go back in

That's not saying much. Alliances wiped on Void Ark and Syrcus Tower, and they are by far the easiest content in the entire game outside of Under the Armor

>watching anime because it has 1 character you like
It always ends up being hot garbage

You say this, but I started watching Sora no Otoshimono for Nymph and stayed for Chaos. But it was a pretty good comedy

>Hellguard roe with lorefriendly names

It's fun seeing what people come up with.

Redpill me on Meria Athera

that's because you're a pathetic loser virgin who unironically watches moeblob anime user-kun

That's not even a moeblob anime

I love my friends for supporting and helping me through my first Leviathan run.


you're right it's moeshit anime


This picture has a Destiny feel to it

are hellsguard the ones that are like BROKEN ROCK and stuff?

Yep. Seawolf are the welsh-sounding ones.

synched or unsynched?

and is the leftmost one a man or a woman i cant tell

what is the lore reason to their naming anyway? I always wondered but never figured it out im sure there is info somewhere

Do any of you use miqobot? How long do you generally use it for at a time?

No idea.

Anyone able to provide me with a comprehensive ninja rotation guide? I'm pretty confident with my openers but when it comes down to rotations and priorities outside of trick attack and if I should be saving cds for within TA my rotation becomes messy

>you get into a levelling roulette
>your tank is a female elezen in knight-like RP glamour
>they say they've been gone for ages and this is their first tank duty since returning
>they apologise in advance for any awkwardness
How do you react?

say ok and internally rage because this cunts probably going to pull 1 group at a time making the run take forever.

Adjust to their rust and give them tips on the way. If I'm healing I'll say I can heal them regardless of what they pull as long as they use their mitigation cooldowns

ignore them like 98% of my df groups
also wouldn't even notice their glamour/race/gender because i don't have autism.

>How do you react?

/em rapes you


What I understand on the wiki implies the hellsguard take names from their old tongue and translate them with some liberties taken.

Stop this serrit

This dungeon was a great deal of fun.


And that's a Fem Roe, silly.


I'm Norwegian, and I can figure out what Sea Wolf names translate to 99% of the time. Actual Welsh is complete gibberish to me. Take that how you will.

>Main Healer
>Sub Healer
Is this a meme

well thats good, they are always more fun to do synched your first time

Glad you had fun. I wish there was an option to do stuff synced down in level but allowed me to use my 70 skills.

Anyone on primal, who wants to join me levelling my DRK from 30 onwards?

They actually MEAN things? I had no idea!

I don't have anything at that level or I would.

Yes, Rohypnolwyb Futawerlwybflosnostawyb means something

I meant the SeaWolf names