When did submissiveness cease to be regarded as a virtue in women?
When did submissiveness cease to be regarded as a virtue in women?
The rise of beta males in Europe.
1. That shit is regarded and you should feel like a retard for posting.
Materialism happened.
Ugly women don't get free rides so they don't want anyone to get one.
This, it's actually pretty crazy how many feminists are landwhales/dykes
how is it regarded?
fuck off /pol/
you don't really care about history. you use this place to feel validated in your opinions.
keep your modern politics out of Veeky Forums
>stop having opinions I don't like
No, this place isn't for politics. This is for History. You are not discussing history, you are discussing politics and disguising it as history.
When we realized that women are people too.
The historical is political.
When women decided they wanted self-determination.
This is really only true in the United States. So much so that feminists in the rest of the world hate them because it gives feminism a poor image.
>politics and history is mutualy exlusive
You aren't discussing history. You're pretending to. You just ask 'when did women stop wanting to marry me, a beautiful 450 pound bundle of love who has a collection of panzer models? this is bullshit!' but add a date so it seems as if you're having legitimate historical discussion. And you know this is true. If you wanted legitimate historical discussion, you might ask 'what triggered the sexual revolution?' or 'What caused women to stop following traditional gender roles?', but you don't. You phrase submissiveness as a virtue, then add an image glorifying stereotypical gender roles, already giving away your political position, and not discussing history as it should, from a position of neutrality.
To put it simply: You are the cancer of Veeky Forums
Would you want to be subservient to women?
When technology and policies invented by the patriarchy emancipated them with male consent rice, cookers, birth control, no fault divorce, affirmative action and advocacy. Women were now able to effectively LARP as men.
What the fuck is this dumb shit doing on Veeky Forums?
Go to /pol/ or /r9k/ for this dogcrap.
>If you disagree with feminist you are a loser
Why do feminists resort to this kind of argument so often?
It's endemic with both sides of identity politics.
Your on Veeky Forums, moron. This is why /pol/ is the worst kind of cancer, it's full of fucking normies.
I'm not a feminist, nor am I disagreeing with your view women were better under traditionalism, i'm telling you to keep your r9k tier trash out of Veeky Forums
I'm not OP.
Because they having nothing else.
>anything political regardless of spectrum belongs on the right-wing board
Why would they want that? It's pretty clear that the man is meant to be the head of the family. If you have a shitty husband that's one thing but no need to ruin the whole system. Plenty of women were happy looking up to their husband and being taken care of by him.
Wether you like the hivemind there it's not important, that's the board where you discuss your meme politics.
You know women are literally programmed to be submissive right
an ugly woman has the free ride, because men think they will easily be accepted by her.
Whenever the cancer of modern progressive democracy spreads