Can you guys tell me about female sexual liberation and the historical cases where this has happened?
is true when a civilization start to sexually liberate it's females it collapses and that the process is irreversible?
Can you guys tell me about female sexual liberation and the historical cases where this has happened?
is true when a civilization start to sexually liberate it's females it collapses and that the process is irreversible?
I don't speak Spic, what does any of this mean?
what did he mean by this?
how exactly did the number of clitorises grow?
>is true when a civilization start to sexually liberate it's females it collapses and that the process is irreversible?
Veeky Forums logic everyone. Listen to /pol/ and /r9k/ less.
wow, nice argument faggot.
care to elaborate on it?
process being irreversible is completely untrue
most civilization starts matriarchal and becomes more patriarchal as they develop and start to min-max
No, you're retarded.
you can already see the decay process in europe now.
while the surge of female sexually liberation, welfare state and the surge of a feminine male population.
all while having an inmigration problem with people from more barbaric cultures.
good luck europe.
>you can already see the decay process in europe now.
>while the surge of female sexually liberation, welfare state and the surge of a feminine male population.
>all while having an inmigration problem with people from more barbaric cultures.
whats that smell?
*sniffs some more*
HOLY FUCK, what is that smell?
*keeps sniffing*
could... could it be?
*sniffs so much I snort*
really, could it truly be?
*sniffs one more time*
a shitpost?
>Can you guys tell me about female sexual liberation and the historical cases where this has happened?
Sure, both started in the 1960s.
>is true when a civilization start to sexually liberate it's females it collapses and that the process is irreversible?
Maybe. It never happened before.
>most civilization starts matriarchal
Total bull
>becomes more patriarchal as they develop and start to min-max
The variation of the distribution of power in the relation between the sexes does not follow a linear trend in one specific direction.
>never happened before
I'm aware it happened in the roman collapse.
Well, you are wrong.
Women are mindless sex fiends they cant be monogamous thus overtime destroy the very meaning of the family unit.
>Oh sorry dear I fucked Todd but I love you sweety
So giving women complete sexual freedom destroys society.
I know right
FUCK roasties and FUCK chads
women can't choose their partners, they should be going for supreme gentlemen like me
>brb enjoying my future in my country that has only 4 million natives at best and a little over a million foreigners.
>Is it true when people don't like my values civilization collapses?
No, that's an extraordinary causal claim pulled straight out of your ass. History doesn't work that way, nor does historiography. You might as well have asked Veeky Forums whether masturbation makes your palms hairy.
Shut up bitch, the problem is women are not monogamous they will whore on even Chads if Hollywood is anything to see where women cheat on genetically prime male specimen all the fucking time sometimes with dudes less attractive to them.
>he gets his opinion of women from pedowood
holy kek
is a well known fact women gravitate towards the top 20% of males.
good luck having a society where only the top 20% of males get to fuck girls.
Shut up already.
>is a well known fact women gravitate towards the top 20% of males.
Except it isn't.
pulling stats out of your arse may fly at r9k, but it doesn't here
Muh dik isnt the reason why women having sexual freedom is bad its because they destroy the family unit in favor of penis 24/7 they are devolving human social units back to the stone age when husband and wife didnt even exist and it was just the guys raping girls and never raising their kids.Without the family unit a stable society cannot flourish even imbeciles like blacks had family units in their ancient kingdoms.
>the reason I am not getting any meaningful relationship is because society is collapsing
Could you be any more self-centred?
women have a reproductive success rate of 80% while males have only a reproductive success rate of 40% with the top 20% getting the more girls.
>but I don't know biology
usually it does
care to name one that doesn't?
I am sorry you didn't get to be 40%, user.
That's french you retard.
female sexual repression is the basics of social contract to ensure the majority of males have at least one female to reproduce.
female sexual liberation destroy this social contract.
I'm not white nor from a white country.
Stop projecting because nor my race nor my culture nor my civilization is the one collapsing faggot.
projecting much?
God has /r9k/ started to shitpost here too?
A woman's entire life is all about sucking penis, they spend their lives doing nothing but finding new ways to acquire dick, they have no meaning nor long term ambition beyond swallowing semen.
Any dude with a rational mind can clearly see there is no concept of END in a woman's head meaning they wont ever stop being sluts thus allowing them to control over family units is retarded because they will destroy them with their whoring around.
>Rome was more sexually liberal than Greece
>Rome conquers Greece anyways
so much for family values
Seems like it never worked.
They've been here a while. Veeky Forums and /pol/ blew each other out, and then /r9k/ swept in like the Arabs against the Byzantines and Sassanids.
Rome conquered due to its men having better military force and logistics user.
For the non-frogs here, these graphs are showing the usage of words in different languages (blue: French, red: English, black: German, orange: Spanish. green: Italian, light blue: Hebrew, purple: Russian, brown: Japanese) in literature over time.
The first graph is sex, the second is sexuality, the third is various terms for prostitute, the fourth is clitoris, the fifth is orgasm, the sixth is various terms for erotic, the seventh is sexiness, the eighth is sexism, the ninth is orgasmic.
>being this new
like I said, only the top 20% of males have great reproductive sucess leaving the vast majority of kids while the majority of males don't reproduce or have few kids.
but their women having more rights should've hindered them according to this thread.
Why hasn't it?
Europe has a better military and logistics than the middle east.
Whaat haappeened!!! Can you explain that huh?
>women had more rights in Europe in the 19th and 20th century than the rest of the world
>Europe conquers world
where's your god now huh?
While economically its good Europe is a shithole due to women being free, look at the bullshit women being free has caused.
The islamist only problem is they havent dealt with the many psychopaths in their genepool that cause constant crime in their countries but Islam is pretty civilized religion.
>I don't know about the diferent stages of a cilization cycle
Due to men not women stupid bitch, the white woman on its own would live in a more primtiive state thatn african blacks because even african black males did things while the white woman has DONE NOTHING.
history is one of class struggles
women are class antagonistic to men and vice versa
There are pretty much no matriarchal human societies. They may be very patriarchal or very egalitarian but they never be as egalitarian as they can be patriarchal. There are no socities where the mater's authority overrides the pater's.
Georgian aristocrats were more sexually liberated than Victorian aristocrats. And they became again more sexually liberal after the Victorian era. So you see ups and downs.
>Due to men not women stupid bitch
OP said that civilizations only goes into the decadence part of the cycle when they start giving when liberties but the west took over the world when they started doing that.
but OP said the process is irreversible
so there is no "ups and downs"
you don't "deserve" nor are you "entitled" to have sex with women. you earn it.
I'd argue that people are entitled to sex, but no one is obligated to give it to them.
nigger I don't speak frog language. If I asked you what you had for dinner last night you wouldn't reply in Cantonese would you?
This is so fucking depressing