/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2116

Lesbo Girlfriends Edition

>Recent News
EX Class Dancer Release
Anne SSR & Owen SR

>Future Updates
5* Lennah and 4* Sethlans
Second part of Touken Ranbu collab on the 14th
Defender's Oath sidestory on the 18th
Main Quest chapters 94-97 being added
SSR Nina is fire
Lyria stamps will be next for voices
17M Player Celebration (gbf.wiki/17_Million_Players_Celebration)
Touken Ranbu Collab (gbf.wiki/Katsugeki_Touken_Ranbu:_Fate_Horizon)

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for September:
9/9 - 9/14 - Touken Ranbu Collab Part 1
9/14 - 9/21 - Touken Ranbu Collab Part 2
9/22 - 9/29 - Guild War (Earth)
9/30 - ??? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Calculator - Learn to use it so you won't be dependent on other people's opinion.

>Guild Pastebin

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This isn't an Anthuria thread.

ded game

(You) is recruiting active HL players with decent wind pool + base pool for every other element.
We're a superseeded crew aiming for at least 2 wins in Guild Wars.

If you're interested, you can contact game.granbluefantasy.jp/#profile/10656220 (Tsuw#2624 on Discord) or game.granbluefantasy.jp/#profile/7392147 (SL5Trap#0721 on Discord).
Bonus points if you have an American or European timezone.

We can carry you in any raids including ubaha hl.


>just like DJ dancer is only made for doujins on sadpanda

>Shiki gives Echos
>DJ and Birdman does triple attack BA + Echos
My fucking dick

>dancer is shit
>more faggotry
>anne is useless
>water keeps getting SSR
>game is still ded
business as usual

Kokuei is cute

Who the fuck is Kokuei?




>dancer is shit
Is it worth getting for Mastery at least?

Best boy.


this is a christian image board


>finally hit HL
>super excited
>every raid ends in failure and people retreating
glad to finally be here

I want to FUCK this cute vampire.

welcome to leechfest

shouldn't have slimed your way there huh
now go back to leeching shit

>2 girls from an event got SSR
>ONE (1) (UNO) boy got SR
This female favoritism is getting on my nerves user, ON HOMOFEST NON THE LESS.

Post ID right HECKING now !!

This is bullying you know.

what does sliming do for you?

Time to MVP hl bahas with Dancer to prove a point.

This faux cutsey shit is exactly why nobody loves you, they just tolerate you until you shut up.

>nobody loves me
Explain why my entire crew keeps PMing me they want to ERP (and they do) later on?

flb jk weapons when

I only wanted you to notice me.

Is the free SSR good

That's not cute, that's being a whore and a degenerate.

It's ok


This is an anonymous image board you know.

Good for newfags

Its a common during magfest

See u @ baka HL

Pretty damn good for a male SR.

Infates your rank when you could have used that time farming magnas and getting your weapon pools stronger.
It's not uncommon to find 101+ people with literal garbage as pools.

See you there Arc

He is still SR. Why are anons even surprised about his EMPs? Many SRs have great EMPs, while SSR, especially good ones, get shit quite often. That's form of 'balancing' from cyka.

I'm sorry. I thought I would make you happy

I've yet to touch slimes because I've been too busy...farming magnas and growing my weapon pool.

For how many turns does he extends his buffs on ougi?
Also just saw his entire kit, what the fuck, he's like that on the account of being an SR?

Sliming is not mandatory unless you need to get 5* characters to level 100 fast or need money to reduce weapons and summons don't worry about it.

Makes you be useless for everything since slimes dont drop grid weapons.

I haven't played this game in a while, what teams do I form with these guys as my SSRs? No Fire because i only have 4 fire ssrs anyway

To be honest Rosamia should get a 5* to finally finish her character arc and so she can be something more than a kamikaze atacker.

Not sure if stealth brag or actually wants help :thinking:

>my dick says I should play with Narumaya
>seox and djeanne deals way too much damage to be replaced

it hurts really bad

It's maximum amount right after ougi.





+4 duration on everything every time he ougis, he builds ougi real fast, gets stupid with Riruru on the team.

>Stealth brag
>No GW 5*s
>No Zoi
>Barely any limiteds
He could do a hell of a lot better than that

>100% upkeep on frontwater, drain and echoes with Alberto's passive.
He would have broken the game hard if he wasn't an SR.

>No Fire because i only have 4 fire ssrs anyway
Back when I started, I played fire with only Metera, Sutera and Gemini Sunrise. I swear you fuckers just want to brag.

Don't forget that water have Quatre that can extend his duration as well.

Just got him and put him with Altair + Quatre. He wrecks shit so good.

There's not much he can build with when he has exactly 4 characters now is there?

I've been playing this game since March and I only have 4 SSRs. Total.
Fuck you.

havent played in 7 months.
what wind team should I make out of this?

>going wind cause of f2p meme and free anat and SSR by casinobotting

How far should I progress my wind before just using it as a stepping stone to farm dirt or shadow(already got greybitch, so just need 2 more SSRs)?

Should I convert all my EP into joining dirt/shadow bosses once I already have 3 SSRs and 6 fillers at skill 3? still gonna do Tiamats but only the ones I summon myself.

>new unit came out
>its not as good as 5* GW why bother using it?
5* GW is a mistake

>anne is basically a SR
>owen is straight up SSR level
how is this allowed

>Just March
user pls, you need to play longer than that

It was honestly.

Zoi, Korwa, Ferry and fuck off

10/10 knight, gladly let him fuck both Anne and Grea.

New player here, how do I use superstar? Her 1st skill is just healing cap up so do I need healers in the front row to accompany him?

I want to fuck Nina

Use harp and his first skill become atack/def buff.

Well yeah. Who'd even think of using SRs, event ones even? Preposterous.

>How far should I progress my wind
6-7 slvl15 guns would be good.

Is Owen worth the 3000 crystals? I don't have good water chars.

just b urself

You need the GW harp.

Host BakaHL!

absolutely not

Fuck all of you that said magna dirt is good, I hope you all die tomorrow

dumb cuck

no, pray for meme rolls

>thinking you'll get the SR in one roll
I used to be like that. I was a fool.

Post your grid and team. I can already tell you're fucking something up.

baha hl

If you have Quatre and no water attackers, he's ironically good for you. I spent 21 tickets just to get him and he proved his worth already.

Depends, which water characters do you have? If you want a real alpha knight and not some pussy loser like lanlan you should totally get him lan lan is only for fucking.
>M-my character with extra hostility gets hit wtf bros

>sparked during summer fest
>didn't get summer box
I got like everything else I wanted but holy fuck that one hurt

>magna dirt is good
I only felt that after getting Mahira, Sarasa 5* and running Elysian.


You do know that Yugu has hostility up as a passive, right?

>trying to make me stop playing during magnafest

If only friend, if only.

>Using fire srs besides beato and sutera

>playing dirt without at least sarasa 5*, preferably both 5* gw and mahira


>Not playing during magfes because I'm a lazy guy
Get on my level user




Post 6/6s

>the virgin quatre vs the chad uno

That's your job.