/bdog/ Black desert online general

>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is an Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, zerg pvp, infinite grinding and a sudo-sandbox experience.

>Latest NA/EU Patch Notes

>Latest KR News
invenglobal.com/game/Black Desert Online

>Useful Links, Guides, Guilds & Info
Read the pastebin, Ctrl+F, jfgi before posting.
Many guests passes are available for those that wish to try the game for 7 days.

Previous :

Other urls found in this thread:


blacks are disgusting filth

Valor is for ___


this is the thread

This one here features better pastebin and working links. Also was made first so I'll use it.


Sage and report

na mad cause they can't shit up the OP

The inven link here works and the pastebin isn't a shitpost

I can't even tell who was responsible for the shitposting in the last threads IC or ITC. Both will probably be triggered because they couldn't snipe it.

EU truly the superior region

Post grinding tunes


weab but I like it

>EU thread
>not full of shitposts
makes u think

>IC this mad

NA is alright

>being a manlet loser who cant cook chicken

I want a Valor tamer to shove her little arms up my asshole and rip out my prostate.

But user, I'm guildless


join orchid

cute ranger

Tell me about Orchid

great game

post cooking shots


>IC this mad

why do they wear the mask?

Join sardine, orchid doesn't open recruit.



Post Tamers doing Tamer stuff.

I want to propose to this tamer

>they thought they'd win with this

I prefer take-away

But I like being guildless

Tell me about Sardine

>Just IC shitposting from their designated Hurricane shelter
Do they have XXL field beds for the American standard size?

there are no hurricanes in australia

Starter guild, nice people and generally relaxing experience. If you erp I guess some people do that too?

most of ic are aussies you retard

Poor you, cooking is wonderful
What are you brewing?
Nice ribbon

yeah but 90% of wildlife is deadly and your government has to broadcast tv spots so your natives don't sleep on the streets and drink Diesel.

>40 posts
>14 posters

they erp

they erp and they have worse gear than orchid

>What are you brewing?
It's a secret

That looks... dangerous.


Post Tamer outfits in the EU MP!
Puff Mini prefered!
You can also gift it, or request other payment methods

>Get your character close to how you want it in CC
>It looks so different in game

please list all the boss gear I need on mp, preferably TRI thank you very much

The other thread was killed.

Please list a boyfriend for me on the thread, preferably black.

My name is Nyanpi


Nyanpi is a lesbian tho

Eristic, but you'll have to be his side bitch becuase I'm already his lover

whyfu is such a cringey loser

aye im Australian, how do I join?



Tell me more

Pettanco is the only alive EU guild, sadly

Would they take in a little loli?

Don't have a shot of me cooking but here's the next best thing.

i want to have loving romantic sex

woah same

i'm so lonely

where are you user


>3 active players

I leave it to more skilled hands.

Okay, sleep well friend!

Valor and Pettanco are Tsundere for each other.

i hate niggers but respect bbc

what's that shining through your hair?

This game is dying, how the fuck can we save BDO?

What's dying about the game? I see the same amount of people at node wars.

A choker, it's bugged but I really like the costume.

Kill yourself my man

cant agree more

Game is ok(for now), we need to save bdog, tho

cross platform servers & proximity voice chat.

Depends. Post your character.

PettanCo is 5th strongest smal scale pvp guild EU.



PettanCo has 5th biggest place in my heart.

What is everyone up to?
Enjoying your time with friends?

Literally nobody in this picture is above level 57.


Except that the left Maehwa is 60?

>still no dande
just end my misery

High octane gameplay

With like 450GS? :^) Bunch of erp shitters.

Its only 8 AP over ultimate...

>salty Valor posting
Might have to post those Revikai nudes now

try again shitter

A few AP starts meaning a lot once you hit 200+ AP

>why do people want tri ogre, it's only 10 ap over pri...

CUTE! Is she single!?!

>implying I care about someone posting a naked version of a character I made in some chink video game
kek kys