/lolg/ League of Legends General

Rise of the snakes edition


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>tfw no cute petite gf

2nd for best girl

Cass a shit

xth for the best fluffy husbando !!!
He's going to have a tea party with her !!!
Kledposter, since he's my husband and all !!
Murder is a crime, user !!!
This is more than rude, user !!!!

xth for Syndra

>it takes hours to grind enough virtual points to unlock a single hero
>heroes are locked in a """"competitive"'" game to begin with
what the fuck

>ywn anger syndra and endure some prolonged magical punishment
>ywn see her adorable embarrassment as she feels sorry for you when its over and tries to make it up to you

low elo fucking sucks i have an easier time winning games in platinum than carrying adcs with 80 CS at 30 minutes

but who knows maybe they'll get desperate and start giving away shit for free eventually

Kled is so cute! I want to brutally ravage his butt until he can't walk!
The reason why his movement speed is so slow when not riding Skaarl is because he's asshole is so destroyed due to all the cocks he's taking daily!


>tfw no easily arousable yorde gf

Lets bully ALL the Lulus

Skins you see and know you're fucked

Mafia Graves

Don't worry it's going to get much harder soon

>Only earn champ shards after leveling up
>Increases amount needed per level
>Need 5 shards to buy a new champ
>Roughly 85 games worth

say what you will but the mobile game tier grinding is the only thing keeping this game alive

>tfw no slender regal aryan gf

Why are her hands massive?

Did you know? If you cum on a yordle's ears, you'll be granted eternal happiness.

Is anyone more Chad than Vlad?

had a dream where offlinetv had a house party and pokimane kept flashing her tits

Lux is cute in a nonsexual way

yrd for such a cute pairing makes me all go doki doki inside me

neko is a cukc

were they nice?

user, you shouldn't bully your loved ones !!!

So, opinions on 2017 Worlds' song?

literally anyone is, yes.

lulu a shit

But really, snakes eat filthy fucking rats

Snow Day Malzahar

user making the fighting game here. Volibear and Quinn are the last two grapplers. The naming contest will take place soon(tm). Hope you all have a good evening.

High noon Yas
Pink shock blade zed
Redeemed Riven
Pool party Draven

is that her thigh or her butt cheek? the art makes it ambiguous

see, this is a nice informative post and doesnt take up the entire god damn screen. Good progress user.

>Too pussy to even start his own void summoning cult
Are other champions even trying?

He's the handsomest rich guy
The richest handsome guy
In LoL. And he's a self made man. You don't get more alpha than that

mafia graves are usually shitters though

mafia = the lee sin audience
pool party/snow day = barafags
hired gun = poorfags
jailbreak = the actual strong ones, be scared
riot: the lee sin audience but actually decent

Lux is cute and tight in a very sexual way

I was trying to give out too much information last time. Will keep that in mind. Have a good one.

He's the last and only member of his cult?

>implying lux isn't the slut of Demacia

Dragonslayer Pantheons terrify me, so do snow day bards.

>the slut of demacia
i'm pretty sure that's galio

Can you people stop talking about the female characters like a bunch of pathetic fat virgins weirdos and actually discuss the game?

The most hipster skins aren't always the best user

what aspect of the game would you like to speak of?

where the fuck do you think you are?

Can we discuss the female champs in an exclusively sexual context?

>Snow Day Bard

What is it that you want to talk about user? Do you want to talk about some champions and how good they are or do you want to discuss game modes in general?

Lux might be a slut, but Elementalist Lux is a princess/queen and is in no way a slut. She is literally perfect in every way.

Elementalist lux

Because she's on my team

I love tristana

won't happen

cutthroat is the most hipster one
didn't include it because no one use it

Why can't I 1v5 as an ADC?
I should be able to 1v5

Talk about male champs instead

it's funny how Lee gets buffed even though he's best strongest pick in every lcs for years

tristana is the kind of girl that would get wet from being molested in public transportations ! then she'd go home and masturbate!

especially in the "sucks 7 cocks at a time cause shes a dirty slut" kind of way

>200+ games played on their champion
>Using the classic skin

Thats Shyvana though
Why do you think shes so angry all the time, she's loose and she hates it

You must be new here

Mountain Dewrius. The shitters all use Dunkmaster, if you see a BioForge Darius you are in for some anal pounding.

But I am a pathetic virgin weirdo, luckily not fat yet.

xth for useful edits for (on-topic, with meaningful dialogue) Syndraposting

I wish those feather-like ornaments on her hair stood put more. Oh, wait, those are part of the ribbon. I wish they had those details in-game and were the lighter shade of purple.

Why can't I 1v9 as a support?
I should be able to 1v9

how new can someone be

Talk about buffing Blitzcrank.

>Remove the retarded self-debuff on speed
>hooks no longer cost 40% of your Mana
>ult silence from a useless .5 second to 1 second
>ult now arcs electric bolts from one enemy, to another doubling the range and doing half damage plus .5 second silence
>remove retarded passive that randomly fucks up cs in lane

>projecting this hard

>Leona initiates onto our Rumble
>Cass ult their entire team as they charge in
>Drop W on them as Fiddle ults onto them
holy shit my dick has never been more rock hard

Shyvana'd literally kill anyone that tried to approach her except J4. Admit it, your waifu is a filthy Demacian cumdump.

>they also have mastery 5 for some reason

Miss me with that gay shit
Do you only want tank supports to be played? Because that's how you get only tank supports to be played.

I love Camille

>no mention of fixing hookbox
It's not as bad as Thresh, but it needs work.

>Blitzcrank buffs
In what dimension does he need them

Do you have any actual proof that Lux is a slut?
In fact, do you have proof that any League girls besides Ahri and MF are sluts?


we should start discussing male characters like a bunch of pathetic fat virgins weirdos actually

which male champion has the tastiest semen?

Do (you) have any proof that Ahri is a slut?

or maybe she is just eternally frustrated because >tfw no j4 bf

she will probably become that creepy old cat lady that was never married or had kids

They should delete blitzcrank
Replace him with a fun champion that doesn't ruin fun


>buffing the monster that is blitzcrank
this will only result in the raising of Amumu support

Surgeon Camille when? Lumberjack Camille when?

how do i play as gnar?

Anything but heal/shield supp meta
Blitz legit needs a fix, does ANY other champ even HAVE a self-debuff in their kit? Furthermore, his passive is a negative because it does 100 damage to a random minion every 2.5 seconds. On a champ made to sit around in lane not taking cs.

I guess I'm so used to the blitz hitbox I don't even notice anymore.

I have 6300 IP

Jhin or Kalista?

>Charm spell
>Seduction theme
That's more than anyone can argue for Lux

Jhin for fun. Kalista if you're a meta sheep.

My friend was often overly bold and aggressive, but he always turned into a beast when he put that skin on.

I have to leave now, /lolg/. It's 1:03am already !! I'll try to comeback later today, though !!!
Remember to kiss your husbando/waifu before sleep !!
And always remember that they love you just as much as you do !!!!

open your underage boipussy and be the enemy laner's cumdump!

oh come on, the original pic was a bit out of context but cute.


dont stand in the fking minions then

Why do I have phases where I want to deepthroat a cock and be pounded while whimpering under the weight of a strong man and phases where the slightest faggotry disgusts me? Am I mentally ill? Is this general to blame?

better question which male champion has the best thighs and ass

Not only will i keep Lulu safe forever but i will personally find and kill you for trying to bully her!

>Lumberjack Camille
Sion x Camille crackship when?

In the one where his abilities are net-negative effects, he can only throw 2 Q's before OOM, and mobility creep has made BLITZ downright SLOW.
Blitz is the highest skill champ in the game.
Amumu supp? Meanwhile Leona/Alistar are literally unbeatable on Blitz.

Spooky Nocturne
Cottontail Teemo