Gods... I hate Russians...
Gods... I hate Russians
"Keep attacking, they'll run out of bullets eventually" - Georgy Zhukov, Order no.520
"I must unite the Russian peoples under one graveyard." - Georgy Zhukov
"Serve me Berlin on a plate." - Marshall Zhukov
What's up with the Zhukov meme quotes? Did I miss something?
>Sergey, I have run out of human ammunition. I'm going to ram this one. Good bye. We'll see each other in Gulag.
- Georgy Zhukov, just before engaging in a suicide attack against a German bomber
"I hate Germans, but i hate Russians even more" - Marshal G. Zhukov
There was a thread where some guy asked if the russians really used slav rush to win WWII. Since it is obviously false, most people began to fake quotes to troll.
"I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for 200 years." - Georgy Zhukov
"The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is an offensive led by me."
- Georgy Zhukov
Zhukov was basically head of the Soviet army in WWII. A while back, there was a thread asking if human wave tactics were real and asking why Zhukov was okay with so many casualties. It even included this real quote by Zhukov:
>If we come to a minefield, our infantry attacks exactly as it were not there.
People started making more posts but with fake quotes instead, acting as if Zhukov secretly hated Russians and was actually trying to kill as many as possible, and ended up winning the war on accident. Because that would be hilarious, right?
"Kill them all, we will recognize our own later"
- Georgy Zhukov
"We will do all we can to insure peace... but if war is imposed upon us, we will be together shoulder to shoulder, to strive to kill ourselves as efficiently as possible." - Georgy Zhukov
"We shall go on to the end. We shall die in France, we shall die on the seas and oceans, we shall die with growing confidence and growing casualties in the air, we shall starve our people to death, whatever the cost may be. We shall die on the beaches, we shall die on the landing grounds, we shall die in the fields and in the streets, we shall die in the hills; and we shall never surrender..."
- Georgy Zhukov
A new Veeky Forums meme is born
how new are you
"The only thing we have to fear is ourselves"
- Georgy Zhukov
It's already been a meme for a while
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: kill more Russians." - Georgy Zhukov
"Communism was a mistake"
-Generalfeldmarschall Georg von Zhukov
"“Two things are infinite: the universe and Russian manpower; and I'm not sure about the manpower.”
- Georgy Zhukov
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them charge the enemy machine gun nest without a rifle.”
- Georgy Zhukov
"Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking your own armies without fighting." -- Georgy Zhukov, The Art of War.
You think he could he eat it?
He's a big guy.
>"Do you know what's waiting beyond that minefield? Death! Take it! It's yours! "
- Georgy Zhukov
"Throw your soldiers into positions from which there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight." - Geogry Zhukov
"Remember: No Russians."
- Georgy Zhukov
Top kek
/pol/ believes the human wave meme, so people made exaggerated quotes as a joke
Should have been "I am not sure about the universe".
"How many Russians died in WW2?"
"Not enough."
-Georgy Zhukov
Spot on explanation. I fucking died reading this thread.
>"Trust no one, not even yourself."
-Georgy Zhukov
"In the Red Army there is no survival; only varying degrees of death" -Zukhov
"If the enemy annihilates your army, you win."
- Georgy Zhukov
"GAS THE RUSKIES. WW2 NOW REEEEE"-Georgy Zhukov, order no.1488
"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in bringing fresh cannon-fodder from Siberia every time we fail."
- Georgy "Kill-Ratio-Abomination" Zhukov
fucking gold
God: "I hate Russians"
"Know thyself, know thy enemy. A thousand Russian infantrymen, a thousand corpses."
Georgy Zhukov, The Art of War
"I'll have those vatniks voting Bolshevik for 200 years" - Georgy Zhukov
>Georgy Zhukov, The Art of War.
I think Justin Trudeau has been reading this book
>If a [German] tank cannot be stopped by repeated bayonet charges, all junior officers are to, based on circumstance: 1. Collect enough living men to pile in front of a chokepoint, forming a barrier that will take hours for the enemy to disloge, and or 2. Order all survivors of previous assaults to excavate their own mass grave, and have them all summarily executed by the highest ranking officer available.
>Material, including ammunitions, and rations are to be allocated to the area of the front under the least threat of direct assault by the enemy. Reinforcements are to be delivered as fast as possible to any sector of the front under assault until all divisions in combat have been slaughtered.
>All soldiers are to scavenge whatever they can find from the bodies of the deceased for weapons and ammunition to be turned in to the nearest supply depot. If any man is to be found concealing or withholding any weapon or even a single bullet, they are to be turned in to a Strafbat and ordered across the nearest minefield along with any other available men.
Field Marshal Georgy Zhukov, General Orders Nos. 22, 38, and 39.
>My strategy is to let the enemy waste all their ammunition killing our soldiers. And then once they finally run of ammunition, they are forced to surrender!
"The 4/5 pool is the fastest possible way to gain Zerglings but also can be the fastest way to lose. If your opponent manages to stop your assault then you pretty much have lost the game. Keep in mind though that it can work on anyone at any skill level. But generally someone with a good scout will be able to find and prepare against your rush." - Zhukov
"We're absorbing the full-moon power - this is the thirteen Asbath.
Let the blood of the sacrificed flow into your heart."
"I fucking spit on your pathetic trendy metal"
t. Marshal Zhukov
Was he the greatest poet of Third Reich?
Not with Zhukov in control.
"I asked them to make me some bulletproof metal armor, but they gave me medal armor instead."
But there was not order 520, you shit yourself
I see thewre such lot of buthhrut children, LOL, when they stop butthurt?
"Remember: The greater the cost of victory, the more glorious the victory. Die as much as possible, then our predecessors will think we fought a life-death-struggle and almost lost. They will love Russia more than ever because of our sacrifice. Be the death you want to see in the world." G. Zhukov, 1943
"Positive kdr is a sign of failure" - Georgy Zhukov
>Be the death you want to see in the world." G. Zhukov, 1943
"I want you to remember that no Slav ever won a war by living for his country. He won it by charging across the minefield and into the enemy machinegun nest with no rifle."
-Georgy Zhukov
If you are alive tomorrow, I will find you and kill you and your entire fucking family. Now go die!
>"Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me who doesn't believe in you!"
- G. Zhukov, XVIII Congress of the All-Union Communist Party
Trust me. Nothing will happen to you. Germans have notoriously bad aim. Didn't you hear of Ivan Ivanovitch? He killed 500 Germans with a shovel. Now go and do the same. In a few weeks you will be at home. The war is almost over. CHARGE!
Georgy Zhukov, motivating his people in 1942
"Your parents never loved you. Stalin doesn't love you. Hitler doesn't love you. I don't love you.
You can be a pussy about it or you can at least try to slaughter a few fascist pigs, because it is your god-given right. Guess what? They are loved by their leader. Go get them."
"Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes."
-Georgy Zhukov
best meme Veeky Forums ever came up with
"Leave Russians to me." - Zhukov
>used slav rush to win WWII
Yes. Soldiers had to choose: either die from german bullets, or die from NKVD bullets.
Considering that the latter would posthumously label them traitors and such, and commence terror against their families, the former option was a better choice.
It is a retarded meme.
For you
"Do not feel sorry for soldiers, our women will make new ones" - Marshal G. Zhukov
"To know thy enemy is to know thyself and I hate all of you"
-Zhukov addressing his troops
>"God...I hate Russians. My grandfather hated them too, even before they put him into the gulag. Did you think I'd be out here on the front lines without good reason? Yes, Russia needs a strong frontier. No, Russia doesn't need unwashed Russians at her gates! So, that's why I'm here, the leader of the Red Army: to bring Soviet order to stinking Russians. Revenge? That'd be good too. This war against the Germans won't last long, and when it's done, I've got plans. This is all about power, power in Stalingrad. Going down that road means dealing with all my rivals: the CPSU, the Bolsheviks, those Siberian yak riders, the Stalin and the Khrushchev families too. After all, the man who controls Stalingrad rules the world...and one day, I will be Emperor."
>No, Russia doesn't need unwashed Russians at her gates!
That's a translation error the real quote is something like this:
"Do not feel sorry for our soldiers, the enemies' women will make us new ones"
fucking perfect.
>"The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it — and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. And so, my Soviets: ask not what your country can do for you — ask how you can die for your country."
t. Zhukov
"There is nothing to fear but life itself"
-Zhukov speaking to his troops before the Battle of Kursk, 1943
Actually its the real quote is:
>"We have nothing to fear but ourselves"
-Zhukov talking to the NKVD Barrier troops who need to be thrown into battle after they killed of the men who retreated.
10/10 thread here Veeky Forums. This justifies this boards existence.
underrated post
"just go, how fast can the tank even reloa-"
Georgy Zhukov
>George "The Russians Got There First But We Still Won!" Patton