/dg/ Destiny General - Bathers Edition
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first for fuck the dogs
Leak: The Emissary of the Nine is the Exo Stranger.
Just got the sunshot through RNGrams. Someone redpill me on this and why it's supposedly so good because I've never really used Hand Cannons.
Anyone raiding tonight?
can you turn oornaments on and off like destiny 1 or are they one use now like shaders?
Fifth for Xur's tentacles
We are 5/6 at Calus. Somebody get in here and kill this gluttonous faggot with us.
when are alpha team doing raid carries?
Raid is trash
I am if you want to do it blind with my friends.
Any room in Band of XBowners?
how do we fix crucible
Calus did nothing wrong dude just want to party and fuck big booty bitches
Those autistic war babbies ruin everything
>scrolling through my old screenshots
>find this one of two close friends of mine after our first Lighthouse victory
Man, it was a bitch getting HUDless screenshot back then
Post nostalgia
Anyone up for some cru cru?
Send your PSN
I call first in line if and when they start raid carries
PSN is Anedime, I'm light level 290 titan but I've not done the raid so you'll have to give me a quick rundown.
I have way too many screenshots like that. Comfy.
>decryption can break your heart
why is rahool alive?
>when le fat meme man launches you into a wall, killing you instantly
>statistics show that ps4 user has smaller penises then PC users
Well how bout that? Guess im getting D2 for the PC
Anyone have a conduit key and wants to open the chest? Need help killing the last watcher
Wait I meant to post this, that's a good meme doe
>tfw your ps4 with all of your year 1 screenshots and video clips broke
>Calus down to half of his last bar and wiped
This. I used to get hatemail from people with the no land beyond in year one before the sniper nerf. I could have made a god damn montage from the multikills I got. All of it lost due to a faulty HDMI port.
I own a PS4 and have an 11-inch penis
I remember coming in around 5th in the thread. Team /l/osers pulled it off.
That would cause eternal bleeding for a woman user
Best planet for farming public events on xbone?
t. dicklet
I'd like to join a blind run. I haven't seen anything of the raid aside from the front door. When do you guys intend on starting?
Could I get an invite to any of the ps4 clans with open spots?
its EDZ for every platform
You can use your computer to click each link and join an empty one you fucking lazy faggot
Turn on/off
He is the immortal manifestation of all disappointment. Born from the dread and dispair of a Cro-Magnon hunting party dooming their families to a cold, slow death and their long, empty journey back home bearing their failure, he has relished in his purpose in life throughout history. He sustains himself by drinking the tears of young mothers who miscarry, and feasting on the corpses of those who risked all for their dreams and failed.
He almost grew bored during the Dark Age, although the Collapse certainly saw him fed for a while. When Guardians appeared and found the engrams, he saw an opportunity in their hope.
Fouding the Cryptarchy, much like Oryx he set up a system of tithed dissapointment, from the lowest researcher who hits a dead end in their pursuit of Golden Age tech to make life easier, to the Guardian fresh from the fight, hoping to take new weapons to meet the enemy.
He shall exist for as long as Humanity does, for the feeling of disappointment is always just around the corner.
based yuros
I really fuckin hate this "use the Bungie website for matchmaking and clans" bullshit. It's literally current year and they are more outdated than Nintendo.
>bring it back to 6v6 (4v4 is fine for """competitive""")
>bring back playlists
>make maps not shit
>custom games(pretty obvious they're going to release this again sometime in the future as "new content")
Amazing that the company that made Halo has fallen so far when it comes to this shit. Right now pvp boils down to, trail behind your team and use them as bait for the inevitable team shot stand off.
On a positive note, I kind of like that they powered down supers so that you at least stand a chance with team coordination or shut down with a power weapon. Having two D1 primary's and turning specials into heavies was also a fine compromise imo.
Was he involved in the making of the leviathan raid too?
As soon as we get a group. We're at 5 now if you want to join we can start.
Where is the ding dong diddly destiny discord
Rahool is my boy, lads. He gave me TLW and the Ram.
Ives was the tard who gave me the Glasshouse 5 times in a row and Tyra never gives me anything special.
>when the shitter of the group tries to get everyone to do his dumbfuck plan and it works
What the fuck.
Halo was worse at this, nostalgiafriend.
Must you even ask? It has his mark all over it. The grand entrance, the idea of battling to stop a machine that eats planets. The golden architecture, the ceremony. All that excitement for overly complex puzzles and a boss fight.
you were the shitter all along
Agreed. I just want normal fucking matchmaking for everything. My friends don't play this because they hated the first one, so I never even got to play any of the raids in that. I bought this one because they said this one would finally have matchmaking but here I am, screwed again because it doesn't.
Post Warlocks
Titans don't lead the way this time
Looking for a raid group
PSN zendaoh
Ah sorry I need to bring my friend along, thanks for the offer tho.
I just got sweet business, is it any good?
I miss thunderlord
Nice Dress. Post Titans.
>hurr fuck da city, only chumps live there, the boondocks are the best
>look at me im great cos i been living outside without the light
>teehee that dark forest is tainted, good luck dyin there guardian
>fuck you guardian for wanting to take down Ghaul and taking back the city, why won't you stay my farm with me
>pfft, you mean you didn't know about this secret entrance to your own city?
>hurr what's with guardians always falling down
>i-its not like i like living in the c-city or anything! ikora persuaded me!
Why is Hawthorne even a thing?
It's safe to assume that pulse grenade is the best one for stormcallers, correct?
Fuck yeah it is. It's a rape machine in Crucible. My go to auto rifle. Takes a bit of getting used to the timing though since like a minigun it has to wind up a few seconds first.
She's fucking terrible, everyone knows.
Didn't realize this, I've been browsing the thread on mobile and the links didn't show that option, thanks
Cool gay collar, faggot.
Hunter supremacy as usual.
stronk independent woman
I miss MGs in general
and my fucking ruin wings
>everyone on lfg only taking 290+ for calus
>everyone on destiny group finder for xbox only taking 290+ for calus
So is Holliday and Sloane, but thye didn't get on my nerves.
I do this in rainbow six a lot
a lot
So what the fuck controls your decryption level? I'm 287 and my gear was decrypting at 278 for a while, but then it suddenly became 277.
My buddy is 289 but his items are decrypting at 281.
What gives?
Beat the raid today,loving you his new chest piece.
>wanted to raid to get cool new gear
>it all looks gaudy as shit
At this point i dont know if i want to run it even for Acrius.
Also this all this puzzle shit looks kinda unfun.
Anyone at Calus? My fire team tried twice before it fell apart soon after. 274 Titan btw.
Nice petticoat faggot
Any Xboners want to raid?
Literally makes no sense why half the NPC vendors are like "I love our new totally undefended shithole farm base, it's literally perfect!" whenever you walk around there but then immediately everyone except for the one engram decoder woman moves back to the Tower in the end and pretends like the farm never existed.
Sloane's ugly ass hair makes me angry when I look at it.
The raid sucks,after 16 cumulative hours starting form yesterday and today, I don't wanna replay it, but the loot is too good so fuck me right?
lfg calus, lock 287
>he doesn't keep it the100.io
It's almost like you love spending an hour trying to find a group of shitters
>Hakke guns look fucking amazing due to being modeled after modern guns, but none are truly great performance-wise except Disrespectful Stare, don't talk shit bout my raifu
>Hakke doesn't make any energy weapons; only Kinetic and Power
>Veist/Suros/Omolon guns look either like Mass Effect clones or straight up hot garbage but perform amazingly
Send help
I just want to use normal guns, but my only options are space squirt guns or guns built from the physical manifestation of edgy teenage fanfics
anybody want to raid? 280ish light
I'm going in blind if it matters
>I just want to use normal guns
Why are you even playing Destiny?
Any crucru boys looking to play
Is it even possible to make an attractive female guardian in this game
You all suck
Use the vanguard weapons?
>using guns at all
Why are you even playing Destiny?
Ever sniff your fingers after rubbing your belly button?
You must be retarded if you think you're getting a carry.
good thing she is a he
For the roleplay of "regular guy trying to survive in magical world"
I like the idea of Hunters because of this
>I'm a warlock, and I can harness the power of Void Light to decimate my foes!
>I'm a titan, and I empower my fists with Arc energy to plow my way through the battlefield!
>I'm a hunter, and I've got a gun. I dunno, it works.
Just the idea that Hive gods, Cabal emperors, Siva-empowered Fallen, and time-altering space robots have all fallen at the hands of a disgruntled guy toting a 21-st century firearm and nothing else tickles me inside
Flash and Thunder seems like a cool grenade launcher but the status effects seem to do fuck all
Say that to Uriels Gift irl and not online and see what happens
I used that for a while. It's basically just a few second long flashbang effect in addition to the damage.
Is it just me or is Graviton Lance's damage just really poor?
Hunters are just fucking autists m8. They can't go more than a day staying at the tower and prefer nature to talking to people