
Veeky Forums, help us out on dance appreciation. I can tell that it's an art form but how does it express anything? It seems to have lost more from modernism than even painting or architecture, and even though ballet has survived that's farther from the comprehension of a pleb like me than opera.

Is social dancing, like actual dancing and not unrehearsed bumping and grinding, even active socially anywhere? It seems like it ought to be a true citizens' art form, but it seems to have been inundated with b urself lol boob-wiggling.

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Dancefags are insufferable. You're better off avoiding the medium.

autismus maximus

kill yourself

>b urself lol boob-wiggling

what kind of substantiative criticism is this meant to be?

it generates feelings in normies that we will never understand

>Ballet appreciation
Have you seen a ballet? Please watch a couple, maybe drop in on a ballet class and come back if you have trouble understanding why it's an artform worthy of your attention. Maybe also lose the "lol modernism destroyed GREAT ART!" attitude, too.

>Is social dancing... active...?
Yes, most colleges have really active ballroom, swing, and hip-hop and B-boy/breakdancing clubs or societies. You can find communities for these things outside of colleges but they're filled with old creepy people. If by "social dancing" you meant Morris dancing and contradancing, then yes, there are a lot of people who do that, too. Go to if you want to find people interested in that type of thing.

>b urself lol boob-wiggling (is bad?)
Not really, it's a form of catharsis for those who do it (Whether or not club culture is healthy is another issue altogether that I don't want to address). Lose the elitist attitude and you'll find that people will like you more.

>Maybe also lose the "lol modernism destroyed GREAT ART!" attitude, too.

>if I say it loud enough it will come true

>if I say it loud enough it will come true
talking to yourself again?

no but seriously, seek help. you have a paranoid delusional perspective of the world

If you think the Pompidou is beautiful your soul is broken.

A dance I've always found interesting is the Chacarera of Northern Argentina. There's no actual touching throughout the dance, except for the end. Instead, the whole thing works by the two dancers circling each other while holding eye-contact and 'peacocking'. As a dance, it's pure eroticism.

Why would us, autistic Veeky Forums fucks know anything social, like dancing?

>Maybe also lose the "lol modernism destroyed GREAT ART!" attitude, too.
He's right though. Traditional dances are objectively superior to club sluts shaking their ass around.

>Is social dancing, like actual dancing and not unrehearsed bumping and grinding, even active socially anywhere? It seems like it ought to be a true citizens' art form, but it seems to have been inundated with b urself lol boob-wiggling.
Throughout South America it's common as a social art. Even at the clubs theres a strict method to dancing, although it's very simple. North America doesn't really have a strong culture to promote that sort of thing.

>club sluts shaking their ass around
>modern art

Have you ever danced op?

That's really cool imo. I like the building site aesthetic.

Okay? Your feels are different from my feels, just throw in some faggy pseudopoetic reference to a soul and claim objectivity. Good one.

>ipse dixit

>North America doesn't really have a strong culture to promote that sort of thing.
We used to.
This stuff used to be really common.

>degradation of public art
>not a direct consequence of the academies' leadership failure
>implying arhythmic expressionist dance was ever going to hit the club

You don't even think it's beautiful. You think it "looks cool." On a lot of modernist projects I agree. They look cool. They don't uplift, though. They don't aid the viewer. They are not beautiful.

>Please watch a couple, maybe drop in on a ballet class and come back if you have trouble understanding why it's an artform worthy of your attention.
>not reading the OP
user didn't say ballet wasn't worthy of attention you tard. He said he didn't understand it.
>b-but anyone who watches the art I went to school to appreciate can understand the beauty of it
No wonder you don't understand why people think modernism destroyed great art.

The dancing in the video you posted was considered the "lol b urself boob wiggling" of its day.

You learn to appreciate and understand ballet by watching a lot of ballet you retard. It's not something you read a book about then pretend to be an expert on.

So it's Stockholm syndrome?

>Exposing myself to a wide variety of experiences outside of my typical 16 hours a day of /pol/ infographic browsing is like being held hostage.
How do you function as a human being, OP?

I went to the opera once. It was terribly boring. I didn't know how to appreciate it and I don't have any desire to go back. My mom said the same thing about ballet. No particular desire to go to this expensive entertainment again and again just in case I start grasping the Absolute instead of yawning.

Dance is dumb