>The industrial revolution was not a mistake
The industrial revolution was not a mistake
Other urls found in this thread:
>the agricultural revolution wasn't a mistake
>The Fench Revolution wasn't a mistake
>Absolute Monarchism was the ideal form of governship
It was, you fucking "New Atheism" fedora-tipping faggot
>discovering the New World wasn't a mistake
>CC discovered it
>consciousness wasn't a mistake
>the proterozoic era wasn't a mistake
Mixed-up kids getting high on oxygen, have sex and merge into multicelular organisms. Degeneracy, of course. Life worked just fine for over 3000 millions of years without that shit. Can't wait for this experiment to crash and burn.
All absolute Monarchist I have seen so far seem to have been Atheists themselves.
I actually read a paper about this in school. Did a farmer fuck his wife?
>mfw someone else knows about that theory on Veeky Forums.
consciousness is misery
>check the Wikipedia article on this theory
>start thinking about this mode of thought
>mfw people 5000 years ago may have functioned by an internal "god" telling them where to go
>mfw our mode of thought may not have existed for all of civilization
>the holocaust/ holodomor never happened
>consent of the governed was a good idea
Don't you have a bedtime, kiddo?
literally neither of these happened though
famine affected russia and kazakhstan, not just the Ukrainians who were literally made up by the Soviets in the first place
no evidence of gas chambers or extermination orders
Yes, but the main cause of the agricultural revolution was an arms race. Tribes being forced to settle down and begin farming because they saw their rivals doing it, which allowed their rivals to have increased numbers. As physically healthy and strong as 40 male nomads may be, they'll still get their asses kicked by 200 weak and sedentary manlets when the war season comes.
Source: me
No it was targeted against Ukrainian areas. Caucusus famines were pussy shit and killed no one.
Aryan expansion disproves this.
>no evidence of gas chambers or extermination orders
Yeah, except there specific evidence for both outside your stormfront you imbecile. Read a book.
>inb4 a macro
The holocaust created 6000 tons of phosphate which they just dumped in a pond or whatever
What does that even mean?
>He types into his mass produced technological device
>Eichmann and Himmler are both on tape talking about the genocide
>literally 100s of war diaries/Feldpostbriefe describing the murders
>order signed by Hitler to exterminate handicapped people
>archeological evidence
>hurr durr where is le evidence
>implying space was sparse
It means that you have to hide like the annual national consumption of phosphate somewhere
B-but obviously all evidence is faked!
You just repeated what you said before and 4 days ago: Where the fuck does that number come from? What the fuck has phosphate to do with the holocaust? Also you can use phosphate for a lot of shit. No idea why anyone would try to hide it in war times.
pro tip: If you want to have an actual discussion try to form an argument based on empirical evidence and research. Autistically repeating yourself won't help.
It's just obvious man. Make the holocaust work and make sense
i dont get sometimes why stormfags try so hard to deny the holocaust if they hate jews, why arent they proud that it happened?
Unabomber pls go
>all of human history is built upon constant innovation and reducing the pain of hard labor
>"lol we just need to go back to da forest :)"
Enjoy your lack of penicillin
>Veeky Forums wasn't a mistake