What is Veeky Forums opinion on the albanians?
did they come from somewhere and why is their language so odd?
any interesting theories?
What is Veeky Forums opinion on the albanians?
did they come from somewhere and why is their language so odd?
any interesting theories?
They came from Turkish penis and Gypsy vagina
Their language is odd because they are retarded
My theory is that the world would be better off without them
They are the native Balkanites of the Indo-European stock who were fucking sheep in the mountains, so they didn't get assimilated by the Romans or Slavs
their language isnt odd, it is Indo European. It is probably related to Illyrian, a distant descendant deformed by the contact with romans, greeks, slavs and turks through the centuries.
lol Athens and Corinth are Albo
What i don't understand is how they were never mentioned historically before 1043
What were they doing from the Roman conquest till then?
I though Romans Latinized the natives.
Fucking in the mountains like South American tribes studied by anthropologists?
They were shat out from the asshole of Satan himself
Im from a country infested by them, and i can't figure them out either, i mean, they are brain dead savages thats for sure,they act like niggers, stabbing people, having blood feuds, killing each other over right of way while driving, and its impossible to just call them Turks, because they are brown, with a slightly orange tint, but, they are so ugly, short and inbred that the Turks look like normal Europeans in comparison, i have Turkish friends and they are all decent and well mannered. IF they truly are Illyrians, which i very much doubt, since nobody can survive for thousands of years, especially irrelevant, fractured tribes after thousands of years of great centralized empires and kingdoms ruling them with massive century long immigration and cultural exchange. The only thing i can think of that has made some irrelevant inbred sheepfucking mountain bandits unite as a nation is what made them different from their neighbors and that is their faith, Islam, followed by their language. Why they are so different i think we will never really know for sure.
The Dinaric Alps were never really conquered because they're a bitch to invade; pic related.
If you accept that Albanians are basically Illyrians then there are a lot of references to Illyrians in historical sources. They mostly kept to their sheep except for one hilarious time when they ambushed a Celtic army who was on their way home from sacking Athens.
I am Greek.
Not an Albo!
Where do they even come from?
>bitch to invade
>assimilated/replaced by slavic tribes
albanians have no continuity, especially if one takes into account the evolution of the names within their geographical borders. probably dragged to the Balkans by George Maniakes.
Two very different things senpai
Montenegrins are GOAT and are everything Albanians fantasize about being.
>Martial culture
>Have a "honor and humanity" code
>Never conquered kept their faith
>The spring of Serbian culture and poetry
>Actually fought outnumbered and were called Serbian Sparta
>Very independent
>Short and scrawny
>bandit and crime culture (Still relevant the Albanian mafia is one of the strongest in Europe)
>were conquered and submitted to their conquerors religion
>fucked sheep and killed each other as a hobby
>have a code about killing each other
>only ever fought the Ottomans over increased taxes and to keep their privileges
>Servile used by the Ottomans as irregulars to rape and intimidate
Albanians LITERALLY say that Montenegrins are Slavicized/Serbianized Albanians.
Montenegrins are Slavicized Albanians
true. we are after all humans. basically, within every conquest or 'replacement' there is a certain amount of assimilation included. I was going to mention the Montenegrin Serbs in this context but already elaborated.
A further testament for this is that Slavs during the Serbian empire were the biggest allies of Albanians and intermarriages between these two groups were very common, such as the case of George Kastriot.
so when are serbs and albanians going to stop pretending they are not the same guy?
why do they look like turks though
Blondism is a product of Baltic inbreeding, Montenegrins are pure proto-Europeans untouched by Northern savages.
>why do they look like turks though
Who Albanians?
what is a Montenegrin though? A Serb with a mustache?
If this guy's any indication you can flip flop on the issue 4 times and still rule the country for almost 30 years.
Has anyone noticed the increase of /alb/ generals in /int/? What do now, now they are taking over /int/?
90% of them are rapists/thieves/criminals/murderers etc
>pic related a gang of albanian bank robbers
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The reason behind their existence and their sole purpose in this world is to bring butthort to Serbs.
They just fell down from the sky some time after that a few hundred Turks btfo a sine thousands of Serbs and became a majority in Serbia's spiritual homeland ((Aka title they made up to claim ownership of a place at which the lack a majority))
There are parts of Anatolia and the Caucasus which where historically called Albania. I wonder if it's related, or a coincidence, like the fact that other parts of Anatolia were called Iberia.
It's a meme pushed hard by the kind of faggots that think that you automatically got the right to some land if you lived there longer than someone else.
>Albanians are basically Illyrians
No. Check out the records we have of the Ilyrian language. It's not the ancestor of Albanian. The sound changes don't work, not to mention that they are in totally the wrong part of the Balkans. Thracian, on the other hand, looks like a candidate.
These Albanians were georgians or something similar. Alba simply means highland in Latin, Scotland was called Albania/Alba too.
>totally the wrong part of the Balkans. Thracian, on the other hand, looks like a candidate
I think you're mixed up friendo
albania is in the west side where the illyrians were, the Thracians were on the other side of the balkans(Bulgaria)
Doesn't Albanian and Eastern Romance (romanian/aromanian) have lots of connections, probably coming from Dacian/Thracian ancestry?