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How long can this go on

Normies out of my jungle REEEEEEEEE

Anyone else use BM to their advantage?

I feel like a well timed "My Greetings" drastically increases the chance of tilting my opponent, which in turn increases the chance of my opponent conceding.

It acts psychologically as "Look, you're fucked, I'm confident and you have no out!" even though they MIGHT have a winning line.

Does his wife know he's gay for that Brode cock?

Sometime when I'm close to lethal I "Well Played" when I draw even if I draw into garbage. Even better when said garbage can target face without lethal, they concede from time time and give me a free win.

Give Tirion pls


>team 5 seems nothing wrong with this

didnt this used to be chuck's old shredder? did they change it?

never change my darling

the ONLY problem is that it for Druid. Thats it

formerly chuck's

I figured out how to fix this shit game. Increase health to 40.

I didnt check any of the team/fresh account thing going on. So, any streamer actually participating in an interesting way or something?

>give druids more time to rape you in the ass

could just reduce all minions damage by 1/4th instead

>Jade Druid unaffected
>Pirate Warrior now can't beat Jade Druid
>Raza DK Priest now has it harder against Jade Druid because needs more damage

>he thinks aggro is whats wrong with the game

Last legendary of KFT
What's it gonna be

No lie, real way to improve the game is decrease max health to 20. Slower decks now have to be less greedy and healing means less. Aggro decks now rule the meta and everything is fine.

look at this guy, he thinks it's still gadgetzan


Vallera the hoe

What the fuck
This is the second time this expansion

>get win 3 games as mage quest
>draft a generic mage deck with lotsa discovers
>opponents all concede when I play mana wyrm

easiest 60g of my life tbqh

Rogue DK

To be perfectly honest I think Blizzard should stabilize the max health to 30. Slower decks are now viable but aggro isn't locked out.

I'd already crafted her

easy, i just picked what would make me most upset ):

>log on
>pack quest
>watch 3 seconds of gameplay
>get pack
>40 dust pack
>no reason to play the game
>log off

today was a good day of hearthstone

>its another episode of I mulligan my 4 cost cards then get a hand full of all my high cost cards and having nothing to play for 4 turns even though half my deck is 2 cost cards or lower

thats me except i had an 80 gold quest

crop :^)

Why would it make you upset?

Anyway, what do I NEED for evolve/token shaman? Aya? I have basically nothing from MSG

>have two copies of one card
>mulligan it away
>get the exact same card back in my hand
This shit tilts me

cuz i want it. Aya is pretty important, she continues the jade chain with lightning and claws, giving you a 5 and 6 mana jade to evolve

damn, got lucky the next game though
I got dc'd, I relog and am greeted with a free win and 10gs


Uhh what

nice meme
it's impossible to miss blizzard announcements since they always announce the announcements

Fuck. I don't own doppelgangsters or any of the shaman jade cards. Only one jade elemental, too...

I guess I should save up for MSG packs, but considering it rotates soon and evolve shaman won't even be good in wild I'll just save up for the next expansion and see what new shaman memes come up

>and evolve shaman won't even be good in wild
you fucking what my friend. I usually loses to that. Its like a token druid that suddenly ascend to a higher state of board legendairiness

eh its mostly rares and commons in that deck and in wild the deck goes nuts. fun if nothing else

Oh, wait, doppelgangster is a rare? Fuck, I thought it was an epic. Looks like the only cards that are more than a rare are Aya and Patches (and Thrall).

Maybe I'll just fucking craft Aya and Patches. Aya's good, Patches is useful in Miracle Rogue too, and Jade Rogue seems fun.

>Trumps Hair

What happen to his hair holy shit.

>Not having Patches
>Not having Aya
Really curious on what you played sicne these cards were released user.

Personally Pirate warrior has been my go-to since it existence for easy ranking up to 5 in a few days so that I could switch to full memes from there on (even in wild).

I joined around when Un'goro hit. I unpacked the rogue quest, so I was playing that. Then I started playing Priest, and crafted Lyra. I unpacked a golden DK anduin with KFT and crafted Razakus for it, since the deck is really fun to me even if it's cancer. Then I crafted Valeera since it seemed like such a fun card and I wanted to play Miracle rogue (plus I unpacked VanCleef way earlier).

I've avoided crafting patches so far because I fucking hate pirate warrior and warrior as a whole, and I didn't craft Aya because I don't play druid and token shaman seemed too aggro for me.

Sounds like you're making decks that you like, always good. I see all sort of crazy shit in wild with Valeera and priest is... a monster. You will go far user. Seems also that warlock (reno/demon) and Mage would be some other classes that might be interesting to you if you ever get their useful legendaries.

You can't get the same card. Only way you can get the "same" card is if you get the second copy of the card you sent away.

Post pics

I've been playing since beta and I don't have patches. I just really, really profoundly dislike the card, I think it's the worst mistake the devs ever made (which is saying a LOT) and I refuse to use it on some silly principle.

It's such a stupid fucking card holy shit

>I refuse to use it on some silly principle.
Honestly, I might feel bad if this was Mtg and I would play vs friends irl, but since its online and I can basically play while watching a show on Netflix without any problem, its not really a problem for me. But I still get what you mean.

No shit faggot
That's what I was saying

Throw one away
Get the second copy of the same card

What was the last deck you played /hsg/?

murloc paladin

Jaina Banana. You know, going through time with Mulka

Divine Shields Paladin aka Snowball Paladin

Meme hunter. It was a very satisfactory match, the opponent was a golden hunter and got me down to 5 health while he still had over over 20. DK hero power got me an Angry chicken/lifesteal worm that carried me to victory after dealing with a ton of bullshit. Impressive.

Breya Combo EDH

secret mage

Keleseth zoo

I got Bolvar in a pack so I wanted to play divine shield paladin but missing wickerflame feels terrible and I'm not crafting that little shit.

Well, that's my actual situation with the deck. It works anyways in rank 15

when the meme so supreme...

It's incredible how fucking SHITTY the shaman brawl deck is


Tfw king dredd counters quest mage

New meta PogChamp

Yeah I mean one card alone doesn't make or break a deck, not even close. At worst you can always pretend the card was at the bottom of the deck.. always. But you'll always know.

only time it would impact would be for the lovely Corpse lady

try playing the priest deck
Velen into Taldaram without Raza, gg ez

>when you have eye for an eye up against a 1 hp anton mage

With my fucking luck Velen and Raza are going to be at the bottom of the library I fucking hate everything

WITHOUT Raza user

no you don't understand
the priest deck is a machine gun priest that has no Raza at all

>opponent gets the lucky brawls TWICE for the win with 15% odds

fuck sake man this game

Is there another Hearthstone general or what?

Where all doing the SV event

>play murloc paladin
>back and forth with other tier one decks
>queue into rogue
>some kind of elemental deck
>he can barely keep up
>lets me hit for lethal instead of conceding and says well played
im sad


Weapon Rogue.

good card or trash

Have you ever seen anyone play this?
The answer should be obvious.

I fucking lost a match because I randomly stole this garbage card christ.

Nobody could make Explorer's Hat work and this is basically the same card in practice.

Doesn't even looks fun

Why would you even play this card when for a few mana more you can use zombeast

>tfw I was bored on twitch and saw reynad stream
>tried asking him why is he running hemet in razakus, nice and shit, nothing to it
>I'm permanently banned.


That was like the second time I've ever seen the guy live.

Reynad got hacked awhile ago and just straight up banned 90% of twitch

Is there any way to get unbanned?

ask him with a donation
I'm not even joking

He will check your donation and chat history and if you said something to piss him off he won't unban you

Slurg, if you're out there, I need you to draw Abyssal Enforcer

I need it for a friend

Totally not reynad

Well I dont have any money on my cards rn and I've never donated on twitch before so I dont know how it works and whats the mininum.

Oh well, I guess Im banned for a while.

So you guys like radiohead?
ha ha just asking...

you'll find him here eventually discord.gg/2cbARKk

Message Fonjask he's the mod that handles that, I got unbanned before when Reynad banned me personally because it wasn't justified.

who? I cant see him in the chat.

it was bad even before DK Rexxar came out. Now its completely pointless alongside being a steaming pile of shit.

He's not on now. Sometimes an automated message scrolls by telling you to message him if you want to get unbanned.

Found this reddit thread reddit.com/r/reynad/comments/6u1q41/still_banned_in_reynads_chat_comment_here_with/?st=j7l6j14w&sh=03d05488