League of Legends general - /lolg/

Guttural laughter edition
OT eyosongive.us

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First for fuck Darius

So lets pick off where we left with for future visitors.
What's the secret, /lolg/?

We all hate Ahri and Sona.

>Buy project zed yesterday
>Wake up today
>Zed skins are disabled
>Go for a walk and prepare some food for a couple of hours
>They are still disabled



xth for Syndra

Zed's disabled baby. Zed's disabled. Or, you know, training and growing stronger.[/spoiler[

I like when the team blames me for everything, especially when it's my fault

Fine, most of us.

>he doesnt play bruiser zed top
whats your excuse lolbabs?

can people stop treating bronze like a mental disabillity please ffs

just because I'm bronze doesn't mean I can't work how to click right click with kayle or other "easy" champions

bronze really isn't that bad unless ur low bronze v most people could get out with a bit of luck and there isn't much seperatly a bad luck streak from gold players

most games in bronze are decided by pure chance with one lane going 0/15 and being utterly uncarryable even if u win your own lane

Run along, meatbag, you need to ensure the survival of your superiors.

League of Legends?

I love ezreal and i want to knock him up

My excuse is going 0/0/30 supporting an impromptu Zed bot. It almost feels like a miracle that we won considering the bickering at the outset of the match. Can't remember what happened with the other team's comp.

I have no superiors. I killed the ones i've had before, and if anyone else thinks that they can pull me on a string, they will meet the same fate.


normals happened

Someone explain to me again why Singed is balanced and not at all overpowered?

Anyone wanna review my op.gg?


Insults are welcome and expected,playing flex atm because huge losing streak and want to get back to my main.

But of course. If something like this happened in ranked there'd be a remake/DC in no time.

Ward the jungle ya twit.

How the fuck do the Koreans do it bros? Whats their secret?

kassadin buffs when? why must riot leave some champs behind to be weak, forgotten and never picked?

Soulless bugmen

You serious? Kassadin is one of the most popular mids in Diamond, I fucking hate having to play against that shit every game. If anything he needs a nerf.

Bronzes are so bad that someone as bad as me can go 7/0 in 10mins and start snowballing so hard that I dont even need teammates,last season I got placed in b4 and I got out in 3 days,even won a game where the toplaner dcd at 10mins into the game thanks to how fed I was and how bad bronze players are

user, you don't need to play all this shit, find something better to play. Try something new.
You can't just play risk and reward champions all the time and expect to win.
I'm just saying this because you don't seem to be the worst of people looking at your builds and trying to help your team if shit goes sour for you and your team.

Then how come I am alive and flourishing under the wing of the man you elected as Grand General? More gold than the salaries of your entire unit go towards fuelling my extravagant lifestyle because a month of my work is worth more to Noxus than what a band of your poorly trained provincials can accomplish in their short lifetime.

And worst of all, you cannot deny that. To serve Noxus you have to serve me.

PS Quiletta's corpse made a fine meat puppet. I could let you play with her if you mind your manners.

>and start snowballing so hard that I dont even need teammates
thats how I know you're full of shit. nobody ever won 1v5

Jinx is cuddly and cute

Their teams have been putting resources into developing new talent since forever, on top of their coaching staff.
Western teams had to be dragged kicking and screaming into paying money for a single coach three seasons ago.
You get what you pay for.

Okay vladfag i think you should calm the fuck down jesus christ

Ok they did bait abilities and dmg for me but thats it,I also kept telling them what to do and when you are as fed as I was getting in these games they just listened to me because I was clearly above that league.

Trust me accept you suck if you are stuck in bronze and take your time if you need to.

Not saying that I dont suck but I suck far less than bronze players


check your neurotypical privilege and let me RP my man

Btw ofc you will lose from time to time unwinnable games but I was mostly on winning streaks,dont buy into the elo hell/luck/50% forced wr because it's all on you,again its a 5v5 game but if you consistently make the difference you will end up climbing just fine.And i'm not lying about getting outta bronze in 3 days,ok maybe it took a week at max but thats it,and silver took maybe 3 weeks or a month but I got out of there too.But again I have beeb playing the game for years now and I should probably be better than I am for such a long time playing


I want to cheat on my girlfriend with ahri!

>I also kept telling them what to do and when you are as fed as I was getting in these games they just listened to me because I was clearly above that league.
lol you are full of shit man

I hate the idea of being in the same game as my main/waifu if I'm not the one playing her. Seeing her picked and not under my name makes me wanna dodge.

Roleplaying is meant to be fun

But I love both champs,I know it will take me longer to git gud and climb but I prefer enjoying my time instead of picking sejuani or maokai like most apes do

are you ready boys

No i'm not?that was in the dcd toplaner game thats how I won that one,I even remember I was playing Kassadin and I spammed the shit out of him and got to gold with almost 80% winrat,but hey you can keep believing what you want my man the only one holding you back is yourself by the looks of it

>Darius is a model champion for what a top lane immobile bruiser should be, is featured in numerous promotional content as a popular well liked champion, has tons of art of himself, regularly appears in community content, only arguably bad skin is his launch skin
>Riot has publicly stated they actively regret creating Vladimir and that he is a nightmare for the team to keep from being useless or broken, most players consider him too gay or too boring to play, has appeared in actually zero promotional content for the game, only fan content ship bait because he sucks too bad to draw alone, has numerous skins that absolutely suck ass, including his base model which looks like a small red onion headed manlet


>who is swain
Delusional canonfodder as it is

>No voice chat yet

>get all the feels

What's the point? All the shitters will mute them so it will be no fun

user, I play Poppy support and got to platinum. That's not the point, if you can't one trick pony them out, start playing more champions in that role, that fill different niches, you only seem to play aggressive early gankers. Try something else, objective controllers, tanks. The game doesn't revolve only around kills, it revolves against objective control and team fights too.

Shitters never mute anything, why do you think it's so easy to trigger Yasuo and Riven mains into ultra tilt by just typing "?" after they die to you

It's the natural thing to happen,they are gay as fuck and are just dumb money reaping shit

I absolutely CANNOT STAND how perfect she is.....

>Kill an enemy
>Mastery 7 Flash
>Taunt spam

We've entered a new level

You can also spam mastery now there's no like 5 second delay any more

Delivering the Jhin reaction image edit someone requested yesterday.

I know and thats where I have been struggling the most because both of them kinda suck at teamfights unless you pull some insane play (wich doesnt happen often)compared to other champs in the same roles but once I tried these 2 I couldnt get back to playing anything less difficult because it feels very dull,like trying some hard drug and then you cant go back because nothing else gives you the same high.

And I've gotten to a point where atleast with Riven my mechanics are low dia/high plat level,I've got smurfs telling me my mechanics are very good,all I lack is macro,wich one of the insulted,I suck at that.

And if I ever add champs to my pool it will probably be similar champs like jayce and stuff like that,i'm truly a lost cause ;_;

Vlad is finally balanced and has been for about a year and is currently the most played Noxian, he got his redemption arc and Riot cannot deny he's an awesome concept waiting to be developed

Has always had a legion of dedicated fans despite underdog status
aw senpai sorry just avin a fun

Go to bed Rakan

fucking perfect

fuck yes god bless halret.

He is played because OP nothing else,his charged Q is true cancer,no one plays him because he is actually fun to play.


If I go pro, can I become an anime too?

I have time for another request but it should be black n white, gotta take the cat to the vet in a couple hours.

fucking great

if he was op he would be breaking lcs like last year my buy is balanced and very fun if youre not a brainlet

Vlad hasn't been played once since the rework. There's some fucking not-vlad imposter floating around but whoever that is, it ain't vlad.

Draw something funny my man

Then try to change.

Ok not that OP but it's pretty fucking great in soloq

post cat

>ult 4 people
>team scratches head

yeah sure



Probably wont,probably will grind ranked until I get to godlike tier "OTP" or fail miserably.Anyways thanks coach.

>League boys that would make top-tier girls



Can you draw something Riven related?


>Rule 63

His name is Patapon. My room has a king-sized bed, 2 sofas and a 2m desktop yet he always sleeps here.

Sure, I'll try to think something goofy for her.

I did, thanks a lot user! looks amazing

>he doesn't buffer his inputs
>he can't orb walk
>doesn't understand wave management

lmao how'd you even make it to plat kid

I bet Jhin would make a cute grill.

Is rule 63 gay, user?

People tend to listen to your advices when you're clearly know more than them at subject at hand (proof being your vastly better kda/farm) and if you aren't being an ass and throw orders around while smugly asserting your superiority. It's a game, no one gonna take your ass seriously if you gonna act like a boss in some low elo ranked league, that attitude just reeks of shit. Be respectful with your choice of words and most low elo shitters will actually follow your advices. If you gonna tilt your ass off and start throwing insults the moment someone fucks up people won't want to follow you.

>"my" image still being used for bully
Look, I don't like it being her Legendary either, but-


How about rule 34 user?

Now this is funny

That's just Leblanc.

Bully the fox.

Vladfags get BTFO in-game and for thread OP. Glorious.

Damn nigga, that's a pretty kawaii kot you have there. What you taking him to the vet for, just a checkup?



Didn't Taliyah get worse just after she got picked more often in pro play, and all the toxic fanboys started playing her?

Exiting couches is difficult for a cat(dog).

Just post a picture of Jinx next time.